First Name: Marisa
CSS Username: Kirisame (Last_Whore_Of_Hakurei_Shrine / Nyastle)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:10000
Steam Account Name:
Age: 20
Location: Russia the Motherland.
Duration of time applicant has been playing CSS (estimate): Since 2005
Duration of time applicant has been surfing CSS (estimate): Spring - summer 2012
Duration of time applicant has been playing on KSF Server: Spring - summer 2012
List of Skill Maps Completed: All t6 maps.
Reason applying for KSF Clan: Deadeye is my waifu. I want to be closer to him.
Contributions applicant has made/can make towards the KSF Community: Uhm, since im super bhopper i can detect ppl that actually using bhop hacks.
Do you actively use a microphone and/or have a microphone: No.
Do you actively participate on the KSF forums? No.
Do you participate on the KSF Teamspeak? No.
Are you currently in another clan? No.
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