View Full Version : juissi is a bad admin
09-26-2011, 11:15 AM
i wish to express that juissi gets grudges with people and uses his admin as an advantage to mute / kick / gag them because he is butthurt or because he doesnt like what ur saying. even if ur not talking to him he will pick the side of the person he likes / abuses the one he doesnt, i dont give a shit if juissi has personal problems with me or anybody else but when im having an argument with someone over chat, not mic, i would appreciate it if he would use his fucking brain and realise he has high level admin to moderate the server and not rape the people he doesnt like. i say gag every1 involved in the argument or nobody at all, be fair your complete and utter hater.
btw this was typed in like 30 secs and i posted this cause he gagged me over another guy cause he doesnt like me, mature
also he votebans me all the time like a billy no mates cause hes cool.
09-26-2011, 12:25 PM
First of all, i gagged you because you was insulting another player on the server. I can't accept that. Always when you are on the server, if you don't sing you do some weirdass animal noises and you think its fun but its not. Also, sometimes you keep spamming stupid shit which just disturbs ppl who wants to surf. I don't gag/mute/kick ppl for nothing (expect royal), i always got a reason for it.
I can voteban you if i want, i dont do anything wrong. Your less good maps and all those stupid things what you've done mixed with your skill lvl, i just think you shouldnt play on the expert server (i don't like you that much either). Those are my reasons for votebanning you and i've noticed im not the only 1 who votebans you ;)
thanks for keepin the forums active.
edit: ps. this was typed in 29 secs. u slow kunt
09-26-2011, 03:20 PM
Crymoar boat.
also he votebans me all the time like a billy no mates cause hes cool.
"i get vote banned all the time because i have no mates and juissi is cool :("
09-26-2011, 03:35 PM
juissi l2english and face it ur a bad admin with no friends, go get some mates. peeps from ksf have messaged me about you but they dont wanna post on here cause u'll just abuse em faggot. some peeps gotta stand up to u css gangstas cause ur too bad.
09-26-2011, 03:35 PM
also nice edit from your immature response b4 m8 :mrgreen:
09-26-2011, 03:41 PM
I like juissi, and boat guess what? Everyone talks bad about each other, its the nature of people. You're not special, the technical way. You are retarded though.
how can you say l2english when your english is absolutely abysmal? his english is actually better than yours in these posts..
8 out of 10 people actually tell me how annoying you are, childish and how you think so highly of yourself. it truly stands out every time you open your mouth and let out this absolute drivel.
pretty sure juissi has more friends than you.. lmao.
...AND its not just juissi that votebans you, is it? lots of people do it. wanna know why? BECAUSE NOBODY LIKES YOU! shock horror
You're not special, the technical way. You are retarded though.
09-26-2011, 04:27 PM
cool story jay, i like how much you care bout this and the fact that you probably took 20 minutes editing posts and making sure your posts are cool and whitty, get bent modafakers. p.s where do you get your statistics from? and i cant believe we are talking about internet friends... ik you have loads of mate...cough, on the internet, cough but infact i was discussing that juissi is immature and should be booted up the backside gg like my english jelly guise.
i spent 20 mins editing my post? lol, this is why nobody likes you. you talk straight out of your arse. by the way, your english is STILL and always WILL BE worse than a finns, how does that make you feel?
09-27-2011, 12:33 AM
Im bored of boat nao....
09-27-2011, 08:55 AM
omg you aint people u know brah u just idiots on this game and ye i do talk out my arse when playin this cause idc what people think gg
09-27-2011, 11:34 AM
sux2bu :(
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