View Full Version : I've never seen such an attrocious amount of admin abuse.
01-28-2014, 08:54 PM
"The all Father" (STEAM_1:0:63111034) has not only been repeatedly talking trash and calling everyone a faggot, but he repeatedly silences *everyone* that disagrees with him. Infact; he muted me when I said "God forbid you type voice_enable 0" after he went on some angry rage over people talking.
On top of that; he's had the entire rookie server silenced and gagged for the past 20 minutes (and he keeps spamming silence @all whenever someone new joins) because we went to a map he doesn't like which he immediately extended as soon as the map started just to spite everyone else.
He keeps threatening to ban anyone that talks back to him or reconnects even though he's made it pretty apparent he doesn't have that power, he keeps calling everyone "retarded faggots" and "stupid children" for voting for the map, and he keep saying "go ahead and report me"
" ??? ??? ??†??? : lol no one wil surf here nay more
??? ??? ??†??? : right where wil they go kiddo
??? ??? ??†??? : gg contunusly rektd ur self"
" ??? ??? ??†??? : hince why its bene on silcen all mode all day"
" ??? ??? ??†??? : admin abuse
??? ??? ??†??? : all my regulars will back me up for muting u retards for constant mic spam
??? ??? ??†??? : gg
Viper1996tat connected.
Viper1996tat (STEAM_1:1:49335756) connected from United States
??? ??? ??†??? : and no one wil lgive a fly fuck
??? ??? ??†??? : at all
??? ??? ??†??? : so have fun wasteing ur time"
" [Rookie] Swissy : Admin abuse is incredible in this server
??? ??? ??†??? : !silence Swissy"
I've never seen such a disgusting amount of abuse. He gets power mad whenever someone disagrees with him and repeatedly mutes people saying "if you want to chat go talk on msn or skype."
Edit: I should probably mention that nobody was spamming or flooding, it was just a voip conversation taking place between maybe 4-7 people. Not a single person complained or asked them to stop.
I should probably also mention another fun note - He bitched and moaned about how the map was "unbeatable" until someone beat it. And then he changed it to "It's impossible to get the world record" until carsy broke the WR. Twice.
01-28-2014, 09:09 PM
was getting constant complaints to mute you kids. for spamming on the mic. spam aint just screeching sounds u kids were being insanely annoying talking about dumb shit people wer complaining couldnt talk about naythign surf cuz u jackasses talking about stupid shit
01-28-2014, 09:17 PM
and about the map carsy even told u the wr path is broken gg cry moar. and i had to use !silence All because of u spammers rejoing to bypass the silence just like swissy did. constantly flaming on the microphone . and its quite hilaarious u only copy n paste my comments and not all the shit talk u kids wer saying. gg dat . like i said u and ur group was silence for mic spam after i had got sevreal complaints to shut u kids the fuck up. u all repetadly rejoin to bypass the mute sytem inflicting the silence ALL . second time in 1 day group of people constnatly rejoing spamming mics. take it how u want tho i could careless im the only one ever mutting the constnant mic spamers and flamming trolls we have in the cs go server witch is constantly a problem day in and day out it goes on. i let it slide until i get messages and complaints. if that aint the way to do it then yup guess i am soooooooo abusive. gg trolls n there 1 sided storys.
01-28-2014, 09:28 PM
First of all; your English is fucking atrocious. It took me far too long to decipher that garbled shit you just spewed.
Second of all; not a single person in game said a single thing about people talking. Nobody was spamming, people were just talking and having generic conversations. And my comment still stands; it's very easy to individually mute people or just type voice_enable 0 in console.
Still though; you we're the only one bitching and complaining about people talking. IN FACT; You said the reason you muted everyone was because "You tried to warn us retarded kids that the map was broken but we wouldn't shut the fuck up"
But that's ok; change your story up when the rest of the KSF community can read the bullshit you spew.
I should probably also mention that the first person I saw you mute (before you repeatedly muted everybody), you muted because he asked where to go on a specific stage more than once and you got mad because he didn't spectate you to find out. But if you want to attribute him asking a question every minute 3 or 4 times (give or take) to "mic spamming" then be my guest.
01-28-2014, 09:38 PM
I was there, 4 people joined the server repeatedly mic spamming with loud obnoxious sounds. All Father would mute them after several people would complain, they would leave and then rejoin and begin spamming again. I can also assure you that All Father did not call any names and while he does occasionally berate people for complaining about the map he would not say those things. All Father had to resort to repeatedly muting everybody as at one point he could only keep up with having 2 of them muted at a time, letting the other two ruin the ears of actual players. This is standard trolling for them to come here and attempt to get the admin who, in my opinion handled the situation as best as he could, banned, making it out to seem as though he is the bad guy.
They call me queer
01-28-2014, 09:45 PM
ksf admins have gone soft. I think the beating they tried to give me wore them down.
01-28-2014, 09:48 PM
its all good please remove my silence abilities im done with trying to help the server out to only be made out to be the bad guy . let it return to the flamming cess pool of trolls and mic spam it was before i started silenceing people. voice_enable 0 and !hidechat still works . thats good enough for me. gg.
01-28-2014, 09:54 PM
I was there, 4 people joined the server repeatedly mic spamming with loud obnoxious sounds. All Father would mute them after several people would complain, they would leave and then rejoin and begin spamming again. I can also assure you that All Father did not call any names and while he does occasionally berate people for complaining about the map he would not say those things. All Father had to resort to repeatedly muting everybody as at one point he could only keep up with having 2 of them muted at a time, letting the other two ruin the ears of actual players. This is standard trolling for them to come here and attempt to get the admin who, in my opinion handled the situation as best as he could, banned, making it out to seem as though he is the bad guy.
This post is 90% bullshit. I was in the server 10 minutes ago when he asked you to come to the forum and lie through your teeth about what happened. A) Nobody was spamming "loud obnoxious sounds". B) Nobody complained about anything. C) He definitely repeatedly called people names and talked trash. You even get a hint of it in his forum post. And finally D) "Making it out to seem as though he is the bad guy." Were we in completely different servers? half the people in the server at the time was bitching about All Father abusing silence like there's no tomorrow.
All it would take is half the people in the server at the time to be aware of the ksf forums and comment on what was said/done instead of one regular that's his friend backing him up.
01-28-2014, 10:08 PM
there wer plenty of people there earlier when mic spammers wer rejoing constantly , but yeah lies. and all that. blah bla blah. who gives a a flying fuck pussy. if u wer in the server surfing like its ment to be and not chatting like bunch of bitchy lil girls u wouldnt haev got silenced in the first place. gg scrub l2s and QQ moar
01-28-2014, 10:10 PM
keep crying kiddo u all deserved the silence and i would do it again anytime. people has messaged me privatly complaining about ur pussy pack whinening on the mic's so i done what needed be. its ok tho keep crying lil girl .
01-28-2014, 10:17 PM
I can also assure you that All Father did not call any names and while he does occasionally berate people for complaining about the map he would not say those things.
"complaining about ur pussy pack whinening on the mic's"
"its ok tho keep crying lil girl ."
"who gives a a flying fuck pussy."
"chatting like bunch of bitchy lil girls"
"gg scrub l2s"
01-28-2014, 10:20 PM
yup cuz im usally a nice guy who does nothign but help. and i normally wouldnt say those things. but all day long its been cosntant rejoining mic spammers and just tired of it. so id rather speak my mind and tell it how it is. u wer being annyoing on the mic like whiney lil bitchs gg .
Cthulu V2
01-28-2014, 10:50 PM
Chicken, i can't even fucking understand what you type half the time...
But from what i could understand of this post, and by the general attitude of the people talking i've come to the conclusion that you're in the wrong.
You said multiple times that they were talking on the mic about "randm shit nobody cares about" which is in now way spam, and you simply assumed stating nobody cares about it is a good reason to mute.
Spamming is a repetitive, and annoying sound, song, or other. Casual talking is completely different.
When you decide to silence a person with completely false pretenses, and they silence evade, that in no way gives you the right to silence an entire server. From what I've read you even silenced people not participating in this alleged "spam" which was very clearly a civilized conversation between surfers.
Maybe if you had treated this thread with respect, Me and others would think you're actually telling the truth, but you have done nothing but mindlessly swear, insult without reason, and deny all allegations while contradicting yourself.
If you really think you're going to keep VIP after this, you're really not a very bright person.
01-28-2014, 10:55 PM
gg beleive one troll more plz ty
01-28-2014, 11:00 PM
did not realize i was on the carebear fourms so sorry for useing curse words and not bein the nicest person rofl who gives a flying fuck like i said remove my powers i could careless . only started useing them cuz the server is constantly full of spamming and flamers and constant trolling. hope everyone enjoys going back to that. gg
They call me queer
01-28-2014, 11:08 PM
I can tell you're new here.
01-28-2014, 11:34 PM
confirmed hes just a troll with the spam squad who done nothiing all day long but spam on the mic and constnatly rejoin . cuz soon as my powers removed his freinds returns they buddy budyd up and start to spam constnatly wiht music and screehing shit. . but like i said i could not give 2 fucks hope everyone enjoys that spam
01-29-2014, 12:13 AM
confirmed hes just a troll with the spam squad who done nothiing all day long but spam on the mic and constnatly rejoin . cuz soon as my powers removed his freinds returns they buddy budyd up and start to spam constnatly wiht music and screehing shit. . but like i said i could not give 2 fucks hope everyone enjoys that spam
This honestly blows me away. First of all, I joined sometime late this afternoon with Jrex; the only person you actually unmuted (and then muted again shortly afterwards) because he got a pb on the map you extended and muted everyone on. Second of all; I was in and out of the server long before and after the spammers had their 5 minutes of flooding. In no way was I part of that.
I've been surfing in the KSF servers ever since evolv started up the first one on CSS. Admittedly I haven't been very active with surfing, but I sure as shit haven't been spamming or trolling for all these years.
But that's ok; if you think the world is out to get you and you've done nothing wrong that's fine by me. I wouldn't want to run the risk of bruising your redneck ego anyway. Just continue to talk trash and cry in game about how I'm "such a little pussy bitch" and what not.
01-29-2014, 12:37 AM
gg troll stories to stronk
01-29-2014, 01:45 AM
tldr, but i believe that chicken is 1 of the most autistic guy i've ever seen. Ban!!!
01-29-2014, 03:11 AM
tldr, but i believe that chicken is 1 of the most autistic guy i've ever seen. Ban!!!
01-29-2014, 07:23 AM
After reading this thread i can hands down agree with this.
tldr, but i believe that chicken is 1 of the most autistic guy i've ever seen. Ban!!!
01-29-2014, 07:40 AM
gg beleive this troll more.
01-29-2014, 08:16 AM
You can look at my thread posted about the same tool bag. Broken as fuck English if you can call it English, calls everyone trolls and mic spammers. He's a douche along with the rest of the crew.
01-29-2014, 09:54 AM
This is just getting out of hand (Just going to say taf for short).
I'm a regular on the KSF GO (IGN: Hoot Hoot, Woot Woot, I'm Just an Owl) servers and never did I think that in the grand scheme of things, he was being unfair.
Even if he might not express what he's trying to say well, the underlying message is clear.
The number of trolls in GO especially in the easy servers is ridiculous and it's easy to see why they're called trolls. They start spamming music or screaming into their mic the second they come in the surf server, taf silences them, as soon as map changes they continue to scream and play music. Casual conversation? I have casual conversations all the time on the surf server, I use mic openly to talk about other games, how my day went or whatever's on my mind and I never got silenced before.
Probably because i'm being civil? Most of these people come on the server than automatically start being blatantly obnoxious and they are the people who get silenced.
Of course he's pissed right now and getting frustrated, the one guy who cared about building a community on the KSF servers is always being hated on by these NO NAMES who come join the server for one day and come back just to troll him again.
I left OG to the KSF servers to actually surf and not deal with people like that.
You guys got it all wrong if you think that he's the one whose going on a power trip, if anyone has to deal with the amount of shit that he gets tossed daily we would all react the same way.
These "new" surfers who join and made an account just to complain aren't even going to stay, they can't even beat tier 1's and end up complaining for every map that isn't Utopia.
TAF is the first reasonable regular I met in the KSF servers, he tries to make an environment that's actually pleasant to be in for long periods of time. I've never seen any of the regulars in GO (Not the Hard Surf Regulars - so I can't speak for them) complain about the way he acts.
Don't let the easy surf server go down the pipe again like it was when it first launched.
He's not even an admin and he did a great job of moderating the servers.
01-29-2014, 10:04 AM
This is just getting out of hand (Just going to say taf for short).
I'm a regular on the KSF GO (IGN: Hoot Hoot, Woot Woot, I'm Just an Owl) servers and never did I think that in the grand scheme of things, he was being unfair.
Even if he might not express what he's trying to say well, the underlying message is clear.
The number of trolls in GO especially in the easy servers is ridiculous and it's easy to see why they're called trolls. They start spamming music or screaming into their mic the second they come in the surf server, taf silences them, as soon as map changes they continue to scream and play music. Casual conversation? I have casual conversations all the time on the surf server, I use mic openly to talk about other games, how my day went or whatever's on my mind and I never got silenced before.
Probably because i'm being civil? Most of these people come on the server than automatically start being blatantly obnoxious and they are the people who get silenced.
Of course he's pissed right now and getting frustrated, the one guy who cared about building a community on the KSF servers is always being hated on by these NO NAMES who come join the server for one day and come back just to troll him again.
I left OG to the KSF servers to actually surf and not deal with people like that.
You guys got it all wrong if you think that he's the one whose going on a power trip, if anyone has to deal with the amount of shit that he gets tossed daily we would all react the same way.
These "new" surfers who join and made an account just to complain aren't even going to stay, they can't even beat tier 1's and end up complaining for every map that isn't Utopia.
TAF is the first reasonable regular I met in the KSF servers, he tries to make an environment that's actually pleasant to be in for long periods of time. I've never seen any of the regulars in GO (Not the Hard Surf Regulars - so I can't speak for them) complain about the way he acts.
Don't let the easy surf server go down the pipe again like it was when it first launched.
He's not even an admin and he did a great job of moderating the servers.
1a) Admitted to muting people for having a casual conversation
1b) Nobody was spamming/flooding/screaming/screeching when this was taking place.
2) Admitted to muting the whole server for going to a map he didn't like
3) EXTENDED the map he didn't like just to spite everyone because it's "An unbeatable piece of shit" (WR was broken twice in those 30 minutes.)
4) Has done nothing but spew word vomit and curses from square one.
All it would take is someone to permanently mute/silence/ban the obvious spammers instead of one power hungry redneck going on a rampage muting 30+ people because his tampon is a little bit bloody.
01-29-2014, 10:14 AM
This is just getting out of hand (Just going to say taf for short).
I'm a regular on the KSF GO (IGN: Hoot Hoot, Woot Woot, I'm Just an Owl) servers and never did I think that in the grand scheme of things, he was being unfair.
Even if he might not express what he's trying to say well, the underlying message is clear.
The number of trolls in GO especially in the easy servers is ridiculous and it's easy to see why they're called trolls. They start spamming music or screaming into their mic the second they come in the surf server, taf silences them, as soon as map changes they continue to scream and play music. Casual conversation? I have casual conversations all the time on the surf server, I use mic openly to talk about other games, how my day went or whatever's on my mind and I never got silenced before.
Probably because i'm being civil? Most of these people come on the server than automatically start being blatantly obnoxious and they are the people who get silenced.
Of course he's pissed right now and getting frustrated, the one guy who cared about building a community on the KSF servers is always being hated on by these NO NAMES who come join the server for one day and come back just to troll him again.
I left OG to the KSF servers to actually surf and not deal with people like that.
You guys got it all wrong if you think that he's the one whose going on a power trip, if anyone has to deal with the amount of shit that he gets tossed daily we would all react the same way.
These "new" surfers who join and made an account just to complain aren't even going to stay, they can't even beat tier 1's and end up complaining for every map that isn't Utopia.
TAF is the first reasonable regular I met in the KSF servers, he tries to make an environment that's actually pleasant to be in for long periods of time. I've never seen any of the regulars in GO (Not the Hard Surf Regulars - so I can't speak for them) complain about the way he acts.
Don't let the easy surf server go down the pipe again like it was when it first launched.
He's not even an admin and he did a great job of moderating the servers.
1a) Admitted to muting people for having a casual conversation
1b) Nobody was spamming/flooding/screaming/screeching when this was taking place.
2) Admitted to muting the whole server for going to a map he didn't like
3) EXTENDED the map he didn't like just to spite everyone because it's "An unbeatable piece of shit" (WR was broken twice in those 30 minutes.)
4) Has done nothing but spew word vomit and curses from square one.
All it would take is someone to permanently mute/silence/ban the obvious spammers instead of one power hungry redneck going on a rampage muting 30+ people because his tampon is a little bit bloody.
1a) Casual? Doubt it, talking for 15min+ about something random might be casual but hella annoying.
1b) No comment (edit: cause I wasn't there)
2) Never happened by my experience and i'm positive I've been through WAY more map changes than you.
3) You mean he uses cvote? That is not a democratic decision making tool at all.
4) I guess calling him a "nazi admin, faggot taf, god all father, ****ing **** admin" are all great words too. Is he a punching bag for everyone who treats him that way? Makes a lot of sense, guess you grew up as a bully.
01-29-2014, 10:25 AM
i admitted to none of that. i only muted the whole server when there were about 5 mic spammers rejoing at the same time to bypass silence. yes i used cvote to extend a map that i dont like ? apperntly eveyrone voting to extend is my fault to ? and u complain that i talk to much shit but shit talk me in the same sentence ? ok kid. just as i said before im over this bullshit. i dont want my powers back . i dont want to be the one cleaning up the server its not my job to . i made it a enjoyable enviroment where u could have actual conversation or actually learn to surf for about 2 months. mission accopmlished. now let it go back to the way it was .
PSS. i can agree with the trolling kid on one thing. if someone woulda actually banned/ perma muted the kids rejoining spamming constantly i would have not had to do anything.
01-29-2014, 10:44 AM
What the heck is up with this?
There where 3-4 people who was spamming hig volume shitty sounds which just made the head wanna explode.
The All Father was sitting for 1 and a half map trying to silence the Mic spammers, which where constantly rejoining so the only thing he could do was to sit in spec and constantly muteing the spammers.
when it came to 3-4 guys CONSTANTLY rejoining for about 3-5 maps in a row it get pretty F*CKing annoying so then i gues it was pretty much easyer to silence everybody when they rejoin instead of haveing to type !admin and silence since some of them had names u can't type.
ISN'T there a DEMO site where u could just download the demo from the maps and see for yourself? beacous all father did a fucking great job and now he gets shit.
one of the maps was SURF_ODYSSEY and there you will DEFINITLY see that this thread is PLAIN ASS BULLSHIT
ban the troll who made this thread they destroyed the restof the servers fun for 3-5 maps.
ps. im no new fag on the servers i've been playing here for loong mostly on the css servers before go
01-29-2014, 10:53 AM
Fisk, I'm pretty sure they are not the mic spammers(There were 2-3 on about an hour or two earlier, chicken and the box guy) but the 10ish people who were having a normal conversation on that tier one skill surf map. Can't remember the name of the map.
In my experience, TAF as always done a good job in moderating the server in terms of mic spammers and that. But sometimes... ehhhhhhhhhhhh, he goes a bit overboard on some people who really have done nothing.
01-29-2014, 11:11 AM
ok lets not call what they wer doing mic spamming. since holding ur mic key never letting go constnatly talking about nothing but dumbshit wile people are messageing me asking me to mute the annoying dudes appernlty isnt considered spam ???. and to be clear he was FOR sure with the same group of guys who wer completly flooding the server a few hours earlier. they joined right after he came here n and posted. they wer all talkaing being buddy buddy as they contiuned to flood the server with texts , mic spamm and super shitty soundboards. like i said i dont want my powers back we already see where the server is headed back to its original state. been constant mic spam and people flooding the chat box since ealier today . gg enjoy it ,
01-29-2014, 11:27 AM
I am a faggot.
01-29-2014, 12:03 PM
Oh my.
01-29-2014, 12:11 PM
making it a lil more clear that this is just trolling. during the constant flood and spam last night was plenty of OG is best serv and OG is recruiting go there blah blah tons of OG comments from the trolling mic spammers. making ot more obvoius this is jsut complete trolling. GG
01-29-2014, 12:12 PM
This user has been banned from the server. Enjoy your day.
01-30-2014, 07:35 AM
This user has been banned from the server. Enjoy your day.
chiken or the troller? :p (just wondering)
01-31-2014, 01:03 AM
got some dude (guess it's that steelpillow idiot) masquerading as chickenispro on multiple accs and text-spamming)
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : Buy new GAMERFOOD Radishes of reportmydick
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : #Gamerfood
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : LOL OWNED FAG
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : ~~~ #GAMERFOOD ~~~
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : kid doesnt even eat gamerfood lol kill yourself
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : I'm gonna show you autism when I'm fucking you in the ass #gamerfood
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : not hacking, just using some gamerfood so cry about it
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : #GAMERFOOD goes HARD IN THE PAINT
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : fukken rekt, next time get some gamerfood
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : u need to eat right to be the best, get Gamer Food at
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : w0w r u using gamerfood's tomatos of tears or are you just a whiny faget
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : GamerFood is a radical new development in both food and gaming, the likes of which has never been seen. Gamers, being an offshoot of Homo sapiens have basic needs, and like their weaker breth
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : Currently, the most convenient options for gamers are greasy snack foods and soda that while delicious, leave the consumer feeling bloated and tired. Since no one else was stepping up to the
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : w0w you got 0wned kid maybe you should get some gamerfood
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : Team Gamerfood + myg0t = bffl
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : DONT EAT LIKE A NOOB
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : GET GAMERFOOD
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : Get some Gamer food in yo life
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro :
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : Buy new GAMERFOOD Radishes of reportmydick
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : #Gamerfood
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : LOL OWNED FAG
[Rookie] ChickenlsPro : ~~~ #GAMERFOOD ~~~
edit: in case this kid wipes his name history
This user has also played as:
??? ??? ??†???"s SALTY TAINT KID
??†??? ??†??D
I love god <3
??? ??? ??†???
This user has also played as:
phoon% %
nav% %
General Butt Naked% %
.kaz% %
??? ??? ??†???% %
01-31-2014, 01:45 AM
Yeah I was in the server and that guy came in. Thanks for seeing my post about it....
for the record this was not me. The dude left as soon as I changed my name to "all father".
See my post about banning all father, I commented there explaining the situation.
I have direct reason to believe that it was ChickenIsPro (or the all father).
Who else would log on exactly when I do and change his name 3 times consecutively to match mine, OTHER than the all father...
This kid is the only person on the planet who would care that much to troll like that with 4 people on the server.
(who goes into a server to mic spam for fun with 3 people in the server???)
I was being targeted in a pathetic attempt to try to get a user (like the one who mentions it here) to get me banned in a personal attack....
It is funny, but I am not the culprit.
01-31-2014, 01:48 AM
you can see even now look at the spam accounts name has changed after 5 minutes.
Its a botted account, I dont even know how to do that...
01-31-2014, 01:52 AM
Not only has he created brand new forum accounts that has 1 comment (for the sake of defending himself on these several posts), he created troll steam accounts and actually BOUGHT cs:go to come in there and mimic my name
01-31-2014, 01:53 AM
This is fucking gold
01-31-2014, 04:37 AM
h8rz guna h8 m8
01-31-2014, 07:35 AM
this is all total lies. this is NOT ME this is the same people that were coming in flaming and spamming ther server the same day that i muted u for being a whiney lil bitch steelpillow. they done the exact same thing for 3 hours before u came into the server that day. copying peoples names constant flood about gamerfoods bullshit in the chat. this is what i was talking about . NONE OF THIS BULLSHIT IS ME . but you can contiune to beleive this fucking retard and think that its me while whoever it really is still troling ur servers
01-31-2014, 07:44 AM
lol u can clearly see in the post of his past names that he was copying my name to steel pillow. witch if u read my orignal post on the mic spam/ chat flood i say the guy in there server copying my names and others names in the server flooding constnatly was same guy spamming gamerfood bullshit
but contiune to belive this fucking retard steel pillow who loveeessss ksf community so muhc but has only be tehre 4 times in the past 2weeks when i have been there consntaly more than 8 hours a day for the past month dealing with all the spammers and trollers and helping kids who need help there this kid is total bullshit but its all good contiune belivieing and thinking this is me and ul see it contiunes
02-02-2014, 12:34 PM
tldr, but i believe that chicken is 1 of the most autistic guy i've ever seen. Ban!!!
qft :D
02-04-2014, 08:22 PM
Not only has he created brand new forum accounts that has 1 comment (for the sake of defending himself on these several posts), he created troll steam accounts and actually BOUGHT cs:go to come in there and mimic my name
you actually put a LOT of time in to trying to get all father banned. do you really think he would put all that time in to doing that?
I'm just getting tired of seeing you around here. You should just calm down or go somewhere else mate.
02-09-2014, 12:38 PM
Ive been around on KSF for a while now, and ive seen this steelpillow guy lash out at father for no reason pleanty of times.
But on the other side its also true ive seen father use "bad" language every now and then aswell, but overall i dont think he's been abusing ever really.
Whenever ive seen him gag / mute someone, theres been a reason for it.
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