No need to read the rest, you're already dead dude and I've already won. GG noob.
spider maybe you should write a book about how triggered you are about litteraly nothing
How about you stop making up lies you disgusting mud covered swine. Here's an idea, read the post before you claim he's lying. I know reading is hard for you and so is answering questions. I like how you make me seem like a retard when you are fucking 99% autism and 1% gay. You fucking spurglord. You are so sensitive you butthurt little cunt, just because you are getting roasted on the internet. If you think this is cyberbullying go do what Amanda Todd did except go out Kurt Cobain style so I wont see your retarded face again. I mean, I cant see your face when it's that far up your ass so it wouldn't make a difference. Honestly, if you need to cool down from the roast, you need to go to the sun which is at least 99999999999 degrees cooler, cause you are getting burnt up.
you guys are now insulting. I do not see any point to argue anymore. When you guys will have your head out of your asses let me know, and I will gladly talk to you guys.
All of you have zero credibility. People that are insulting are most likely that they have nothing more to say and are trapped and do not want to argue anymore.
Last edited by Anonymous?; 06-23-2016 at 02:48 PM.
I leave to buy games for 2 fucking hours.... WTF happened while I was gone?
Love the irony, calling us out for insulting you and you insult us thinking you get the moral highground. How about you realize that you are not the center of the universe, you are not more important than anyone else. All you are is a retarded admin that thinks you're a god.
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