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  1. #61
    KSF Member Stevo_97's Avatar
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    I have shown remorse. Can you prove otherwise? No, I guess not.
    Nobody leaked your hate list, you posted it. Can you prove otherwise?
    This is why evidence is necessary. You still haven't provided any. You've already made countless alt accounts to join the ksf discord. What's to stop you from doing it again?

    Does caring about an issue necessitate actual hate speech?
    The screenshot above is an example of hate speech regardless of whether you were insulted first.

    In the context of the 'admin abuse' you posted above, it doesn't. You mentioned cherry-picking in your earlier post, that's what you're doing now. You've only provided screenshots of events that happened years ago, and as I said, KSF has changed. This entire thread was made because of something that never happened. I'm continuing this because you continue to contradict yourself.
    Last edited by Stevo_97; 02-16-2021 at 07:14 PM.
    03:14 - MIKE: you should have fucking warned me
    03:14 - MIKE: now you have to buy me a new desk
    03:14 - MIKE: cause the boner i got smashed right through it

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  3. #62
    Casual Michael.Viera's Avatar
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    edit 21. february when I asked mr.gmmbearz

    well i cant remember him saying sorry to me
    maybe he did though

    Edit 24. February when I asked Weiss :

    Edit 19. april: To anyone who actually think I'm a racist, check this and check the first post on page 9 as well

    You didn't apologize to me. That's already a prove so why would I trust you? Obviously, you have never shown remorse. I talked with Gmmbearz about one of these incidents that he was involved in. He didn't tell me about any apology and we are good friends. You are definitely lying. Should we ask Weiss?

    Surely, that's not appropriate. But you completely ignore the time this was written in. Just looking at the first thread where Beetle complained about racism that KSF members were involved in.

    It's also funny you use that example. Because who introduced "muslims" in that debate? That was one of your KSF members. How many KSF members liked that comment? Well, look here.

    Again. It is you KSF members who spread hate. I merely adopted what seemed appropriate in the discussion.

    Don't say that I was somewhat responsible for this culture.

    You say that I have never provided evidence for anything. I have answered this before. It's not even the necessary point of this thread. Why do I have to repeat myself?

    Where is your evidence for that?". Well, if we actually imagine it is a lie. If we ultimately stretch it that far and give absolutely no credibility to my assertions, then why didn't Sam at least take it seriously when I told him about it? I told Sam about it in his PM; he replied "Happy Valentines" which made me laugh tbh, but at the other hand it was amaeturish. If I was informed about such defamation in my own community I would have immediately checked it and dealt with it profesionally instead of joking about it with a mocking manner.

    Is Sam now going to deny that I wrote to him? Lmfao. I have deleted my conversation with him. I have this at least.

    Stevo I could join Discord because I made a new account. I commented on the allegations - I was immediately banned. Why don't you take it seriously when you are informed about straight-out libel on your community? Why do you just ridicule it and ban people?

    Are you going to deny that as well? There were many eyewitnesses that day.

    Nobody leaked my hate list? Are you absolutely insane? Why should I even prove that? You accuse me of spreading it, that's your task lmfao.

    So once again. You bring hate speech up. I put it back in your face. Just continue with this, Stevo.

    Discord gives IP ban.
    Last edited by Michael.Viera; 04-19-2021 at 01:55 PM.

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  5. #63
    KSF Member Stevo_97's Avatar
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    Apologize to you for what exactly? I'm friends with bearz too. Perhaps he neglected to mention it because you didn't ask. I've talked to weiss a number of times since then. I believe I did apologize, but it's been years. You still can't provide evidence which states otherwise.

    Beetle did complain about racism and harassment, and as a direct result of that KSF has changed for the better. Just because that behavior was commonplace back then doesn't mean you had to take part in it. I'm not denying that ksf members have spread hate in the past, I'm saying that you have and continue to do so. Repeating myself again, ksf has changed. Those people were removed from ksf because of their actions.

    Evidence is necessary because you're threatening legal action. Of course you have none, so that would never happen.

    You've made countless alts which have been banned before. An IP ban isn't an excuse. Just join the discord without interacting with anyone and search for your proof. Nothing is stopping you.
    Last edited by Stevo_97; 02-16-2021 at 08:15 PM.

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  7. #64
    Casual Michael.Viera's Avatar
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    Admin abusing me on numerous occasions. Even if that is true, Stevo, it's kinda word against words. But I have at least now got you to admit what you have done is wrong - thank you Good job. That you had admin abused. Admin abusing necessarily entails spreading hate, and you are amusingly accusing me of spreading hate.
    You talk about the "historic past" that KSF went away from, but yet you use that historic past to pinpoint my examples of hate - hate that was encouraged by colleagues from your own clan. That's pretty amusing.

    I wrote already on the second page that my goal was not legal actions. I don't wanna repeat myself again and again.

    I can't join the Discord when I'm banned. I can't just create a new account because they work as IP bans.

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  9. #65
    Casual Michael.Viera's Avatar
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    I stressed my final point. It is not about providing evidence just. You can deny this. Obviously evidence matters. But I warned you about this and did nothing about it. I warned Sam, I wrote on KSF Discord. I was ridiculed and banned as usually. Thus I can conclude that KSF don't take libel seriously.

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  11. #66
    KSF Member Stevo_97's Avatar
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    If you're referring to me banning you 5 years ago, it was to stop you from abusing your own admin abilities.

    I've done a lot of things on ksf in the past that I regret. I was young and less mature.

    I don't know how you haven't realised, but I've been using past examples to 'pintpoint examples of hate' to show how little you've changed, and how much ksf and its community members have.

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  13. #67
    Casual Michael.Viera's Avatar
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    Alright fine.

    And I will also admit what I did back then was immature. There was admin abuse, I had a point, but the way I tackled it was wrong and also abusive.

    But it was by no means comparable with the unconditional admin abuse for the sheer gratification of lust that some KSF members participated in.

    e: And to the reader, I was kicked from the clan and permanently banned from KSF, and socially excluded. But the real admin abusers were never punished.

    You haven't provided me any good examples of hate. I have for you now, the way I tackled my admin role back then But this hate was also initially encouraged by other KSF members by admin abusing people. I made many good points back then. I introduced the concept of following a procedure. The concept of legal basis. I introduced the concept of an admin that protects people from admin abuse. I wasn't just being abusive by any means. If some of these concepts were applied back then, we would never have stood in this situation. In fact, the two first concepts are so fundamental that it is impossible to not have admin abuse on KSF (since they are not applied). Instead, you have banned 5 letters and act like you are morally superior. It's a fucking joke.

    So I can't really see how I spread hate. What I did to Simex was hate, yeah. Sam abused his power which he still hasn't provided any argument for. Abusing one's power is hate. And no, I'm not to provide evidence for that, then you don't understand the concept of burden of proof. After that incident, I went insane. So that's again an example of KSF members initiating hate (which hit Simex). This is the conflict where you have totally excluded me from being heard which is utterly disgusting.
    Also, I guess Simex or Oliver spreading my list that was confidential on KSF Discord. Once again spreading hate - you got that one back, sorry bro.
    Sunday falsely reporting newcomers' records - ask Gmmbearz. I experienced it myself when I played under my alt account as "new player". That is hate.
    Sam trashtalks my autism - that is hate. Ask Otter, he has also criticized this which I think was cool. When even your manager participates in hate speech, how do you think that sets the example for the "non-toxic culture of KSF"? It is basic organization theory that managers set the example for an organization's culture. I have been banned at KSF at numerous occasions for defending myself - that's hate. And no, don't say I don't have evidence, don't goddamn reverse the burden of proof - especially when you brought it up. This is in 2019 less than 2 years ago where Masterbeta admin abuses, and then his victim acts in frustration and say something stupid, but it's only the victim's fault apparently, KSF members say nothing to Mastabeta who initiated the fight. You blatantly admin abused (or supported) a victim, apparent for everyone, for less than 2 years ago (just imagine all the shit that happens in the discrete) without the least fucking expression of empathy for the victim - and you guys are trying to convince me you changed? That's another one of your top managers being involved in abuse, Sacred. Again a good guy to set a great example for the non-toxic culture on KSF and who have shown a lot of remorse privately probably; maybe it is also about time to do so publicly?

    All this shit is recently so I still don't understand why you act like you have the moral high ground? You don't fucking. Get out.

    I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him like those fucking morally corrupt disgusting beings you are. Get out of my life now and put your disgusting hate aside for once and all
    Last edited by Michael.Viera; 04-26-2021 at 06:30 PM.

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  15. #68
    Casual Michael.Viera's Avatar
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    Note I have edited the post above numerous times. I guess I'm done. I don't think there is more to it. I apologize, Simex. Bye.
    Last edited by Michael.Viera; 02-17-2021 at 04:09 AM.

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  17. #69
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    I feel obliged to side with Mr Viera here, even though he is obviously bat shit crazy but 10 vs 1 doesn't feel right. WE ARE TAKING YALL NERDS TO COURT LAWYER UP BITCHES

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  19. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam View Post
    Hello real person who is definitely not an alt account of Jabra, interesting you joined just this month, have only this post and write exactly like Jabra
    Do you find it unbelievable that Jabra has friends? And admin/mod should surely be able to differ Jabra and my IP from each other, since I'm not behind proxy or VPN.
    Otherwise you can pm me, and I'll give you my username on the discord, and I can reveal my real identity. Which would be hard to fake, since I'm quite a known gaming personality, with my own community with over 40.0000 members, an mod on another 200.000+

    Jabra told me he posted on KSF, so I just went to check it out. And I hard a hard time not to get a bit fired up. I'm on ksf discord and other surf discords too. As a surfer from the era back when xdream was alive. I just think it's fun watching how the surf community is thriving. Even though I'm completely lacking in skills compared to this era's surfers.
    I also had some business interest in KSF. As a person who own a payment solution, which could give KSF the option to accept donations and vip payments, in the payment methods: csgo skins, stripe, alipay, crypto, multibanco, ideal, sofort and more, instead of only offering PayPal. But well seems like KSF isn't that serious of a project, after all.

    I don't like racist people who would mock someone for their genetics. I don't get why Jabra is even excusing, people with the morals to trash someone for his genetics, wouldn't bother me if they stopped breathing. But I also don't get why he would make this thread in the first place. I would personally just had filed a police report against Simex. It's illegal for him here in Denmark to say someone has given him death threats, without the courts word for it. You all seem very uncivil like animals in my perspective, somewhat arguing defamation is alright against Jabra due to his back story. I thought the ban was his punishment. But seems like defaming him for life, is his punishment.

    Idk what Jabra has done in entirety. Their isn't any evidence anywhere public. He sure sounds like an annoyance to you. But with so little evidence public, it kinda makes you all laughable. In the discord you even often use him as a scapegoat for a variation of shit, like when the server had down-time for a bit a few days ago.

    I just don't get why you ban a person and then keep trashing him on the internet, and then get shocked when he pop up to defend himself. You all seem quite eager to make a huge debate out of it. I guess it's somehow an enjoyment to you. You actually do want him to come back for once in a while to challenge your intellect, or something. When I perm ban people in my community, I also ensure they aren't mentioned again, as things then shortly settle down. I can then live in peace from the person.

    The only reply you had needed was for his thread was: "Hello Jabra, yes we will stop spreading lies about you threating to murder people, we didn't think it bothered you, bye bye" - the end.
    But suddenly something so simple was made into a big huge ass debate, with lots of whataboutism crap.
    Last edited by Xilanem; 02-17-2021 at 09:31 AM.

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