First Name
Your real name.
CSS Username
Please enter your counter-strike username.
Steam ID
Please enter your correct steamid.
Steam Account Name
Please enter your steam account name.
You must be 16 or older to apply.
Please enter your country of origin.
Duration of time applicant has been playing CSS
Use your best estimate.
Duration of time applicant has been surfing on CSS
Use your best estimate.
Time surfing: 39d, 22h & 35m (got like 2k hrs on csgo 85t)
Duration of time applicant has been playing on KSF
You can check your playtime on the server.
Time surfing 39d, 22h & 35m Time spectating 4d, 19h & 36m
List of skill maps completed
You can use tier 5 maps and above.
g3 on leet_xl_beta7z
Reason for application
Please enter why you want to be in the KSF Clan.
Since I'm trying to do as much as possible to help out the community, I think it could favor to be able to represent the KSFClan while doing so
Contributions applicant has made/can make towards the KSF Community.
Any useful talents can be written here.
will take over map-fixes soontm, qa-tester, surfing showcases, making maps and bonuses, making videos for other channels such as KSFrecords, Kreal, Caff and more,
Do you actively use a microphone and/or have a microphone
You can answer yes or no.
I don't actively use it, but I have one.
Do you actively participate on the KSFClan forums
We ask that you stay active on our forums.
I check it regularly, but never had a reason to post something.
Do you actively participate on the KSF Clan Discord?
It's not required, but will be beneficial if you participate on our discord server.
Yes, very actively
Are you currently in another clan? If so please post your current clan
You cannot be in another clan while in KSF.
Number of points obtained
Whats your current point total on our server?
58 133 with 26.34%
Points from top ten records
How many points have you gotten from top 10's?
14 667 (18 tops atm)
World record number
Have you ever broken a world record, world record checkpoints, or world record bonus?
1 wrcp
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