[Mute/Punish] storm◢◤ - Causing Pointless Distruptions
Ban request - Causing Random Arguments - With no actual meaning
Name of the offending player: storm◢◤
Time when it happened: 19:00 GMT+1
Number of people on the server at the time: 40-55
Admins online(afk or not): None
Reason you are requesting this ban: People like this should not be playing, there's no reason to argue, and refuse to stop.
Steam ID of the offending player: STEAM_1:1:96874781
Additional Info:
Today I join the Surf 1-2 Tier server and 'Storm' and Isaac the Creator are battling it out, but Isaac is trying to kill of the argument, but Storm refuses to stop after several people ask him to 'Shut up' etc..
Can someone either gag/mute Storm, or do something about it please?
Chat logs: http://pastebin.com/4Kp4tmzT
My name is '◢◤ | Amos ' my SteamID: STEAM_1:0:33545602
Just to top everything off:
[Experienced] BBoSS : Sorry, didn't quite catch that I only understand 'Murican
[Experienced] storm◢◤ : sorry
[Experienced] storm◢◤ : ur mums dead
EDIT1: Just collecting more shit he says;
[Experienced] storm◢◤ : hey clarity ( -- Clarity is a DonatorAdmin (Ithink) -- )
[Experienced] storm◢◤ : are you a virgin
[Casual] Garoco : clarity are you an admin
[Experienced] ◢◤ | Amos : ^
[Experienced] storm◢◤ : fat fuck donates to a server because they dont get any pussy @ all
[Experienced] ◢◤ | Amos : Can you mute this degenerate.
[Experienced] storm◢◤ : lmao clarity go outside pussy hole
[Experienced] storm◢◤ : ban me
[Experienced] storm◢◤ : no mute
Last edited by MrAmos123; 09-23-2015 at 12:23 PM.
Aight I think I missed this by an hour when I went off to sleep, I'll keep an eye out for him.
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Surely this post warrants a mute/temp ban.
It blatantly doesn't want to be here.
I can't really do anything about it, but evolv might.
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