HSW Detection CSS
Sometimes when surfing HSW on the CSS servers it is completely fine, but other times mid run it changes the autodetect to normal. I've lost some decent runs because they completed as a normal time. I'm using the HSW binds buried somewhere else in this forum. Not sure what causes it, but I've noticed it happening more at the very end and very beginning of stages on staged maps, but on linears it just happens randomly. I suspect it might have something to do with prestrafing or quick wiggle strafes, which coincidentally happen at the beginning and end of most maps/stages. I'm not the only one this has happened to so I figured I'd ask if this could be looked into. Maybe the autodetect could be replaced with !style or even just !nrm !hsw !sw !bw with their own included movement restrictions. Just an idea, not sure how that would work in practice (especially backwards, I'm not even sure how that works now to be honest.)
If you strafe too fast it tends to go back to normal timer, only way I've noticed it changes
This used to happen to me when i played Half side ways. it was my binds, here's a link to new and better binds.
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Huh, I didn't think that would have been an issue. Thank you, I'll give it a go.
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