surf_static bonus (1st and 2nd times are prehopped) wiuu's legit
surf_liberation bonus lagged, remove btop add max vel!!
surf_vegetables bonus (1st time teleglitched rest legit)
surf_forbidden_ways_ksf every time before vividliquid is teleglitched
surf_adtr_njv every bonus time less than ~7.6 is teleglitched (remove the movable doors at spawn of it when u fix)
surf_asrown bonus nearly every time teleglitched
sure_lore bonus 1 all teleglitched
surf_nemesis bonus 1 all teleglitched before anonymous's time
sc_essence bonus most top10 times are prehopped/script
surf_epic bonus top10 is all prehopped
surf_deceptive bonus everyone prehopped
surf_exogenesis bonus everyone before yamaan prehopped and is vacced i think
surf_halloween bonus 2 is teleglitched
surf_psycho wrb is lagged
surf_parc_colore bonus 1 and 3 teleglitched
surf_commune_too_beta5 - bonus 1
surf_lolrevlis teleglitchd
surf_syria stage 3 was some kind of timer glitch with goback
surf_mash-up stage 1 is lagged
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