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  1. #11
    Professional Sundayy's Avatar
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    I'm with boo, tryharders will always try to find ways to exploit stages and in this case, spawns -1

    Quote Originally Posted by The Joker View Post
    also for spawns where this could be abused sacred could make something to prevent it easily (trigger/no jump).
    So you want Sacred to edit and add triggers through +300 maps? This is a lot of work

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  3. #12
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    You guys are saying "tryharders will find a way to abuse it" but I can't think of any way people could abuse start zones with this feature in a way that wouldn't be possible without the feature. It's just a quality of life feature, no more significant than using !teleport instead of waiting to hit the fail triggers.

    If you're worried about people climbing on stuff, that's not at all an issue since the WRCP's already do that where possible (forbidden_tomb for example), and the velocity cap would continue to prevent people from doing it on stages that have climbable stuff that isn't used in the WRCP (syria_again final stage for example). Giving players the option to set a custom !restart/!teleport location would just make grinding WRCP's less annoying for everyone.

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  5. #13
    Recruit not_a_zombie's Avatar
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    I think the only restrictions it would need are that you have to get to the location by walking, no noclip or anything, and you can't use it if you're in a run, so no using it to save time there.

    I guess one way it could be "exploited" is as an easy way to get to bonuses you currently have to surf to (e.g. the_distance), but if you're really concerned about that you could add the restriction that you can only use locs while you're in that zone. Alternatively, just let people play bonuses without making them surf to them.

  6. #14
    Regular Poster The Joker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sundayy View Post
    So you want Sacred to edit and add triggers through +300 maps? This is a lot of work
    Understanding simple facts seems to be a lot of work for you.

    as always you are not thinking straight when talking to me, there is not many maps that would need to be edited if any at all, as stated by juxtapo.
    But since you are a hater you had to say something negative didnt you.

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  8. #15
    Regular Poster Nyannix's Avatar
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    Isn't it possible to only be allowed to set a custom spawn location if you don't jump in spawn. For example, when you jump in the startzone you aren't allowed to set a custom spawn location untill you do !teleport or fail the map.

  9. #16
    Recruit maggi's Avatar
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    I 100% agree with juxtapo. Any wrcp that is annoying to start has already been done, royal s5 is a perfect example of that. This would only make things better in my opinion. +1

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  11. #17
    KSF Member frankdimegglio's Avatar
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    what maggi said.

    would be a great tool to cut the obligatory 10 second walk at the start of every run on some maps, like inrage2

  12. #18
    KSF Member THERAPIST's Avatar
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    I think it's a good idea. If someone's doing something stupid with it they can just cop a ban - don't really think the few idiots that abuse it warrants it not being added for everyone.

    It needs to work in map start zones always ie. for maps like sunnyhappylove, inrage2 etc, but only work for stage start zones when in practice mode so that people can't engineer !teleport shortcuts for WR run's though.

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  14. #19
    KSF Member MaKo's Avatar
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    Just go onto csgo and go to Surfheaven and see how they got it, they basically got this system in place with basically no flaws

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  16. #20
    Moderator Sacred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaKo View Post
    Just go onto csgo and go to Surfheaven and see how they got it, they basically got this system in place with basically no flaws
    No thanks.

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