Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous? View Post
First, begging for your app is an auto -1 for on my side. Begging = not worthy. [Experienced] OGpenguin : so adam u wanna maybe +1 that admin app of mine ;]

Your friend Fada did a stupid thing by changing his name. I do not give a damn who you are. If you are impersonating someone who recently got perma banned and stupid enough to ask for unban (even thought you are not the user in question) then you are completely brainless. Your friend will not make this mistake twice. Nothing more.

I did not abuse at all. I just keep things under control. Making a thread about a gag that lasted no more than 20 minutes is plain stupid.
All penguin did was ask and I would not call that begging. I could understand if he was spamming the chat asking for it but he clearly wasn't. Asking for a +1 is not against the rules and did not deserve a gag.
I have seen many people come on pretending to be panda and none of them were banned. It was clearly a joke and not to mention he wasn't breaking any rules ( at least according to the rules when you join the server ). The excuse you gave me was you banned him for impersonating a perma banned person, which is not against the rules. Based on what I heard you banned him without warning but I could be wrong on that.
The only rule I could have even possibly broken was disrespecting admins however all I did was ask a question and felt I was extremely respectful ( especially compared to how I normally act on the server ). You silenced me for asking questions you didn't like and I would consider that abuse of power.