
View Entry Info: disgusting name

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Lets rape some women
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Thread: disgusting name

  1. #1
    New User Gotz2poo's Avatar
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    disgusting name

    This player entered the game, i asked him to change his name because i find it very offensive. Rape is not something one jokes about.
    He ignored my request so I came here to ask for a punishment for someone having such a vulgar name.

  2. #2
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    Your name offends me because I have a chronic bowel disorder, can you please change your name?


    Well, I'm sorry. My name probably offends someone here in 2018 anyway, it's just how life is on the internet.

  3. Thanks Louieismyname, Warbag, wild, Draph thanked for this post
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  4. #3
    New User Gotz2poo's Avatar
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    That has to be the dumbest argument in the history of man kind.
    You're comparing a natural bodily function to holding someone against their will and raping them.
    Genius *claps* just genius...

  5. #4
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    I think the joke went a little too far over your head.

    If you don't like someones name, either go on another ksf server, don't play the game, or hidechat so you don't see them type to anyone.

  6. #5
    New User Gotz2poo's Avatar
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    Its not a joking matter... but what your saying is i can literally have a name saying " Nowlech sucks my dirty asshole " and nothing will be done. You should just go to another server? Or how about something is done?? I'm not saying i can't take a joke. You want to have a name saying " I just teabagged my G/f " go for it, as long as she gave him consent its really not a bad thing. But stating you want to hold someone against their will rape them is pretty fucking disgusting. It looks bad on the server name allowing that kind of behavior.

  7. Thanks RedVenom thanked for this post
  8. #6
    Recruit tato's Avatar
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    Who cares, he never actually raped someone and if he did that has nothing to do with the server. A steam name is just a steam name and it’s not to be taken so seriously. Getting your panties in a bunch about something so insignificant is pointless.

  9. Dislikes Rulldar disliked this post
  10. #7
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    this has got to be the best thread of 2018

  11. Thanks MaKo thanked for this post
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  12. #8
    New User Gotz2poo's Avatar
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    "Who cares, he never actually raped someone and if he did that has nothing to do with the server. A steam name is just a steam name and it’s not to be taken so seriously. Getting your panties in a bunch about something so insignificant is pointless."

    How do you know he didn't rape someone, maybe hes gloating about his actions and wants to do it again. A steam name is just a steam name. Saying Bomb in an airport is just saying a word. Threatening someones life is just a sentence. It all begins somewhere. Maybe this idiot that has the name is screaming out for help because actions in his head are saying do it and he's looking for his online community for guidance. By saying its not a big deal to have the name, could very well put inside his head ( its not a big deal ). Now you've helped this sick thought process.

    What if one of those women were your sister, or your mother. Maybe, just maybe, your grandmother. You think im being ridiculous but just wait till it affects your life and there 6" deep in your mouth that you don't want this time but you cant stop it.

    Rape is nothing to joke about, period. If you think it doesn't matter, then you might be a rapist yourself.

  13. Thanks synki thanked for this post
  14. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gotz2poo View Post
    You think im being ridiculous but just wait till it affects your life and there 6" deep in your mouth that you don't want this time but you cant stop it.

  15. Thanks supremee thanked for this post
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  16. #10
    Regular Poster Nyannix's Avatar
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    fuck off sjw go spread your cancer somewhere else

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