what ksf needs is people who are willing to fix maps, can delete times possibly add new things to the timer and maps since apparently sacred is busy atm or doesn't want to spend his time doing these things and not useless people like levi who just vote +1 for people they like and -1 for people they don't like/know furthermore admins who do nothing arent really necessary since they willl spend 90% of their times on veteran/expert and anyway you can just hide the chat and use the selfmute command if people who spam annoy you
Spari, there is a difference between developers/mappers whom fix maps, update timer add-ons, and other server addons compared to admins who are meant to administrate. Not exactly develop, but to report bugs, get ride of fake times, and suggest add-ons TO the developers. So I'm not really sure of what your arguement is here.
Spari, there is a difference between developers/mappers whom fix maps, update timer add-ons, and other server addons compared to admins who are meant to administrate. Not exactly develop, but to report bugs, get ride of fake times, and suggest add-ons TO the developers. So I'm not really sure of what your arguement is here.
Edit: Also, to the remark about Expert/Veteran server. I spend probably about 80% of my surfing time in the 1-2 server rather than the secluded, expert and veteran servers, although I do go in them when its grind time.
please don't take it personally i wasn't talking about you in particular, i was just saying that admins should actually start to contribute in something like sacred since most of them don't do anything and they should take more criteria in consideration imo instead of just recruiting people that are just going to surf on veteran/expert and aren't going to do anything that'll make the servers better places
Last edited by Spari; 03-16-2016 at 02:24 PM.
this thread went from +1's to fucking essays.
Alright I misunderstood what you said probably, I still disagree tho. If the chat is a problem then more admins can be the solution for that. I also joined now and then and voice chat was quite terrible.
Last edited by Sacred; 03-16-2016 at 03:28 PM.
are you too stupid to understand what i said because your post proves it? i was actually saying that most of the admins weren't doing anything for the server unlike you and i was talking about csgo since mada is applying for csgo
Last edited by Sacred; 03-16-2016 at 03:23 PM.
Maps for csgo are added as well, there just aren't as many new ones. About fixes... nobody ever says whats wrong with csgo so it can't be that bad. And we DO need more admins that play and care for the servers, if you think so or not.
EDIT: At least if it's that bad sometimes as it seems to be, concerning chat.
EDIT #2: I was on the easy surf a few times recently and the voice chat was terrible. I also didn't see any admin there, so I muted 2-3 people myself. Maybe blink is right tho and we need european admins more than american, I don't know.
Last edited by Sacred; 03-16-2016 at 03:29 PM.
but we all know that only Americans are cancer

Originally Posted by
but we all know that only Americans are cancer

Originally Posted by
Maps for csgo are added as well, there just aren't as many new ones. About fixes... nobody ever says whats wrong with csgo so it can't be that bad. And we DO need more admins that play and care for the servers, if you think so or not.
EDIT: At least if it's that bad sometimes as it seems to be, concerning chat.
EDIT #2: I was on the easy surf a few times recently and the voice chat was terrible. I also didn't see any admin there, so I muted 2-3 people myself. Maybe blink is right tho and we need european admins more than american, I don't know.
I agree with the idea of European admins, i usually surf 4-5 hours ( "AST – Atlantic Standard Time" - longer if i grind) usually 4 days per week and lately iv only gone to the Easy Surf #1. What i personally saw was Nowlech being active during the day (if its still the case) while i'm more at night. But from now i think this subject would need its own thread.
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