
View Entry Info: Admin/VIP Abuse

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I Joined the server wile Looksmodern was on, after speccing one guy attempt to beat a hard part of the map I was joking arround saying the map is shit as he had trouble beating it which instantly turned into a gag. I know avoiding gags is a Banable offense but since I felt like he abused his Admin rights on me I rejoined which promted in another gag. Another rejoin in me asking why he Abuses his admin rights on me starts a discussion I will post below here. He instantly threatened me with a Permaban but I didnt feel like being toyed arround this time arround.(not the first time admins abuse power on KSF but the first time it pissed me off enough to make an account to complain about it.)
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Thread: Admin/VIP Abuse

  1. #1
    New User Dread's Avatar
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    Angry Admin/VIP Abuse

    Edit : Dread nimmt teil. means that I connected(German)

    [Experienced] Dread : the map is just shit
    [Experienced] Dread : garbage and ugly
    Lil Ninja Weaboo nimmt teil.
    Lil Ninja Weaboo (STEAM_0:0:25238822) connected from United States
    [SM] Panda: Gagged Dread.
    [Hotshot] Luney : you are just bad :3
    [Expert] daniel : its pretty cool
    *SPEC* [Rookie] fyzicul : !top
    [Police] Darach : !replays
    Connecting to
    Connected to

    Counter-Strike: Source
    Map: surf_looksmodern
    Players: 19 / 61
    Build: 4014252
    Server Number: 33

    Voice_Init: Using Steam voice optimal sample rate 24000
    Dread nimmt teil.
    hit surface has no samples
    Compact freed 344064 bytes
    Redownloading all lightmaps
    *SPEC* [Police] Darach : rip
    Dread (STEAM_0:1:29245335) connected from Germany
    [Hotshot] Luney : since when`? xD
    |AX| : u thought wrong bud
    [Police] Panda : you do realize
    [Experienced] Dread : gag*
    [Police] Panda : avoiding gag = permban/
    [KSF Clan] - Want join our clan? Apply at
    [SM] Panda: Gagged Dread.
    [Police] Darach : !gag darach
    [SM] Darach: Gagged Darach.
    Connecting to
    Connected to

    Counter-Strike: Source
    Map: surf_looksmodern
    Players: 20 / 61
    Build: 4014252
    Server Number: 33

    Voice_Init: Using Steam voice optimal sample rate 24000
    Dread nimmt teil.
    Compact freed 102400 bytes
    Redownloading all lightmaps
    Dread (STEAM_0:1:29245335) connected from Germany
    Darajino nimmt teil.
    Darach (STEAM_0:1:78390203) connected from United Kingdom
    *DEAD* [Experienced] Dread : you do realize you just abused ur powers?
    [Experienced] Dread : 2 times
    *DEAD* [Police] Darach : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    [Police] Panda : sure i did
    [Experienced] Dread : alright
    [Police] Panda : you're being toxic == gag
    [Hotshot] Luney : WEISS
    [Police] Panda : you dodge == gag
    [Experienced] Dread : no
    [Experienced] Dread : i say the map sucks
    [Experienced] Dread : not toxic
    |AX| : dude wtf i just got rank 68 on s2 LOL
    [Experienced] Dread : ur being an asshole
    [Experienced] Dread :
    [Police] Darach : stfu dread
    [Experienced] Dread : and abusing ur powers
    [Police] Darach : faggot
    [Police] Panda : you're the reason map makers quit making maps
    [Experienced] Dread : tru
    [Experienced] Dread : no
    [Experienced] Dread : im not making him quit
    [Hotshot] Luney : !cp
    [Surf Timer] - Luney - Zone: Stage 3 - Total Time: 03:45:64
    [Experienced] Dread : im telling whoever made this map
    [Experienced] Dread : that its shit
    [Expert] daniel : its not tho
    [Experienced] Dread : thats free speech wile u gag me
    [Police] Darach : thats ur opinion
    |AX| : its not shit
    [Experienced] Dread : than the fact you like it is your opinion
    [Police] Panda : if all you can do is trashtalk things, than don't even bother talking
    |AX| : just cause u cant do it doesnt mean its shit
    [Police] Darach : there's a difference between ur opinion and stating it as fact
    [Experienced] Dread : you like it = fine
    [Police] Panda : nobody value's your opinion
    [Experienced] Dread : i dont like it = i say it
    [Police] Darach : and ur stating it as fact
    [Experienced] Dread : you did
    [Police] Darach : then
    [Experienced] Dread : value my opinion
    [Experienced] Dread : by gagging me
    [Police] Darach : enjoy being a moron
    [Experienced] Dread : for saying it
    [Police] Darach : you are under arrest
    [Hotshot] Luney : !specbot
    [Experienced] Dread : pls officer handcuffs
    [Police] Panda : an opinion is saying
    [Police] Darach : for being a sandnigr
    [Police] Panda : "I think this is this"
    [Police] Panda : Saying "This map is shit"
    [Experienced] Dread : dude
    [Experienced] Dread : no
    [Experienced] Dread : i say
    [Police] Panda : is not an opinion
    [KSF Clan] - Type !donate in chat if you wish to make a donation.
    [Experienced] Dread : its shit
    [Police] Panda : Learn language
    [Police] Panda : then talk
    [Experienced] Dread : because i dont like it
    [Police] Panda : idiot
    JJ nimmt teil.
    JJ (STEAM_0:1:11201254) connected from Norway
    [Experienced] Dread : learn language?
    [Experienced] Dread : idiot?
    ThatGuyIsPolish nimmt teil.
    ThatGuyIsPolish (STEAM_0:1:75052839) connected from United States
    [Experienced] Dread : you tell me gag cuz toxic
    *SPEC* [Rookie] fyzicul : woah, can't we all just be friends
    Crowley nimmt teil.
    Crowley (STEAM_0:0:73455651) connected from Germany
    [Experienced] Dread : ur being an asshole
    [Experienced] Dread : actually signing up on KSF to report u
    [Police] Panda : sure i am buddy
    [Experienced] Dread : yep

    I feel like this person should not be allowed to "gag, mute, kick or ban " players when he Instantly Values different opinions as bad opinions and punishes despite having not need to. If I missbehaved I will change whatever I did to fit in the rules but he surely gave 0 fucks.

  2. Thanks Louieismyname, supremee, Mooster Cow thanked for this post
  3. #2
    KSF Member Stevo_97's Avatar
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    Honestly I don't think you had to go out of your way to let everyone in the server know your opinion. That being said, they didn't really have grounds to gag you and their entire argument was senseless. I doubt anything will be done as it's a one-time offence. You can add me on steam or use !contactadmin "message here" to contact an admin via discord if something like this happens again.

    03:14 - MIKE: you should have fucking warned me
    03:14 - MIKE: now you have to buy me a new desk
    03:14 - MIKE: cause the boner i got smashed right through it

  4. Thanks supremee, Draph thanked for this post
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  5. #3
    New User Dread's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevo_97 View Post
    Honestly I don't think you had to go out of your way to let everyone in the server know your opinion. That being said, they didn't really have grounds to gag you and their entire argument was senseless. I doubt anything will be done as it's a one-time offence. You can add me on steam or use !contactadmin "message here" to contact an admin via discord if something like this happens again.

    I guess so, Yet if this happens 10 more times and no one bothers to report it i guess when someone does it would still just be the " first time he was reported" So yeah, will message you or contactadmin next time. thanks

  6. #4
    Recruit maggi's Avatar
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    Where to start on this... saying a map is bad is not being toxic, toxic is pretty much everything that Darach idiot said. Avoiding gag is obviously not permaban worthy. Some idiots saying maps are bad is not the reason mappers stop making maps. You don't have to say "i think" to state an opinion. What's with the "police" tag? Hope you don't think you're special just cause you have vip. Why is there so much cancer on ksf?
    (also looksmodern is one the most underrated maps ever made)
    Last edited by maggi; 03-26-2018 at 02:04 AM.

  7. Thanks Louieismyname, Warbag, Tomos, supremee thanked for this post
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  8. #5
    New User Darach's Avatar
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    I never gagged you once, and I didn't think you'd get so easily offended over something like this
    You know when someone who is constantly saying racist words and shit posting in the chat, like you do, I'd presume you'd have a bit of barebones and take a bit of smack when thrown at you, which I guess you don't have, Kind of Ironic right? Using racist words and being rude to other players, for example lower ranked people,like handair who promoted his surf stream who is a really nice guy btw, you told him nobody wants to watch a casual surf.
    Now it seems to me you can't take anyone rustling your jimmies to well, so if you don't like it, don't do it to other people in the future my dude

    Also I've never gagged anyone, but myself, or abused my powers, and I'm friends with a lot of people on the public servers, if not all.
    So if any admins have a problem with this situation, be sure to add me on steam and we can chat about it because I personally didn't mean any harm from it!

    Last edited by Darach; 03-26-2018 at 02:18 PM.

  9. Dislikes supremee disliked this post
  10. #6
    KSF Member Blink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darach View Post
    I never gagged you once, and I didn't think you'd get so easily offended over something like this
    You know when someone who is constantly saying racist words and shit posting in the chat, like you do, I'd presume you'd have a bit of barebones and take a bit of smack when thrown at you, which I guess you don't have, Kind of Ironic right? Using racist words and being rude to other players, for example lower ranked people,like handair who promoted his surf stream who is a really nice guy btw, you told him nobody wants to watch a casual surf.
    Now it seems to me you can't take anyone rustling your jimmies to well, so if you don't like it, don't do it to other people in the future my dude
    This complaint is not about you at all, it's about Panda abusing his VIP thinking he has the right to moderate chat to his liking because he is paying $7 a month

  11. Thanks Draph, Louieismyname, Sundayy, supremee, maggi, Stevo_97 thanked for this post
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  12. #7
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    The amount of neckbeard in this thread is outstanding.

  13. Thanks Stevo_97 thanked for this post
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  15. #9
    New User noldyy's Avatar
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    *SPEC* [Rookie] fyzicul : woah, can't we all just be friends

    rookie with the realness pls listen

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