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  1. #81
    Casual Michael.Viera's Avatar
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    He talks about KSF in general.

    Supported? You were heavily involved and you told me you continuously contacted Sam about it in his PM. You were the guy who asked the top10-holders etc. You acted like you were not involved at all (not that you just hadn't made up the idea, but also that you were not involved really) and you made a second message where you elaborated upon your involvement. I do remember it, but I don't have access to the Discord.

    I didn't write 50 lines about it either. I do remember it. I started acting nice and saying "it was okay you were involved" and so on. But it escalated somewhat after Sam admin abused me and because you didn't reply in 12 hours, maybe you were working, maybe you didn't have time (obv. it's not an excuse). The guy to blame and the guy who started all this is Sam (but I'm still to blame for the hate I sent you). He also banned Morning without a warning or anything. I don't think you did anything really wrong, Simex. I even wrote a second message on the Danish Discord where I acknowledged that you had asked top10 holders about their permission instead of just trying to enforce it single-handedly.

    I don't hate you, Simex. My friend did actually tell me that your surf looked unsmooth to make me comfy, but I couldn't get myself to admit that because you are prob. one of the smoothest surfers ever.

    I didn't say that you said those accusations. I can't talk on my friend's behalf, but I guess he assumed that naturally because if you didn't then some friend must have twisted your words.

    My hate list was posted in a Discord with 10 people. I didn't lie about them or anything. And I didn't spread it. That was I guess you or Oliver. I was ranting 24/7 on the Danish Discord about everything literally, religion, politics, philosophy, surf, how I wanted to approach a muslim girl in Fakta, lmfao, and joked about everything. We all enjoyed it, and the Danish Discord pretty much died without me as far as I have heard from Jones. I never tried to exclude someone from being heard. And Paragon saved that list, not me. I wrote it though. Sometimes I crossed the line probably and I have worked at being cooler, but I never lied about anyone, never bullied anyone, I have always tried to defend the little man if anything. But just search "from ...:" on that discord and you will find that I wrote over 1000 messages in 2 months. Tbh. if I ever need to write an essay again for educational purposes I will just go there, because that Discord channel could provide me with essays for the rest of my life

    I hope we can start to talk about the real abuse which I pointed out above.

    He threatens people with lawsuits online without any proof, and without contacting the person in private first.

    No, I have several times pointed out in this thread that I had tried to contact people, Simex.

    Where is your evidence for that?". Well, if we actually imagine it is a lie. If we ultimately stretch it that far and give absolutely no credibility to my assertions, then why didn't Sam at least take it seriously when I told him about it? I told Sam about it in his PM; he replied "Happy Valentines" which made me laugh tbh, but at the other hand it was amaeturish. If I was informed about such defamation in my own community I would have immediately checked it and dealt with it profesionally instead of joking about it with a mocking manner.

    Is Sam now going to deny that I wrote to him? Lmfao. I have deleted my conversation with him. I have this at least.

    Stevo I could join Discord because I made a new account. I commented on the allegations - I was immediately banned. Why don't you take it seriously when you are informed about straight-out libel on your community? Why do you just ridicule it and ban people?

    Are you going to deny that as well? There were many eyewitnesses that day.

    That's the whole issue, Simex.

    Sam - and I believe Sony at first who banned me from KSF Discord (I'm not sure whether it was him). People immediately called him, bullied me and I was banned. I was trying to be sincere that day. I even used my IRL name - as I do now to express my sincerity.

    Like I said.

    I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him like those fucking morally corrupt disgusting beings you are.

    This is the problem. Otherwise it was funny to see you trying to make me look like someone who initiates hate - without providing any evidence

    I provided evidence for KSF's hate. Lots of evidence. KSF is utterly corrupt and has been for a long time.
    Last edited by Michael.Viera; 02-18-2021 at 04:31 PM.

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  3. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simex View Post
    Dude, this is exactly why I wanted to speak to you. Cause now you are the one spreading false information.
    Its not my server, I am just a member. I can't control what the other members or admins think, say or do. I can only act for my self in what I think is right.
    I dont like speaking ill of someone who can't defend themself.
    Jabra chose to permanently block me, and never speak to me again.
    I only spoke of Jabra if I was asked about him, or if he joined the discord with an alt account.
    Now, what defaming have I done exactly?
    Who is saying that I have said, that Jabra sent me death threats?
    And why do you instantly believe it without any proof?
    This all happend 7-8 months ago, and I dont remember ever saying he threatened to kill me.
    If you think I have ever said that, pls prove it so I can apoligize or smth.
    Look, if I ever said that, it wasnt what I meant.
    He didn't threaten to kill me. He just told me in detail how to kill my self along with 50+ other hate messages. All because I supported a map change.
    Jabra has lied about what I did and in that way spread false information which has now resulted in threats of contacting the police.
    I never had intentions of WR on surf_whoknows
    It was never my idea to remove the maxvel on the map, it was Orson and Oli's idea, which I supported and brought to ksf.
    I never lied about my part in bringing the idea to ksf, which Jabra said I did. I have also proved this, and can do it again if you would like.
    I really don't care what Jabra thinks of ksf, bcs I know how he is as a person.
    He likes making a big list of people he hate, and share it with his danish friends.
    He likes to trashtalk people directly, and have told people to kill themselves.
    He threatens people with lawsuits online without any proof, and without contacting the person in private first.
    He lies and spreads false information online to make me look bad, and then tells his friends about it.
    He calls it fraud when people don't agree with him.

    I just don't want anything to do with Jabra because of this, and I don't care what problems he has with other people.
    I just want him away from ksf, and thats about it.

    If I am not being mentioned in a bad way anymore in this thread, I will happily leave it so you can get on with your actual point, with the people you have the actual problems with.
    Ye I know it's not your server, I just took you for being a ksf member.

    Then I guess people are just misinterpreting what you told them happened back then. So that's good to hear, and clears up Jabra's point.
    I didn't threathen with police report, was atleast not meaned that way. I just said it was a criminal offense, and I would personally report it, if I had the evidence. Like wise I would report anyone who threathened to kill me. I just find stuff like that very serious.

    From what you say, it aligns pretty well with what Jabra has told, because it's just lots of disagreements though. But ye my point was not that you should align with his perspective and come to an agreement or anything.

    I just wanted to make it clear that defaming Jabra by accusing him for threathening to kill someone is not fun (because it is in fact something people say) but very serious. Whether who and what reason caused such accusation. And I wanted to share my opinion that defaming someone constantly won't keep them away, as they'll be back to defend themself, whenever their tolerance is used up.
    I didn't eventually take you for being one of thos defaming him in a public manner, because I don't recall you mentioning Jabra on Discord, it tends to be other people, idk what you do in private conversations, and I don't care. I'm not in a position where I can debate right or wrong. I just wanted to share my opinion.

    But as you say you can only act and speak for yourself, and if someone misinterpret your intentions or stories, to something way worse, it's your job to ensure to correct them, for your own sake so it won't have consequences.

    Like if I said to somene: This guy tried to steal my car once.
    And that someone then begin to say: Hey I was told by *name* told me that *name* steals everyone's cars!
    Then I would immediately tell that person to shut up, because before I know of it, everyone would think I said so, and it would be illegal for me to say so, and I don't like people deliberately misinterpreting my stories either.
    Suddenly I would have been made the scapegoat to take the legal or social consequences, because someone else wanted to hurt the person. Whilst I just wanted to tell a story and move on.
    Last edited by Xilanem; 02-18-2021 at 04:39 PM.

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  5. #83
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    "Acting like I wasn't involved at all". No, I didn't, and also I never lied about it. This is all you making assumptions, and then publicly saying I lied. Wtf man?
    Stop with the "I don't have access".
    You can easily join ksf discord as you have done many times before with an alt account and search through whatever tf you want.
    Also, you do also have access to the danish discord. You were the one that left it. I can send you the invite once again if that is what it takes to make you stop using that as an excuse.
    There is over 50 lines in my dm from you. All of it is hate towards me.
    Stop blaming the hate you sent towards me on other people, or your emotions. That doesnt just justify anything. I know you have apoligized for it, but then just stop blaming it on others.
    Im finding it hard to believe, that your friend just "assumed" that I had said, you had sent death threats, and you still didnt say anything about it.
    I never released the hate list thing, so stop saying that could be me.

    And for the final fucking time. I don't care what problems you have with sam, sony, admins, owners, members or whole fucking ksf. I enjoy the community, and I know I can't trust you from all the lies youve spread about me in here. So don't send anymore of that to me pls. Im just here to clear myself from your lies, so i dont see anymore people saying you should contact the police on me. I hope you don't expect me to defend ksf for anything, since I really don't care what you think. Ksf is growing towards the better. No, it is far from perfect, but it is not my duty or job to clear up what other people did.
    When I said you hadnt contacted a person before threatening with lawsuit online, I meant only myself.

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  7. #84
    KSF Member Stevo_97's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael.Viera View Post
    You say you have evidence. I just had a long conversation with Stevo where he had a chance of presenting my hate. It came out as I was the one who presented KSF's hate,
    I didn't post any examples because you're delusional if you think you haven't. My point about hate was never about anyone else. It was about you, and yet again you tried to use examples of other people to justify it. Every discussion with you ultimately ends up with you insulting people in one way or another.
    03:14 - MIKE: you should have fucking warned me
    03:14 - MIKE: now you have to buy me a new desk
    03:14 - MIKE: cause the boner i got smashed right through it

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  9. #85
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    How did you misinterprete, that I had said, that Jabra sent me death threats?
    I never said you threatened with police report. I said, you think Jabra should do it.
    "I didn't eventually take you for being one of thos defaming him in a public manner". Wtf, yes you did. This is what you said in your latest reply to me:
    "I just don't get what you get from continues defaming him."
    You legit asked me what the point was of me defaming him...

    "it's your job to ensure to correct them, for your own sake so it won't have consequences". Yes, that is exactly what im doing, but that was not was Jabra did against me in here. That was spreading false information about me.

    You also said this:
    "I then looked at discord and could see that people had an interpretation that you have told them he directly threathened to kill you."
    Who? and where?

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  11. #86
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    edit 5. march. This was also added to my first post and another post as well. It was figured out that Simex had indeed lied which happened on page 12.
    It turned out that Simex also lied about not lying about it (Simex is ofc. also a KSF member).

    He wrote:
    Det var ikke min ide, jeg skrev kun besked for dem, men jeg synes også selv at mappet kunne være så meget bedre uden maxvel. Halvdelen af top10 er enige i at mappet kunne være bedre uden maxve, og den anden halvdel har vi ikke spurgt, da vi var næsten 100% sikre på at de ville have det på samme måde. Dette kan vi selvfølgelig ikke være sikre på dog.

    Google translated
    It was not my idea, I only wrote message for them, but I also think that the folder could be so much better without maxvel. Half of the top10 agree that the folder could be better without maxve, and the other half we did not ask as we were almost 100% sure they would have it the same way. Of course, we can not be sure of this though

    He didn't only write for them. He continuously contacted Sam to keep the idea alive who continuously refused him. He clearly wrote for himself as well. I guess it was also only him who asked the top10 holders and not a "we", but I don't know about that. He also wrote a second message to elaborate on his involvement which he did tactically ignored when I mentioned it, but by doing that he amusingly also knew what message I was referring to because he could see my point.

    He couldn't reply to this.

    I did tell him, Simex, and I can send a screenshot in PM maybe. But it wasn't the point of his message.
    And we have never wished to exclude you from being heard or anything. It doesn't matter what exactly was said. It's a minor thing. And I have never wished to exclude you from being heard to deny that - or wished to lie about it - or anything.

    I think this shows why open debate and free speech is so important so we can correct each other and figure out what is up and down. I have pointed out a lot of issues about KSF and you can learn from this - or you can act like nothing is wrong about KSF like a communist regime. Once a time I started a debate on KSF Discord about the rank system, and we had a fruitful discussion and eventually me and another guy called "re" (I think one of the best surfers on CS:GO, apologize if I'm wrong) ended up not agreeing on the rank system model (that i proposed, and I don't agree with any longer myself), but that the map pool should be structured or something like that (we don't have time delve into that), and we came to agree together that our discussion had been useful and we had both learned something - and I added him as a friend. I did also once start a debate on Momentum which eventually had the result that Gocknak did so the code forced players to go through each zone in the right order.

    Let's talk about what is the real issues. These that I wrote here. Excuse me my strong expressions


    You haven't provided me any good examples of hate. I have for you now, the way I tackled my admin role back then But this hate was also initially encouraged by other KSF members by admin abusing people. I made many good points back then. I introduced the concept of following a procedure. The concept of legal basis. I introduced the concept of an admin that protects people from admin abuse. I wasn't just being abusive by any means. If some of these concepts were applied back then, we would never have stood in this situation. In fact, the two first concepts are so fundamental that it is impossible to not have admin abuse on KSF (since they are not applied). Instead, you have banned 5 letters and act like you are morally superior. It's a fucking joke.

    So I can't really see how I spread hate. What I did to Simex was hate, yeah. Sam abused his power which he still hasn't provided any argument for. Abusing one's power is hate. And no, I'm not to provide evidence for that, then you don't understand the concept of burden of proof. After that incident, I went insane. So that's again an example of KSF members initiating hate (which hit Simex). This is the conflict where you have totally excluded me from being heard which is utterly disgusting.
    Also, I guess Simex or Oliver spreading my list that was confidential on KSF Discord. Once again spreading hate - you got that one back, sorry bro.
    Sunday falsely reporting newcomers' records - ask Gmmbearz. I experienced it myself when I played under my alt account as "new player". That is hate.
    Sam trashtalks my autism - that is hate. Ask Otter, he has also criticized this which I think was cool. When even your manager participates in hate speech, how do you think that sets the example for the "non-toxic culture of KSF"? It is basic organization theory that managers set the example for an organization's culture. I have been banned at KSF at numerous occasions for defending myself - that's hate. And no, don't say I don't have evidence, don't goddamn reverse the burden of proof - especially when you brought it up. This is in 2019 less than 2 years ago where Masterbeta admin abuses, and then his victim acts in frustration and say something stupid, but it's only the victim's fault apparently, KSF members say nothing to Mastabeta who initiated the fight. You blatantly admin abused (or supported) a victim, apparent for everyone, for less than 2 years ago (just imagine all the shit that happens in the discrete) without the least fucking expression of empathy for the victim - and you guys are trying to convince me you changed? That's another one of your top managers being involved in abuse, Sacred. Again a good guy to set a great example for the non-toxic culture on KSF and who have shown a lot of remorse privately probably; maybe it is also about time to do so publicly?

    All this shit is recently so I still don't understand why you act like you have the moral high ground? You don't fucking. Get out.

    I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him like those fucking morally corrupt disgusting beings you are. Get out of my life now and put your disgusting hate aside for once and all
    Last edited by Michael.Viera; 03-05-2021 at 11:55 AM.

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  13. #87
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    I'm IP banned.

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  15. #88
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    You just ignored everything I said Jabra.
    Only answer I got was that youre IP banned.

    You once again just sent the same copy paste thing about ksf, and put exactly what I just told you not to put in there, there. Jabra, Im only here to talk about you and me, since you keep spreading lies about me, and I cant contact you anywhere else. This is the problem of doing this online with everyone to see.
    Now please reply.


    "Acting like I wasn't involved at all". No, I didn't, and also I never lied about it. This is all you making assumptions, and then publicly saying I lied. Wtf man?

    There is over 50 lines in my dm from you. All of it is hate towards me.
    Stop blaming the hate you sent towards me on other people, or your emotions. That doesnt just justify anything. I know you have apoligized for it, but then just stop blaming it on others.
    Im finding it hard to believe, that your friend just "assumed" that I had said, you had sent death threats, and you still didnt say anything about it.
    I never released the hate list thing, so stop saying that could be me.

    And for the final fucking time. I don't care what problems you have with sam, sony, admins, owners, members or whole fucking ksf. I enjoy the community, and I know I can't trust you from all the lies youve spread about me in here. So don't send anymore of that to me pls. Im just here to clear myself from your lies, so i dont see anymore people saying you should contact the police on me. I hope you don't expect me to defend ksf for anything, since I really don't care what you think. Ksf is growing towards the better. No, it is far from perfect, but it is not my duty or job to clear up what other people did.
    When I said you hadnt contacted a person before threatening with lawsuit online, I meant only myself.

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  17. #89
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    It's hard to comment at every single point. Stevo said I was spreading hate. I had shown him this was wrong. Indeed I had written some hateful things, but I hadn't spread hate. Hate was in all those instances he used actually spread by KSF members, amusingly, and then people acting hatefully in despair which you can see here as well when KSF and Sacred engage themself in victim-blaming - and then he replied (because of Masterbeta though) with the n-word. You have to include that context when you say people spread hate. I don't think Tommy is spreading hate here He was reacting to hate. Still wasn't right what he said.
    I don't excuse myself, Simex. I have said numerous times apologized. I don't know how fucking many times now that I regret what I wrote to you. I even apologized again if you didn't see it. I even said sweet things about you privately to my friend. I don't know what more I can do. I have not excluded you from anything. You say you didn't lie. But you can't prove that either since you easily could delete messages, and I don't have access to the Danish Discord. If you didn't lie, then I had misinterpreted it, and luckily we somewhat has free speech and we can talk about it here right? And no I don't put the burden of proof on you, I have the burden of proof, true.

    I hope it is now your time to reply to this.


    You haven't provided me any good examples of hate. I have for you now, the way I tackled my admin role back then But this hate was also initially encouraged by other KSF members by admin abusing people. I made many good points back then. I introduced the concept of following a procedure. The concept of legal basis. I introduced the concept of an admin that protects people from admin abuse. I wasn't just being abusive by any means. If some of these concepts were applied back then, we would never have stood in this situation. In fact, the two first concepts are so fundamental that it is impossible to not have admin abuse on KSF (since they are not applied). Instead, you have banned 5 letters and act like you are morally superior. It's a fucking joke.

    So I can't really see how I spread hate. What I did to Simex was hate, yeah. Sam abused his power which he still hasn't provided any argument for. Abusing one's power is hate. And no, I'm not to provide evidence for that, then you don't understand the concept of burden of proof. After that incident, I went insane. So that's again an example of KSF members initiating hate (which hit Simex). This is the conflict where you have totally excluded me from being heard which is utterly disgusting.
    Also, Simex or Oliver spreading my list that was confidential on KSF Discord. Once again spreading hate - you got that one back, sorry bro.
    Sunday falsely reporting newcomers' records - ask Gmmbearz. I experienced it myself when I played under my alt account as "new player". That is hate.
    Sam trashtalks my autism - that is hate. Ask Otter, he has also criticized this which I think was cool. When even your manager participates in hate speech, how do you think that sets the example for the "non-toxic culture of KSF"? It is basic organization theory that managers set the example for an organization's culture. I have been banned at KSF at numerous occasions for defending myself - that's hate. And no, don't say I don't have evidence, don't goddamn reverse the burden of proof - especially when you brought it up. This is in 2019 less than 2 years ago where Masterbeta admin abuses, and then his victim acts in frustration and say something stupid, but it's only the victim's fault apparently, KSF members say nothing to Mastabeta who initiated the fight. You blatantly admin abused (or supported) a victim, apparent for everyone, for less than 2 years ago (just imagine all the shit that happens in the discrete) without the least fucking expression of empathy for the victim - and you guys are trying to convince me you changed? That's another one of your top managers being involved in abuse, Sacred. Again a good guy to set a great example for the non-toxic culture on KSF and who have shown a lot of remorse privately probably; maybe it is also about time to do so publicly?

    All this shit is recently so I still don't understand why you act like you have the moral high ground? You don't fucking. Get out.

    I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him like those fucking morally corrupt disgusting beings you are. Get out of my life now and put your disgusting hate aside for once and all

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  19. #90
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    That message has nothing to do with me, and youre still ignoring what I just told you.
    Delete the fucking lies in that text. 3rd time Im saying this. I didnt share any list. And you dont have any proof of anything, so dont act like its objectivly the truth.
    Its not my buisness to reply to any of that, since it really got nothing to do with what I did.
    This is getting ridiculous, and the thread will most likely go down in the coming days.
    I already said 2 times that I saw your apologi, but you still ignore it, and ask me if I even saw it??
    Jabra, you really need to read what people are telling you, before just responding with the same crap.

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