Kusche ban request
down syndrome kid bans me for gag evading when some nonammer VIP clowns gagged me. Huge argument going on all because kusche's ego was offended when I called him a neckbeard window licker because he surfs 85% of the day during his sad pathetic life fking eurotards. I even offered him a towel to wipe the drool dribbling out from his lower lip.
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why was this guy unbanned
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The question is why did I get banned from you kushche? All I did was tell you to get off surf and go to sleep and I get banned get fucked lmao
[Rookie] Ling Ling : get off surf you fucking neckbeard
u started the shit with this thinking ur someone, wonder why u kept getting gagged and eventually banned cuz u wouldnt stay gagged lol
this and ur rank just proves ur on the servers just to talk shit, not to surf
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kEX thanked for this post
kid complains telling people to get him to go to sleep begging for attention because he has no friends. Then the kid thinks rank means shit in surf LOOL just means you are a braindead grinder. I'd copy and paste some shit your downie ass said but I clearly cant because of abused admin

Originally Posted by
Then the kid thinks rank means shit in surf LOOL
yes surf rank means quite alot in surf XD
Doesnt mean Im there to talk shit because im a low rank that was my other acc i lost my main one you downie
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How i imagine this guy behind his screen:
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MaKo thanked for this post
Rickzter nobody was talking to you go back to being a washed up mongoloid in your corner. Never did I say I cared if he was better than me at a dying game LOOOL
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