View Full Version : DigitalTerrorist| ??? Abusing Admin
08-22-2010, 12:45 AM
I would like to say that I enjoy playing on your surf timer server most every day. I just join, play, and rarely talk on my microphone or talk over text chat.
Tonight, I was in the server with DigitalTerrorist... and Demon said something about having to be hot on his game for bhop. I asked if he used space to bhop, and he said that he uses a mix of space and F4 to jump...
I told him that it would be a lot easier to bind mwheeldown to +jump and just scroll down when he was near the platform... Habitat and some others start suggesting that I'm trolling.
After explaining to Demon that scrolling down on my mwheel does, in fact, work we all move on with our lives.
Cellar Dwellar asked me to add him on steam. DigitalTerrorist, over voice chat, tells me that if I talk one more time, I'll be gagged. I tell Cellar "sure" that I'll add him... and Digital gives me "one more warning." I told him that I was just trying to help people. So he precedes to gag me.
whatever... so I'm gagged... I just keep playing...
So then we go to the next map... (I have Digital muted via player list by now, so I can't hear what he says over voice chat)
On the map change, I was automatically ungagged... so I engaged in small talk with a few players.
Digital says that he was just messing with me before, and I tell him that he was muted in my player list, so it didn't matter to me.
Then he says "you mute me, you get mute" then proceeds to re-gag me...
Okay fine... w/e.... I'm gagged... I just keep playing.
I wanted to use some surf timer commands, so I ask Demon over steam chat if he can ungag me...
once Demon unmuted me (not ungagged, but w/e), Digital pulls up his admin list, and bans me...
My console logs will be posted in the first few comments for review.
thanks for your time
08-22-2010, 12:46 AM
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : shok surfs here
[KSF Clan] - Type '!toggletimer' to turn the surf timer on or off.
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : he does occasionally
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : i dont think he plays much
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : one day when i can be fcked
[KSF Clan] - Type 'respawn' to respawn yourself.
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : im takin his tomb rec
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : one day im on fire with bhoppin
與W | Bravesurf : Sveinung
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : you a viking?
[Surf Timer] - Type !videos to view Surf Videos By KSF members
d-_-b Ninjaplz : demon, do you use space to bhop?
[KSF Clan] - Type '!servers' to visit another KSF server. ('bind F3 askconnect_accept' in console if you can't connect)
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : yeh man cause im retarded
與W | Bravesurf : i guess
d-_-b Ninjaplz : bind mwheeldown to +jump
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : i spam space and f4 with both hands
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : to jump
[KSF Clan] - All members please stay active on our forums.
d-_-b Ninjaplz : then just scroll down when you are on the thing
*SPEC* cellar dweller : ninja does dat rly work
*SPEC* blazin-back : !btop
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : they patched it
[KSF Clan] - Donors will recieve a custom text color! Donate at and choosing Skill-Surf
d-_-b Ninjaplz : it works
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : you cant bhop with scroll anymore
d-_-b Ninjaplz : I do it
d-_-b Ninjaplz : watch me
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : lol
[KSF Clan] - Source TV is now Enabled with a 2 minute delay! It is located at
*SPEC* cellar dweller : but
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : that could be space + f4
d-_-b Ninjaplz : all mwheel
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : like i do
d-_-b Ninjaplz : ho
*SPEC* cellar dweller : ur only doin 400 velocity
d-_-b Ninjaplz : no*
g8 connected.
g8 (STEAM_0:1:15606111) connected from Jefferson City, Missouri, United States
d-_-b Ninjaplz : how do I strafe and jump too?
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : wow youre right lol
[KSF Clan] - Source TV is Auto-Recording. For more Info type !tvinfo.
[Surf Timer] - 與W | Bravesurf finished in 08:14.97 (+07:08.40) improving by 06:39.44
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : hes got a plank
*SPEC* cellar dweller : plank2g
[KSF Clan] - Type '!tvinfo' to view Source TV Demo information and how to record videos from the demos.
human_boarman : !bonus
*SPEC* cellar dweller : have you told them the story
human_boarman : !bonus
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : no
*SPEC* cellar dweller : you should
blazin-back suicided.
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : you should
[SM] blazin-back wants to rock the vote. (3 votes, 7 required)
*SPEC* blazin-back : rtv
*SPEC* cellar dweller : you should
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : i cant even remember it
*SPEC* cellar dweller : neither
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : ok well kyle
[Surf Timer] - Comments? Suggestions? Rants? - Post them here!
[Surf Timer] -,25.0.html
ImSuJung : !btop
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : this guy in asutralia made this pedal so he could bhop by pressing it with his foot
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : something like that
DigitalTerrorist| ??? connected.
DigitalTerrorist| ??? (STEAM_0:0:19968976) connected from Fort Smith, Arkansas, United States
*SPEC* cellar dweller : wood plank *
d-_-b Ninjaplz : just use mwheel...
d-_-b Ninjaplz : chill
human_boarman : rtv
[Surf Timer] - Type !info to view all SurfTimer Commands
ImSuJung : !wr
[Surf Timer] - `Kev | ??? holds the record with time: 01:06.56
*SPEC* cellar dweller : ninja can u plz add me on steam
*SPEC* cellar dweller : my acc name is brettshaw44
d-_-b Ninjaplz : sure
d-_-b Ninjaplz : dude, I'm just helping people...
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : !admin
dacklink connected.
dacklink (STEAM_0:1:14320634) connected from Middletown, New York, United States
*SPEC* cellar dweller : no
*SPEC* cellar dweller : add my other acc
[SM] DigitalTerrorist| ???: Gagged d-_-b Ninjaplz.
[Surf Timer] - Type !videos to view Surf Videos By KSF members
[Surf Timer] - 與W | Bravesurf finished in 02:44.61 (+01:38.04) improving by 05:30.35
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : !admin
Fiendy connected.
Fiendy (STEAM_0:0:7216239) connected from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
[KSF Clan] - Type 'rtv' if you want to switch maps.
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : dude ninjaplz
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : you just check the list of online ppl
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : press cellars name
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : and click add
SFX connected.
SFX (STEAM_0:1:29827508) connected from San Jos?, San Jose, Costa Rica
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : !admin
ImSuJung : fuasidajdiofkot
ImSuJung : sdfasdjkl
ImSuJung : rtv
Fiendy : !stage
] status
hostname: KSFClan #1 24/7 SurfTimer! []
version : 4274 secure
udp/ip :
map : surf_creation at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
sourcetv: port 27020, delay 120.0s
players : 16 (41 max)
# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state
#799 "Kamikaze TV (Auto-Recording)" BOT active
# 1379 "與W | Bravesurf" STEAM_0:1:22716781 40:08 165 0 active
# 1378 "=AGP= "L"" STEAM_0:1:13224230 53:04 85 0 active
# 1396 "DigitalTerrorist| ???" STEAM_0:0:19968976 04:22 75 0 active
# 1386 "Daniel | ???" STEAM_0:0:14577555 27:35 51 0 active
# 1225 "Kitty of Doom" STEAM_0:1:9826816 5:00:33 64 0 active
# 1370 "unt0uch" STEAM_0:0:9790335 1:03:15 66 0 active
# 1335 "`Habitat" STEAM_0:1:17352726 2:21:01 65 0 active
# 1399 "SFX" STEAM_0:1:29827508 01:46 117 0 active
# 1350 "cellar dweller" STEAM_0:1:14386122 1:49:04 295 0 active
# 1380 "ImSuJung" STEAM_0:1:14216385 39:51 285 0 active
# 1398 "Fiendy" STEAM_0:0:7216239 02:09 67 0 active
# 1031 "PeZRuleZV3R [Caf-Pow]" STEAM_0:1:22804966 8:30:20 180 0 active
# 1393 "||| sm!sh_^ |||||||||||||||||||" STEAM_0:0:33693652 17:52 327 0 active
# 1394 "d-_-b Ninjaplz" STEAM_0:0:13802283 11:32 105 0 active
# 1355 "demon | ???" STEAM_0:0:3004628 1:41:32 284 0 active
[Surf Timer] - Comments? Suggestions? Rants? - Post them here!
[Surf Timer] -,25.0.html
*SPEC* cellar dweller : rtv
[SM] cellar dweller wants to rock the vote. (2 votes, 6 required)
SFX connected.
SFX (STEAM_0:1:29827508) connected from San Jos?, San Jose, Costa Rica
Kitty of Doom : so why does everyone hate ninja so much? O.o
[Surf Timer] - Type !info to view all SurfTimer Commands
*SPEC* cellar dweller : i think hes a nice guy
與W | Bravesurf : digital hates pretty much everyone
*SPEC* cellar dweller : dang
Kitty of Doom : i was just curious nvm then.
ImSuJung : rtv
ImSuJung : rtv plz
*SPEC* `Habitat : nominate
[SM] `Habitat has nominated surf_compact.
[SM] `Habitat wants to rock the vote. (3 votes, 6 required)
*SPEC* `Habitat : rtv
[SM] Voting for next map has started.
[Surf Timer] - Type !videos to view Surf Videos By KSF members
?????| ??? connected.
?????| ??? (STEAM_0:1:20076328) connected from Warrenville, Illinois, United States
[SM] Map voting has finished. The next map will be surf_compact. (Received 36% of 11 votes)
與W | Bravesurf : fuck
與W | Bravesurf suicided.
Chris Hansen connected.
Chris Hansen (STEAM_0:0:33451994) connected from Argyle, Texas, United States
[KSF Clan] - Is a player micspamming? Type 'votemute'
[SM] demon | ??? wants to rock the vote. (4 votes, 7 required)
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : rtv
*SPEC* `Habitat : rtv
[Surf Timer] - 1 minute remaining
[KSF Clan] - Do you like the SurfTimer? Help keep this server running by donating at and choosing Skill-Surf
[Surf Timer] - 30 Seconds remaining
[KSF Clan] - Type '!rank' to view your position in the KSF ranks!
Lid connected.
Lid (STEAM_0:0:5130418) connected from Tahoka, Texas, United States
*SPEC* 與W | Bravesurf : ungagg him
[Surf Timer] - 10 Seconds remaining
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : !admin
*SPEC* 與W | Bravesurf : well maybe he wants to use commands?
[Surf Timer] - ---- MAP ENDING ----
[Surf Timer] - ---- MAP ENDING ----
[Surf Timer] - ---- MAP ENDING ----
[KSF Clan] - Visit our Ventrilo server!
[Surf Timer] - Comments? Suggestions? Rants? - Post them here!
[Surf Timer] -,25.0.html
[Surf Timer] - ---- MAP ENDING ----
[Surf Timer] - ---- MAP ENDED ----
CS:S SurfTimer
Map: surf_compact
Players: 18 / 41
Build: 4274
Server Number: 92
ConVarRef surftimer doesn't point to an existing ConVar
SetConVar: No such cvar ( surftimer set to 2.0.0), skipping
ConVarRef es_corelib_ver doesn't point to an existing ConVar
SetConVar: No such cvar ( es_corelib_ver set to, skipping
Got pure server whitelist: sv_pure = 1.
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: glass/unbreakable
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: glass/combineglass001a
d-_-b Ninjaplz (STEAM_0:0:13802283) connected from Stevenson Ranch, California, United States
||| sm!sh_^ ||||||||||||||||||| (STEAM_0:0:33693652) connected from Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
DigitalTerrorist| ??? (STEAM_0:0:19968976) connected from Fort Smith, Arkansas, United States
cellar dweller (STEAM_0:1:14386122) connected from Megalong, New South Wales, Australia
demon | ??? (STEAM_0:0:3004628) connected from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
d-_-b Ninjaplz connected.
||| sm!sh_^ ||||||||||||||||||| connected.
DigitalTerrorist| ??? connected.
cellar dweller connected.
Redownloading all lightmaps
與W | Bravesurf (STEAM_0:1:22716781) connected from Molde, More og Romsdal, Norway
demon | ??? connected.
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
與W | Bravesurf connected.
Daniel | ??? (STEAM_0:0:14577555) connected from Richmond, Virginia, United States
Daniel | ??? connected.
DigitalTerrorist| ??? connected.
DigitalTerrorist| ??? (STEAM_0:0:19968976) connected from Fort Smith, Arkansas, United States
[SM] demon | ???: Muted d-_-b Ninjaplz.
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : !mute ninja
=AGP= "L" connected.
=AGP= L (STEAM_0:1:13224230) connected from Calgary, Alberta, Canada
[SM] demon | ???: Muted d-_-b Ninjaplz.
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : !mute ninja
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : wdf
[SM] demon | ???: Unmuted d-_-b Ninjaplz.
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : !unmute ninja
d-_-b Ninjaplz : ty
Chris Hansen connected.
Chris Hansen (STEAM_0:0:33451994) connected from Argyle, Texas, United States
d-_-b Ninjaplz : it automatically unmutes/ungags on map change
Lid connected.
Lid (STEAM_0:0:5130418) connected from Tahoka, Texas, United States
[Surf Timer] - Type !info to view all SurfTimer Commands
ImSuJung connected.
ImSuJung (STEAM_0:1:14216385) connected from Seoul, Seoul-t'ukpyolsi, Korea, Republic of
Kitty of Doom connected.
Kitty of Doom (STEAM_0:1:9826816) connected from Muncie, Indiana, United States
[KSF Clan] - Type '!rank' to view your position in the KSF ranks!
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : !tio
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : !top
*SPEC* 與W | Bravesurf : coffee thyme!
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : i think you mean time
[KSF Clan] - Visit our Ventrilo server!
d-_-b Ninjaplz : he's foreign, it's okay
d-_-b Ninjaplz : english sucks, I don't blame him
[Surf Timer] - Type !videos to view Surf Videos By KSF members
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : unless you mean coffee, thyme. as in youre gonna get some coffee and watch rosemary and thyme
human_boarman connected.
human_boarman (STEAM_0:0:20093769) connected from San Antonio, Texas, United States
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : ninja, you know I was just messing with ya right?
d-_-b Ninjaplz : that's actually what I thought... coffee with thyme...
*SPEC* cellar dweller : 7/10 gays demon
[KSF Clan] - Current Map: surf_compact
d-_-b Ninjaplz : dude, i don't care... you're muted to me anyway
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : SHUT THE FUCK UP
Suicidal ShiZuru connected.
Suicidal ShiZuru (STEAM_0:0:5230128) connected from Antioch, Tennessee, United States
*SPEC* 與W | Bravesurf : lol
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : I DIDNT SAY YOU COULD TALK
*SPEC* 與W | Bravesurf : the drama
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : digital ninja's a nice bloke just tryna help and you all bag on him for no reason cmon
d-_-b Ninjaplz : w/e dude
[KSF Clan] - Wanna join the KSF Clan? Apply at
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : you mute me, you get mute
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : !admin
d-_-b Ninjaplz : it's the internet
d-_-b Ninjaplz : idc
[SM] DigitalTerrorist| ???: Gagged d-_-b Ninjaplz.
[KSF Clan] - Type 'rtv' if you want to switch maps.
[KSF Clan] - Add us to your favorites:
jamxel connected.
jamxel (STEAM_0:1:26098342) connected from Prague, Hlavni mesto Praha, Czech Republic
[KSF Clan] - Type 'respawn' to respawn yourself.
Suicidal ShiZuru : wow
`Habitat : i love lvl 3
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : omg
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : habby scrabby
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : !pr
[KSF Clan] - Type '!servers' for a list of our servers.
*SPEC* cellar dweller : !wr
[Surf Timer] - bOWl#1 ... =] holds the record with time: 00:50.39
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : !wrcp
[Surf Timer] - demon | ??? holds the record for 'Stage 5' with time: 00:13.21
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : sup guys
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : !pr hab
*SPEC* cellar dweller : !sr
[Surf Timer] - Comments? Suggestions? Rants? - Post them here!
[Surf Timer] -,25.0.html
[KSF Clan] - Visit our 24/7 SURF RPG/DM server:
[KSF Clan] - Visit our 24/7 Surf server:
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : !unmute nina
[SM] demon | ???: Unmuted d-_-b Ninjaplz.
*SPEC* [demon | ???] : !unmute nin
[KSF Clan] - Do you like the SurfTimer? Help keep this server running by donating at and choosing Skill-Surf
Suicidal ShiZuru : this map sucks cock
[Surf Timer] - Type !info to view all SurfTimer Commands
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : !admin
[KSF Clan] - Type '!toggletimer' to turn the surf timer on or off.
Disconnect: Banned.
Disconnect: Banned.
08-23-2010, 11:36 AM
Tick said it best, I don't believe an Americunt's insult best suits this.
Ahem, in the words of Alex:
Ho, ho, ho! Well, if it isn't fat stinking billy goat Ninjaplz in poison! How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if ya have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly thou!
08-23-2010, 01:53 PM
Okay really dude... you're not going to take this maturely?
That says a lot about you...
All I'm saying is that maybe you shouldn't ban people for no reason.
I was fine with just being gagged muted for a while, even though I didn't do anything wrong.
Once I needed to use commands, I asked an other admin for help... Obviously, I had the support of an other admin that I hadn't done anything wrong...
so you banning me was just uncalled for...
08-23-2010, 02:30 PM
Okay really dude... you're not going to take this maturely?
That says a lot about you...
All I'm saying is that maybe you shouldn't ban people for no reason.
I was fine with just being gagged muted for a while, even though I didn't do anything wrong.
Once I needed to use commands, I asked an other admin for help... Obviously, I had the support of an other admin that I hadn't done anything wrong...
so you banning me was just uncalled for...
Cry more, what you don't realize is, you have the support of that other admin means nothing. You continuing to cry about this just makes me not like you more which is bad for you.
Go die in a fire.
08-23-2010, 02:34 PM
Dude. I never even did anything wrong in the first place... you just abused your admin to mess with me.
08-23-2010, 02:59 PM
Dude. I never even did anything wrong in the first place... you just abused your admin to mess with me.
You being born was wrong. You will learn your place.
08-23-2010, 04:21 PM
Dude... seriously... grow up. I'm just trying to have fun on Counter-Strike, and you're using insults like "you being born was wrong"
08-23-2010, 04:22 PM
This conversation is over, stop trying to make a point.
08-23-2010, 05:22 PM
Am I not allowed to make a point if it points out your immaturity?
08-23-2010, 06:24 PM
Are you still banned? If so post your steam id or IP so that I can unban you. I will have a talk with Digital about this, if the abuse continues please let me know via steam.
08-23-2010, 06:25 PM
No... I'm not sure how long the ban is...
but just now, he decided to slay me mid-surf
then he burned me
then he blinded me
now he's asking people if they want to decide my fate...
I can post compile logs if needed
08-23-2010, 06:31 PM
WOW. Dude you are fucking retarded. Just re read what you posted in the logs and your first post. Demon said I SPAM JUMP AND F4 WITH BOTH HANDS TO JUMP. DO you realise how fucking dumb that is? He trolled you for 30 minutes. We were all laughing about it in steam chat at how fucking dumb you were.
08-23-2010, 06:47 PM
Now I'm gagged again...
for what reason?
No reason at all
08-23-2010, 08:23 PM
Being abusive towards KSF members and staff.
WOW. Dude you are fucking retarded. Just re read what you posted in the logs and your first post. Demon said I SPAM JUMP AND F4 WITH BOTH HANDS TO JUMP. DO you realise how fucking dumb that is? He trolled you for 30 minutes. We were all laughing about it in steam chat at how fucking dumb you were.
haha just read it, still laughing:D:D
08-23-2010, 09:01 PM
Dude... I'm not abusive at all...
08-23-2010, 09:18 PM
You need to calm down, and rethink your position on how you treat certain KSF members.
08-23-2010, 09:59 PM
okay. name specific examples of when I am "abusive towards KSF members and staff"
08-23-2010, 10:27 PM
hey guys demon here (the guy thats rank #2 on the KSF surftimer server) anyway i remember this particular incident and i dont recall ninja doing anything besides try to be a good person and help me with my jumpin troubles (which infact worked, mousewheel ftw!!), so i dont believe he should have been unfairly gagged :(
08-23-2010, 10:37 PM
Seeming how recent admin rules have been put into effect because of your actions, demon, your word is useless.
Oh and this thread is now closed.
Demon, don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong.
Ninjaplz, learn some respect.
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