I actually do have WRCPs but for wtv reason its bugged on the server, it displays the wrong information on my account as to which stages i have broke the record and i have told several people about this but to no answer/solution. At this point its a glitch from the server and if you guys want to take my records and points away then fine, but i find it quite unfair to accuse me of cheating and to ban me for 90 days on top of that, I don't even know what sort of hacks would give me these glitched times and neither does the admin that banned me it seems.... It's no news that the server is full of bugs.
As to the being a retard part, i am not sure what that means, i have plenty of friends in the server and usually get along fine with everyone and like to crack jokes and talk as everyone else does. Pretty unprofessional of whatever admin gave that as a reason when i don't say half the slurs that everyone else does on the server and genuinely try to be funny. All in all i enjoy surfing and i enjoy being a part of this community, this admin does not speak for me or for the time ive spent on the ksf servers trying to improve my skill.