
View Entry Info: Requestin unban

Unban Request
Name being used on the server at the time
Enter your chat username at that time of your ban.
Date and Time of ban
Please give us an estimate of when you were banned.
no idea
Admins online(afk or not)
What admins were online during the time of the ban.
no idea
Which admin do you think banned you
What was the chat username of the admin who banned you.
no idea
Why you think you were banned
Was there a reason given for your ban?
bind spamming on multiple accounts
Your SteamID
Please enter your steamid.
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Thread: Requestin unban

  1. #1
    New User
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    Oct 2021
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    Requestin unban

    So after many months of not even playing any surf, I tried to connect to KSFsurf and got message, "You have been banned for bind spamming on multiple accounts" and this is clearly either mistake ban since I dont have any other accounts and neither I have been ever using any other binds than !r, because I am not a toxic person and neither do I find any reason to chat on surf servers. Please investigate and unban me, thank you!

  2. #2
    Administrator evolv's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
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    The steam id associated with that community address is not in our ban list.

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