
View Entry Info: Pandanonymous abuse wwwwwwwwww

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3:54 PM
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idk any admins (dont think so though)
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abuse of power.

I want to start out by saying I had no idea that anyone was admin, or do I have any way to identify who can do what to me, because I am new to Surfing.

I come from a Bhop background, which in general has a speed cap of 99999 or 3500.
From this, I thought the server was capped at 3500 speed, so I started to question why it was that way.
He proceeded to tell me that it wasn't capped at all and that he was reaching 4000+ speed. I told him that it would soon reduce to 3500 anyway. He continued to keep "trolling" me, and after a while he came out of the trolling closet by saying "haha get trolled" or something of that matter. He finally told me that maps are capped at a certain speed and not the server. I thought it was just a joke, because I didn't know that was even possible. He then muted me for being "salty" as he says.

I didn't really care too much about that, as I was unmuted the next map.

After playing through a couple maps, we hit a certain map, surf_hurrr or surf_hurr I'm really not sure which it is.

I will show the abuse and proof of abuse in the link here:

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  1. #11
    Advanced Poster dexter's Avatar
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    Does VIP's even need the ability to Mute and Gag people? Seems like it only creates stupid conflicts. Of course you could find some advantages to it as well, but are they worth it?

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dexter View Post
    Does VIP's even need the ability to Mute and Gag people? Seems like it only creates stupid conflicts. Of course you could find some advantages to it as well, but are they worth it?
    Honestly it would be better to have no mute/gag. At the same time admins never join the Tier 1-2. Who gonna stop the spammers?

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Masog View Post
    Stop being a fucking children, i honestly can't stand when ppl intentionally are playing dumb on the servers and are pissing the others off just to have fun and then are suprised that anything happens to them - and i am only referring to the video at this point. Just stop, even though I dont care about who you are.
    I was told BY Evolv (aka KSF owner) That it was fine as long as I don't do it again.

  4. #14
    KSF Member THERAPIST's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pandanonymous View Post
    This isn't abuse. Anyone can do this.
    The fact that the only person on the server that is enough of a spastic to actually do it is you is the reason that you're banned. You're going out of your way to piss literally everyone on the server off, how can you be at all surprised that you end up getting burnt over it?

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  6. #15
    Advanced Poster dexter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pandanonymous View Post
    Honestly it would be better to have no mute/gag. At the same time admins never join the Tier 1-2. Who gonna stop the spammers?
    As a European I usually find myself joining the EU server, but I do join the Tier 1-2 server quite often as well. I also see players like Mada, Nowlech, Dick Wizard, Camilk and Gazza on the Tier 1-2 servers regularly. Saying that "admins neer join the Tier 1-2" server is inaccurate. We are not superheroes though, so a little over 5 people will have a hard time managing a whole community. I cannot do anything other than apolagize if you feel like there aren't enough admins online.

    Kind regards,


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  8. #16
    Casual jbk's Avatar
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    Dropping off my two cents:
    I joined the server yesterday just for 30 minutes, found some swastikas on the walls. I covered them up with more paint, but someone kept drawing them. Then "nigger" started appearing on the walls.
    I mean, I know I draw big penises on the ramps, but come on, swastikas and the n word isn't fun.
    Me and Panda were the only VIPs online.
    He was being toxic in chat, started a vote about me being a cuck. You know... I don't mind the friendly funny votes, but that was just dumb and rude.

    I paid for VIP because I like to be able to mute john cena spammers in voicechat on T1-2 servers, I like to have friendly banter with some friends, so I really don't want to lose those privileges.

    There you go, should have taken screens but owell.

  9. #17
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    Jbk, I've never had a complaint about you, if you're a VIP and you're helping out the servers by covering up unwanted crap on the walls and muting only the necessary spammers, then you're all good my friend. Thanks

  10. #18
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    I see what you're saying but for all the vips that don't abuse mute/gag privileges, it's kinda unnecessary. It would probably be better to have a one strike system to get rid of all the people that do. (dexter)

  11. #19
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    "Then "nigger" started appearing on the walls." Woah, Woah, Woah. First off. I draw Symbolic peace symbols. (Backwards swastikas) And If anything I not a racist. If you see nigger or stuff like that. THAT IS NOT ME. I would never be racist. I am strongly against racism. Yes I draw off center cocks and peace symbols that happen to look like swastikas but I would never draw racist word ever.

  12. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by dexter View Post
    As a European I usually find myself joining the EU server, but I do join the Tier 1-2 server quite often as well. I also see players like Mada, Nowlech, Dick Wizard, Camilk and Gazza on the Tier 1-2 servers regularly. Saying that "admins neer join the Tier 1-2" server is inaccurate. We are not superheroes though, so a little over 5 people will have a hard time managing a whole community. I cannot do anything other than apolagize if you feel like there aren't enough admins online.

    Kind regards,

    I'm sorry. I would know, I used to go on the server for around 9 hours a day. I would kinda know if admins would join. I know for a fact Admins come on at least once a day but they stay on for barely 2 maps. That's not moderation IMO. If you think 2 maps a day changes thing, think again. Yes admins join but it's more of how long they stay.

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