Originally Posted by Sacred
Clay shut the fuck up, thanks.
When I banned him I KNEW that he would get unbanned without paying, it was not even meant to be a perm ban. I was just making a statement, so people REPORT shit like this in the future instead of using it to gay a WR. That's what I want, nothing else. Bad luck that it was barabylka, but he's some dumbass that would never report something, he obviously prefers using it to make a WR gay as fuck. Good, defend him as much as you want, I don't care.
Maybe we can set up a proper rule to make perm bans like this legit in the future.
PS: "russian piece of shit" was not meant to be against ALL russians, I got to like ins/pupsik and others in the last months, it's just barabylka (and maybe baza) that I can't stand.
But nice interpretation, thanks Clay. I'm totally racist.