some stairs that would be nice as slants, like on sandman: animals s3, ultimate s3, lore s6
not sure if the lights on psycho s4 are still there but people hate those
surf_aux still has the problem where you can't see the end of s2 if you have high dynamic range enabled and i've warned a few people who hadn't beaten it about this in the last week or two, because though i have my own troubles day to day... plagued by doubt, unable to succeed, you name it... helping people out even in such a minor way is success enough. + b2 needs autobhop
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I;m going to yank my head off if the last stage of unicorn b1 isn't fixed before someone who hasn't spent 19+ hours failing takes it and ruins the point of the whole bonus and by extension my life. that's 40 full days i can't get back anytime soon. that's right, 7 whole months on just one bonus
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s8 collaboration - the boost for wrcp and most times do an in and out boost which can be seen by doing showtriggers_toggle.
03:14 - MIKE: you should have fucking warned me
03:14 - MIKE: now you have to buy me a new desk
03:14 - MIKE: cause the boner i got smashed right through it
Hold open the door at the end of surf_y stage 7
^ might as well hold open the ones in the middle too
s6 concept start its so awkwardly placed
salient b2 spawn, if we could spawn on the ground when pressing the tele bind instead of having the 5 sec drop everytime it would be awsome
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Originally Posted by
The Joker
salient b2 spawn, if we could spawn on the ground when pressing the tele bind instead of having the 5 sec drop everytime it would be awsome
The 5s drop gives you time to rethink the choices in your life. Use it wisely.
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surf_two_colour s5 endportal tps u to a random room, u can't get to s6

Originally Posted by
surf_two_colour s5 endportal tps u to a random room, u can't get to s6
Only if you do it wrong. Gotta walk through start or something like this.
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