Admin Application
First Name
Your real name.
CSGO Username
Please enter your CSGO Username.
Steam ID
Please enter your correct steamid.
Steam Account Name
Please enter your steam account name.
You must be 17 or older to apply.
Duration of time applicant has been surfing on KSF
How long have you been playing on our servers?
I would say I've been active for around 2 years, however it's been on and off, not constantly.
Do you actively participate on the KSFClan forums
Participation on our forums will increase your chances of being accepted.
I come on from time to time however I've never actually posted, I mainly just read and browse as I know there is not much help I can assist with due to a lot of members are already on the job.
Do you actively participate on the KSFClan Discord
Participation on our discord server will increase your chances of being accepted.
I've recently just joined your Discord channel and I intend to stay active there.
Are you currently in another clan
If so please post your current clan.
Reason for applying
Why have you decided to apply for our CSGO admin position.
Reason I'm applying is because I've played on KSF server for a good amount of time and I enjoy playing there. I personally enjoy the KSF Community and would be good to help out. Due to CSGO now being free, I've also noticed a lot of mic spammers and people just being completely rude to other members that try to join the community, people gotta be put in line.
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