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  1. #1
    Recruit Enhex's Avatar
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    Lightbulb SUPER SURF (standalone surf game)

    I'm making a standalone Surf game and I'm hoping I could get some help here.


    For the player:
    - Auto jump - no need for hack'ish mouse wheel jump binding
    - Restart/checkpoint button - don't have to wait until you hit the ground
    - Start and end zones - pre-strafe possible.
    - Player skins (works like sprays)
    Editing skin
    In-game front
    In-game back
    - Personal record tracker (client side so works on all servers)
    - UI & UX improvements
    - In-game browser (can be used to automatically open internet radio / YouTube playlist)
    - No speed limit (for now at least)
    - Spectator
    - No vertical ramp clipping
    - "classic" and "super" modes
    Classic inspires to stay true to the source as much as possible.
    Super attempts to create an experience which is more fast paced, more "classic racing".
    Super mode also offers lower entry barrier for new players.

    For the mapper:
    - Level editor that works out of the box (those who work with gmod/css know the pain)
    - Restart/checkpoint button - Mappers don't need to cover everything with teleport triggers
    - No need for skybox brushes
    - No need to seal the level, no leaks
    - Maximum vertex precision in the file format, prevents clipping problems

    For the host:
    - No need to specially configure a server for surfing to work - air accel, fall damage, etc.

    The game is still in early development so not all the features are implemented yet.

    Test Build:
    Gets updated once in a while, link stays the same.

    Right now there are only few test maps I made. You can make your own levels using the editor, which is very similar to Hammer.

    If you have suggestions or questions let me know.
    Last edited by Enhex; 08-06-2017 at 02:08 PM.

  2. #2
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    Would definitly like it if u could add a way to get a turnbind in there. Also I don't really like the idea that the timer starts as soon as u spawn. ^^

  3. #3
    Recruit Sunday :B's Avatar
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    looks and sounds pretty g00d mayn! would buy

  4. #4
    Recruit Enhex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prostagma View Post
    Would definitly like it if u could add a way to get a turnbind in there. Also I don't really like the idea that the timer starts as soon as u spawn. ^^
    What's a turnbind? Strafing to the direction you turn?
    Also regarding the timer I'll add a countdown later, like any other racing game, so you have few seconds to get ready and set before you go.
    Or maybe a button to press once you're ready to go.

    Btw I'm working on few cool features right now. One of them is to be able to import levels into Blender for lightmap baking. I really hope that it will work.
    Last edited by Enhex; 05-04-2015 at 05:59 PM.

  5. #5
    New User swagman1999's Avatar
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    sorry if this comes off as rude but why are you trying to recreate a game that you don't know anything about and have no passion for?

  6. #6
    Recruit Enhex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swagman1999 View Post
    sorry if this comes off as rude but why are you trying to recreate a game that you don't know anything about and have no passion for?
    I have no problem with rudeness, but please don't represent your opinions as facts, that's lying.

    In my defense:
    I probably played on surf maps ever sense I got CS:S, which is about +10 years. The fact that I'm not a hardcore surfer doesn't mean that I don't know anything about it. In fact I understand it so well I was able to recreate it, down to the physics engine level.

    To answer the legitimate question "Why are you making a surf game?":
    My main passion is programming and designing systems. I first started working on the level editor because I didn't like the level editor paradigm which is used in engines like Unity and Unreal, and I couldn't find an alternative. The editors I didn't like requires the level designer to be a 3D artist (know how to use a fully featured 3D software) which makes the entry barrier very high and basically makes a mapping community not feasible.
    After I had the core of the editor ready I needed to make a game that uses it. At the beginning I thought to make some sort of "Treasure Hunt" game with puzzles and traps. Later I figured out surf is much more suitable for a brush-like level editor and it would be much nicer because no one made a standalone surf game, and the UX has quite a lot of place for improvement.

    I may not be as passionate as you about surfing itself, and that's why I'm here, to ask for feedback from those who do.
    Some like to surf, some like to map, and some like to program, and these things aren't mutually exclusive, they're beneficial to each other.

    Also how come you, "swagman1999", an account created only 2 days after my introduction thread, only got 2 posts on this forum and both of them are negative replies to me?
    I suspect this is a fake account made by some mapper I tried to team up with earlier on. I checked if any of them have accounts on this forum and the only active one is Juxtapo.
    Not only that while we teamed up he didn't do anything and lied that he's "busy" with +100 "past 2 weeks" hours on Steam, now he tries to malevolently attack me here.
    Last edited by Enhex; 05-04-2015 at 10:59 PM.

  7. #7
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    Last edited by Juxtapo; 08-16-2016 at 10:47 AM.

  8. #8
    Recruit Enhex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juxtapo View Post
    I was the main one trying to move the project forward and when you weren't taking our suggestions to heart I wanted to back out of the project but I didn't want to leave you with no help/advice after everyone else bailed but you still weren't making any progress I could contribute to.
    Can you name a single thing that you contributed?
    The only things you did were to ignore my messages and lie that you're busy.

    Also "swagman1999" is obviously a fake account of someone from this forum who knew about this project and hates it/me.
    If it isn't you, then who else could it be? Do you realize the list of people that match these requirement consist of one person?
    Should I be surprised if you're lying about that too?

    I just hope other people here don't mind the drama.
    But if you see fraud, and don't shout "fraud", you are a fraud.

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    Last edited by Juxtapo; 05-06-2015 at 02:04 AM. Reason: not interested in drama

  10. #10
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    To me, it just seems like a worse version than we already have. As a consumer, there's no reason I would play your standalone when there's already a developed community with plenty of players, servers and maps running perfectly.

    Your "features" are hardly improvements, if not they're already in the game. (Talking about KSF)

    Auto jump - no need for hack'ish mouse wheel jump binding
    -Has been around for quite some time, and in CSGO is global.

    Proper timer - starts when the player can move (no pre-hopping)
    -No prehopping has already been added into KSF, and a lot of people enjoy the prestrafing that is currently in the game (adds more skill to the starts).

    Restart button - don't have to wait until you hit the ground
    -Again, a feature included inside of KSF and most other servers.

    Player skins (works like sprays)
    -I don't really understand, but if it's a spray type thing, then once again we have that.

    Personal record tracker (client side so works on all servers)
    -KSF already has this across all of their servers, CSGO and CSS (CSGO & CSS stats are separate, but can be access on either)

    Speed displayed in recognizable units (km/h)
    -km/h? this is a feature that you're trying to push? it's hardly recognizable in the video game world, and you can see in your video, you go 200 km/h which is clearly not "realistic". Even if you called it dicks per month, it'd still mean the same because it's just relative to what you're doing. You're comparing km/h to km/h just like you'd be comparing u/s to u/s. m/s would make more sense in this case anyway.

    In-game browser (can be used to automatically open internet radio / YouTube playlist)
    -Been added both through steam, and ingame (KSF has it, atleast).

    No speed limit (for now at least)
    -The speed limit can be adjusted to the map, (omnific, reprise, unicorn to name a few), and at 10k u/s (which is what omnific & unicorn are set to) it's ridiculously fast to the point that it's basically a limit where it's just not really fun to surf.

    So, what I'm asking is why, as a consumer, I would play your game? What's the appeal to it? It only has a very loose feel of surf and isn't really appealing to me as a player.

    It's definitely a neat project, it's just that I don't see it going very far as it offers almost no reasons for me to choose it over the options already available and established.

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