View Full Version : Complaints
- D:<
- how many admins?
- Certain Users
- Uhh bxi guy?
- the goose
- HOLY SHIT!1!shift1
- Abusing and verbal from an admin
- Acid Fries.
- nigger untouchable y u so mad
- <3™ / 420 eva day | ??? Abusing his admin powers
- -??-HÈS??23 (No Eyez)|?sF banning me for rocks
- Soo..
- ........................
- Soooo..
- oh god
- Server hacker/Admin abuse.
- Paul - KSF
- Penor
- fsk |Kc!T - Worst admin I've ever seen in my whole life.
- Pi Pi abusing admin.
- Acid Fries - Admin Abuse #2
- Acid Fries Bannd me again...
- Why does Acid Fries even have admin?
- ?? | ??y??z™ aimbotting and every other possible hack
- 420 eva day admin abuse
- Paul
- WhitePower/Posiden
- Annoying sounds in Surf Time server
- deemun
- Skar's love to lody.
- Map votes
- ownd abusing admin
- DigitalTerrorist| ??? Abusing Admin
- digitalterrorist is abuser
- DigitalTerrorist| ??? Abusing Admin... Again...
- Digital terriost abusing again
- digital terrorist abusing again..
- Even more abuse from DigitalTerrorist| ???
- Obligatory Digitalterrorist abuse thread
- digital terrorist is a raving lunatic of an admin!!!11!1!11
- dijital terrist mor lyk dijital abusa
- Digital Terrorist Abooooose!!!
- .#d0wNbRiNg3r^ asshole!
- Victoria and his small penis
- Random Ban???
- Forum Activity & Tryouts
- Control your admins
- verybadboat
- juissi is a bad admin
- a little question/complain
- cry
- Admin Abuse (Deadeye)
- Admin Abuse (Deadeye) Again, it seems
- Hi
- VRY IMPTNT - Official complaint
- Digital Fagitist countinuous Admin abuse.
- Someone? Abuse
- Regarding uncharming sprays.
- Regarding uncharming threads.
- Official surf_kz_mix_journeys Termination Thread
- Jay |KSF admin abuse
- Unjustified muting - admin abuse
- Muted + Gagged for being "Sarcastic"
- rooster trail complaint
- Jay admin abusing again??
- Server currently behind current CS version
- Random Bans
- slaraka hldj spam
- 420@@u _ksf ADmin Abuse
- GainesWorthy
- Esencia
- V.I.P.'s
- Escencia
- admin abuse
- Maffe is on fire
- Ban request on .KODIAK.
- Ban request on .KODIAK. (More complaints)
- Jay admin abuse
- admin abuse
- jay
- Just came to say hello.
- Server Add-ons
- why does kodiak have immunity again?
- Admin Abuse
- WRCP On surf_jenocide
- Brax banned me
- n00ge Admin Abuse.
- dis one guy deadye
- Fuck this nigga Tioga
- Sacred banned me 1 hour
- jiveturkey - Abuse of VIP Mute
- what is wrong with this world?
- "KimJung-un" cancelled extend votes
- Ricky pro admin abuser.
- KSF: No fun allowed
- jay = worst ksf member
- Get rid of this Abronymous kid
- Mia / BanSacred something
- Jiiive is abusing
- Cookie Gag Abuse and Racist Remarks.
- Visions gag abuse
- I am a raging faggot
- Ban abuse
- I've never seen such an attrocious amount of admin abuse.
- "therapist" admin abuse
- Sweetie Belle VIP Abuse
- Surf_communebeta11 complaint
- Gallary of Abusive VIPs
- "Jack" Which i'm not 100% sure but i think is Kodiak
- Can something be done about all the stupid bind spam
- reimufag admin abuse
- Ban Appeal?
- VIP Gag Abuse
- Bind Spam
- Surf_frequency_njv bhop report
- Surf_perforated_restored bhop report
- VIps abusing power
- VIPs still abusing
- Abuse
- VIP Fun Times
- Block Communication Not Working
- Wow
- Wow
- [Request] Abusive VIPs CAROLINE, NOSH
- Vip and admin abuse
- VIP Abuse, mad users everywhere.
- Nosh VIP Abuse
- [Request] Rule 11 broken. KSF AU
- Anonymous being ignorant and banning me for no reason
- Nosh VIP Abuse (AGAIN)
- Cheating?
- Complaint Guidelines
- DrewsNY - VIP Abuse Report
- [Request] Ban request on spar.
- Insulted by "HFInsidious" and "hodgy daddy"
- Acusing
- Gagged and insulted by "seb"
- Very funny dude spamming earthquake sound on surf_qlimax
- - vip paint abuse -
- Not the warmest welcome
- Vip Abuse
- Vip Abuse!
- [Help] Complait
- Nowlech abusing his powers
- Css Surf Timer Admin Abuse Report (Flak-sama)
- EG drakuly VIP abuser
- Unwarranted voteban on surf server
- [Request] Unwarrented Trolls abusing !voteban command
- surf_canisius2_fix s3 wrcp
- Admin abuse [ Kalle | ksf ]
- admin abuse
- Brax | ksf
- [Request] Admin Abuse: Fluffys
- general issue+player(s) complaint
- [Request] VIP "Toasty" or "" complaint
- VIP rtv's on Vet server during WR run
- VIP vote abuse by awiilz
- Admin Abuse | Lamar
- DDOSER in Easy (1-2) server
- CSS: surf_ace s1,2 time deleted
- Matt vip abuse
- Abuse of Pandanonymous
- skip tracer uses surf bots
- Nyannix admin abusing
- Admin abuse. Mistresz
- Bad Behaviour
- User spamming paint all over the map
- CS:GO Server Community
- VIP perm removal and Sunday VIP perm abuse
- Morning, Synki, Skandy, Campaign Manger whoever the fuck this bitch is
- Nowlech Admin Abuse
- !makezone is broken
- Remove radio commands
- Nyannix admin abuse
- Synki Admin Abuse #2
- Can we fix this?
- Stevo Admin Abuse
- Skandy Abusing
- Skandy Abusing#2
- Skandy Abusing #3
- Skandy Abuse #4
- Synki Admin Abuse #3
- Synki Admin Abuse #4
- Synkie Abuse #5
- /p not showing all maps
- Vip setnext abuse on europe server
- Someone crashing the server on purpose
- kusche admin abuse
- surf_kz_mix_journeys b3 not able to be completed
- [Games] Mr.Ecyy vip abuse
- VIP being retarded on Expert
- Neph banned/kicked/muted me for calling him a knob?
- hating synki
- [Help] Synki..................... of course
- Negan abusing VIP
- FakeIronman - Gagging
- Dear vips :)
- Admin Abuse from demon, stevo and kusche
- kusche admin abuse
- Stevo admin abuse
- false reports by crash fort
- Nyansa, the guy who trashtalks everybody and gets people banned instead of him.
- Boo-Americano Admin abuse
- stevo out of control ? or maybe just full retard.
- VIP Abuse from realnev136
- Nev abuses again!
- nea vip abuse ambutes admin abuse
- pls stop abuzers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Kusche gagging me every time I join
- Synki
- complaine admin abuse
- Sunday complain
- Synki and his friends with ban power
- Wrong Forum - Please Delete
- Ňot abusing gag
- Pitbull abuse
- [Request] Ban the toxic immature guy called Orson please.
- [Suspicious] Kamyl
- Admin Abuse
- stevo constant admin abuse
- Blink
- Admin/VIP Abuse
- Racist players
- Please delete my time
- Admin muted me for no reason
- Surf Admin abuse, keep calling vote to change map
- Time removed for no reason?
- Sacred unjustly deleting my wrcp
- [Question] why do you ban people so easily ?
- looksperfectu
- [Help] xen did stage 1 surf_zbig_ksf with lags, when server was broken
- 2 players 1 VIP muted by VIP for invalid reason
- 3rd party client use
- Got told to kill myself then muted
- lost points on 100t
- Switching my scores mistake
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