
View Entry Info: CS:GO Server Community

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Anonymous, SacRed, and other abusive admins
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several events over past few days
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SacRed, Anonymous, others
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the community on the cs go server has been totally destroyed after certain admins came on and banned the regulars.
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  1. #1
    Recruit OGpenguin's Avatar
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    Angry CS:GO Server Community

    While I think pandanonymous can be rather cancerous, he was an important part of the community and not the only one affected by the actions of several abusive admins. There has been a strong, fun community of regulars on the server 24/7 for a long time now, and while there was a demand to get a few more admins on the server (which is why I made an application), the admins needed to be people who understood the community, not abusers who are trying to turn it into the css server - which it is not. To start, it makes no sense that panda got banned by SacRed for something that was determined by Evolv to be a bad reason for a ban (spamming the map end-sound) and something that more than half the server was doing; next, all the regulars are getting muted and kicked and banned for no reason, for example, Fada was banned by Anonymous for changing his name to pandanonymous; and then Anonymous gagged me for talking to mada, an admin i have become friends with, about my admin application. A server that went from having 60 people on it all the time now has no more than 25 people on at a time, and the reason comes down to the abuse of admins/ksf members who need to go back to css.

    Anonymous gagging me log:
    Kronk muted (banned later):

  2. Thanks OG Kronk, Fada #freepanda thanked for this post
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  3. #2
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    While anonymous is an angry Canadian, pandanonymous's ban was definitely justified.
    Last edited by Juxtapo; 06-22-2016 at 09:56 PM.

  4. Thanks OG Kronk, Fada #freepanda thanked for this post
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  5. #3
    Administrator evolv's Avatar
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    I can't say anonymous was conducting himself properly as an admin should, if continual bans / gags that are unjustified continue I will take measures to see that it doesn't keep happening.

  6. #4
    Recruit OGpenguin's Avatar
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    thanks for listening, even panda agrees his ban was justified so im not going to argue that

  7. #5
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    idek anonymous but his response was funny af and wasn't wrong imo. Who the hell goes around begging for +1 on admin applications.

    and about panda. Like 3-4 months ago when I was active on the csgo server he was toxic along with me. I quit csgo and started surfing css and he still continues to do dumb shit consistently, ain't no way he played an important part in the community(never was).
    Edit: oh 2nd pastebin lmao #adminego #makeKSFgreatagain
    Last edited by -BN; 06-22-2016 at 09:31 PM.

  8. #6
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    I'm not saying that it was a bad reason or a good reason I was banned, I'm going to say that I did deserve the ban. I did break the rules and Evolv told me not to do it again, but I still did it. I did deserve that ban and no one liked me on the servers in the first place. I did start a community there and people only joined the server because of this community I made with me and people there. I believe that if Admins abuse and don't get any harm done but somone who actually donates money and not saying deserves respect, but should have some type of leverage over the servers. I wasn't just some 13 year old who joined and started spamming. I have over 600 hours in KSF and about 650 in surf alone. Most of my time on KSF i was surfing and not only just being cancerous. Yes I did stuff wrong but atleast I can agree I did something wrong and deserve a ban. I just don't agree that I was banned because I'm me. Of course I'm not going to agree with my ban, that's up to the admins/members. But if people care about me on the servers and want me back. I can't tell them not to because that's them. I'm not saying Unban me but people want me back. If you do unban me I stopped surfing so I probably won't go on but I'm not the judge of my own ban. Also I was judged by my bad decisions. I made a lot of them, I also Helped a lot of people on that server, someone wanted to know a command, I was your guy, someone wanted to know tips on surfing, I was your guy. Every Time someone asked a question 75% of the time I would help, and that probably underestimated that. I helped the community a lot even if the people don't stay on that server. I did a lot for them and just like Nowlech, He helped me with a lot on the servers and It was great and taught me how to help people.

  9. #7
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    First, begging for your app is an auto -1 for on my side. Begging = not worthy. [Experienced] OGpenguin : so adam u wanna maybe +1 that admin app of mine ;]

    Your friend Fada did a stupid thing by changing his name. I do not give a damn who you are. If you are impersonating someone who recently got perma banned and stupid enough to ask for unban (even thought you are not the user in question) then you are completely brainless. Your friend will not make this mistake twice. Nothing more.

    I did not abuse at all. I just keep things under control. Making a thread about a gag that lasted no more than 20 minutes is plain stupid.

  10. #8
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    First off he wasn't begging, he was actually making a joke. I'm sorry if you have no sense of humor.
    Fada had his name as Pandanonymous as a joke and joined the server and forgot to change it back.
    "I did not abuse at all. I just keep things under control. Making a thread about a gag that lasted no more than 20 minutes is plain stupid." You have a weird way of being an admin then.

  11. #9
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    "ain't no way he played an important part in the community(never was)." You have not been on CS:GO in 3-4 months so you wouldn't know what community i was apart of. You said you quit CS:GO and then say I had no part of the community. You literally just??? ok

  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pandanonymous View Post
    I'm not saying that it was a bad reason or a good reason I was banned, I'm going to say that I did deserve the ban. I did break the rules and Evolv told me not to do it again, but I still did it. I did deserve that ban and no one liked me on the servers in the first place. I did start a community there and people only joined the server because of this community I made with me and people there. I believe that if Admins abuse and don't get any harm done but somone who actually donates money and not saying deserves respect, but should have some type of leverage over the servers. I wasn't just some 13 year old who joined and started spamming. I have over 600 hours in KSF and about 650 in surf alone. Most of my time on KSF i was surfing and not only just being cancerous. Yes I did stuff wrong but atleast I can agree I did something wrong and deserve a ban. I just don't agree that I was banned because I'm me. Of course I'm not going to agree with my ban, that's up to the admins/members. But if people care about me on the servers and want me back. I can't tell them not to because that's them. I'm not saying Unban me but people want me back. If you do unban me I stopped surfing so I probably won't go on but I'm not the judge of my own ban. Also I was judged by my bad decisions. I made a lot of them, I also Helped a lot of people on that server, someone wanted to know a command, I was your guy, someone wanted to know tips on surfing, I was your guy. Every Time someone asked a question 75% of the time I would help, and that probably underestimated that. I helped the community a lot even if the people don't stay on that server. I did a lot for them and just like Nowlech, He helped me with a lot on the servers and It was great and taught me how to help people.
    Your "good" didn't outweigh the bad, I guess. I was a nice person on the csgo servers too, helped people with commands, showed people stages , muted/gagged spammers and then I also trolled the racist retarded people but I never took it to the level you're at. You've already "accepted" the ban, literally accept it now, move on and you'll get unbanned soon. Once that happens don't fuck up again. Also when the big guy tells you not to do something again, don't do it. That's where you really messed up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pandanonymous View Post
    "ain't no way he played an important part in the community(never was)." You have not been on CS:GO in 3-4 months so you wouldn't know what community i was apart of. You said you quit CS:GO and then say I had no part of the community. You literally just??? ok
    Buddy, if the ban was on ksfcsgo then you were apart of the ksfcsgo community and if you're spamming the map completion sound then I can only imagine what other toxic stuff you were doing as well. I never said you weren't apart of the community. I said you never played an important part of the community and you never did. Important people in a community don't consistently do stupid shit.
    Last edited by -BN; 06-22-2016 at 10:12 PM.

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