
View Entry Info: CS:GO Server Community

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Anonymous, SacRed, and other abusive admins
Time of day that the offense took place.
several events over past few days
Admins Online
List any admins who were on the server at the time.
SacRed, Anonymous, others
Please enter the steamid of the offending user.
Complaint Description
Please describe the details of the situation.
the community on the cs go server has been totally destroyed after certain admins came on and banned the regulars.
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  1. #51
    Recruit OG Kronk's Avatar
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    Shena, for all it's worth, you are slightly better than your butt buddy.

  2. #52
    Recruit OG Kronk's Avatar
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    just went on the server to see both of them being fags. It might not show this part but he muted Mona Dankerino for saying that the server was better before they joined because they had more freedom and shit. paraphrasing btw.

  3. #53
    KSF Member Mooster Cow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooster Cow View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooster Cow View Post

  4. #54
    Recruit OG Kronk's Avatar
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    [Experienced] FringeGames : with admins that are fags
    [SM] Voting for next map has started.
    SurfTimer | 3 minutes remaining
    � [KSF Clan] - Current Map: surf_ing
    *SPEC* [Admin] [shena | κѕғ] : lol mad?
    [Admin] [Anonymous? | KSF] : !ban fringe 10 have some respect
    [SM] ADMIN: Banned player "FringeGames" for 10 minutes (reason: have some respect).

    just banned a dude for calling him a faggot. people might be calling you names because you are a cunt.

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  6. #55
    Recruit OGpenguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evolv View Post
    i can't say anonymous was conducting himself properly as an admin should, if continual bans / gags that are unjustified continue i will take measures to see that it doesn't keep happening.
    nuff said

  7. #56
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    11. Respect all administrators (KSF Members), if you find an admin who is abusing please report them to on the complaints section of

    There is no abuse in this, he was disrespectful towards admin. I banned him for 10 minutes

  8. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by THERAPIST View Post
    You're trying to fool an admin into thinking you're someone who's meant to be banned and succeed, good job?
    Except I wasn't trying to fool an admin, I just thought would be funny to change my entire steam profile to his.

  9. #58
    KSF Member THERAPIST's Avatar
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    And then how does it become the admins fault you got banned? No shit if I saw someone on the server who's meant to be banned I would ban them for as long as I can then refer it to someone else to get the account permed. As an admin that's what Anon is expected to do.
    Last edited by THERAPIST; 06-23-2016 at 10:39 PM.

  10. #59
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    What the fuck did you just fucking hot sauce about me, you little crunchwrap? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Nacho Seals, and I’ve been dipped in numerous secret raids on Al-Queso, and I have over 300 confirmed fajitas grilled. I am trained in tortilla warfare and I’m the top burrito folder in the entire Tex-Mex armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another tamale. I will wrap you the fuck up with precision, onion, and cilantro the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that trompo to me over the Internet? Think again, pendejo. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of sopapillas across the border, and your poblano is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, menudo. The storm of sour cream that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your chalupa. You’re fucking muerte, kid. I can dish up al Pastor or chicharrón anywhere, anytime, and I can grill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just while drinking a few micheladas. Not only am I extensively trained in refried combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Taco Bell Corporation, and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the parillada, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy guacamole your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking lengua. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, in pesos, you goddamn pinche guey. I will shit salsa verde all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, cabrito.

  11. #60
    KSF Member Blink's Avatar
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    From just looking at what's been pasted on this thread it seems Anonymous and Shena might be a bit too hotheaded when it comes to dealing with players just messing around having fun but shit might be out of context, maybe they just were on a bad mood or maybe certain people are intentionally instigating them to try and get their admins removed.

    Also, some of the players seem to have false beliefs of their importance on the server and act as if they were entitled to special treatment because they and their friends are more vocal on the servers voicechat... I'm pretty sure most of the population on the server are there to break their times and compete on the surf maps, not listen to you talk.

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