
View Entry Info: Application - Jabra

First Name
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CSS Username
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Steam ID
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Steam Account Name
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You must be 16 or older to apply.
Please enter your country of origin.
Duration of time applicant has been playing CSS
Use your best estimate.
2009 October
Duration of time applicant has been surfing on CSS
Use your best estimate.
2009 October
Duration of time applicant has been playing on KSF
You can check your playtime on the server.
Since the end of 2011
List of skill maps completed
You can use tier 5 maps and above.
surf_sinsane_ksf (+bonuses), surf_sinister_evil (+bonuses)
Reason for application
Please enter why you want to be in the KSF Clan.
1. I want to keep admin- and vip abusers in check and help victims 2. I like KSF community
Contributions applicant has made/can make towards the KSF Community.
Any useful talents can be written here.
For many years ago I made a list of which stages should be applied max velocity to their start zones. Apart from that, I want to talk about my idea above. I want to be constantly awaken on KSF Community Steam page room chat (or so much as I can), where alleged victims of unjustified punishments (gag, mute or ban) can call me anytime they want. I will request the alleged victim to describe the course of events. If the admin or VIP has acted unjustifiedly in the story told, I will ask the admin or VIP if the story told is true. If he doesn't confirm, I will go check the demo myself as soon it's up. If the admin or VIP has acted unjustifiedly, I will give him a warning and repeal the punishment. A list of VIP and admin abusers and their respective amount of warnings would be published.
Do you actively use a microphone and/or have a microphone
You can answer yes or no.
No and yes
Do you actively participate on the KSFClan forums
We ask that you stay active on our forums.
Do you actively participate on the KSF Clan Discord?
It's not required, but will be beneficial if you participate on our discord server.
Are you currently in another clan? If so please post your current clan
You cannot be in another clan while in KSF.
Number of points obtained
Whats your current point total on our server?
Points from top ten records
How many points have you gotten from top 10's?
World record number
Have you ever broken a world record, world record checkpoints, or world record bonus?
1 wr, 1 wrb and 168 wrcps

View Poll Results: Accept this player?

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  • Yes (+1)

    11 68.75%
  • No (-1)

    5 31.25%
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  1. #1
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    Application - Jabra

    So yeh^^

  2. #2
    KSF Member THERAPIST's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jabra View Post
    For many years ago I made a list of which stages should be applied max velocity to their start zones. Apart from that, I want to talk about my idea above. I want to be constantly awaken on KSF Community Steam page room chat (or so much as I can), where alleged victims of unjustified punishments (gag, mute or ban) can call me anytime they want. I will request the alleged victim to describe the course of events. If the admin or VIP has acted unjustifiedly in the story told, I will ask the admin or VIP if the story told is true. If he doesn't confirm, I will go check the demo myself as soon it's up. If the admin or VIP has acted unjustifiedly, I will give him a warning and repeal the punishment. A list of VIP and admin abusers and their respective amount of warnings would be published.
    Can you elaborate on this? I'm not sure what I'm reading here. As far as I know there is little in the way of admin abuse going on barring the events of the last week or so, are you saying that there is some kind of huge problem that needs to be corrected?

    Also how would you repeal punishments, are you applying to leapfrog every other member and become head admin or something?

    I'm honestly not sure if you just wrote that for the sake of not putting something generic and meaningless in there or if you're applying in order to run some vendetta against current VIP's/admins. If you literally just put "I can wear the tag and represent the clan" or something like that this would have been a very easy vote.
    Last edited by THERAPIST; 07-19-2016 at 03:40 PM.

  3. #3
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    I will not put me in a higher position than the rest of the admins. My method is proof based. Any admin can repeal punishments if they have proves of the alleged rulebreaker did nothing wrong. So I'm not applying for any kind of high admin status. I'm just talking about what I can contribute with as admin trough my KSF membership. - And yeah, I still see too much admin and vip abuse around.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jabra View Post
    I will not put me in a higher position than the rest of the admins. My method is proof based. Any admin can repeal punishments if they have proves of the alleged rulebreaker did nothing wrong. So I'm not applying for any kind of high admin status. I'm just talking about what I can contribute with as admin trough my KSF membership. - And yeah, I still see too much admin and vip abuse around.
    Or they could just come create a thread on the forum if they feel their ban/gag/mute was unjust.

  5. #5
    Moderator Sacred's Avatar
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    Why do you make it out to be a bad thing that he would want to do his job as an admin? Didn't have to describe it as he did, but what's bad about it?
    Also, he did in fact go through like all maps and stages to make a list of where to add or remove maxvel, so that was pretty nice altho it's a few years back now.

  6. Thanks Xade thanked for this post
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  7. #6
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    Thanks, Sacred^^
    Quote Originally Posted by Juxtapo View Post
    Or they could just come create a thread on the forum if they feel their ban/gag/mute was unjust.
    Or they could just join KSF Community chat room and and get their case processed a lot faster

    Sorry I exaggerated a bit about the public list etc. I will just be active on KSF Community chat room where people can message me anytime when I'm home to examine their case proof based. In difficult cases that are not 'to the right hand' where me and vip or admin might disagree i will ofc. not repeal or determine anything and be "above".
    Last edited by Jabra; 07-20-2016 at 12:48 PM.

  8. #7
    Recruit scotty's Avatar
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    gl jabra

  9. #8
    KSF Member SyFo is CP's Avatar
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    +1 (obv..)

  10. #9
    KSF Member Kiiru's Avatar
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    I really like you as a surfer as well as a person so I would gladly give you a thumbs up. +10
    Mapper & surfer. Umad?

  11. #10
    KSF Member frankdimegglio's Avatar
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