Username Please enter the users current chat name.
Time Time of day that the offense took place.
Shortly after 9PM, October 1 (Sunday)
Admins Online List any admins who were on the server at the time.
Jdzl (VIP)
Steamid Please enter the steamid of the offending user.
Complaint Description Please describe the details of the situation.
Jdzl RTV'd and asked others to do the same. I noted that there was very little time left and that he should ease up. I was promptly gagged, presumably by him.
Server doesn't attribute admin actions to a specific player, but no one else had a custom tag or name color, nor any reason to act against me, so I'm fairly certain it was Jdzl, and I'm assuming he's a VIP based on what happened.
Screenshot is pretty clear. I was in the middle of a bonus run and really wanted to see it through, so I was annoyed when he wanted to RTV to next map. So I said "there's like 1.5min left, chill."
No one said anything out of line, but I was gagged. I understand that sometimes people can be in a bad mood, but that's not a valid excuse for abusing gag power.
NB: This was my first use of chat on the server tonight.
EDIT: Thumbnail doesn't seem to show full-res image, so see attached Imgur link:
Last edited by Shantastic; 10-01-2017 at 07:45 PM.
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