Vips/admin abuse changing maps.
this is my first day on cs:s and this happened at least 4 or 5 times today, with different people i didn't check
but now it was like 3 am and a guy nominated beginner when it was surf_pavillion and waited like 30-40 mins while vips/admins were extending until 80 minutes.
Until here it's like everything ok, its the rules, they pay they get to extend.
but the 80 mins mark was reached, the map went to beginner, the guy was trying to beat the map, they didnt even rtv or anything they did "set nextmap surf_pavillon" and the rest is here
[Master] crashfort : now you cant do wrcp lol
[Master] crashfort : because you have to cut between the doors
[Hotshot] waspeh : u can open
[Hotshot] waspeh : oh, they close
*SPEC* [PRO] aukan : timer wont start?
[Master] crashfort : yes that too
[Hotshot] waspeh : oh
[Master] crashfort : it didnt load cfg
[Master] crashfort : because systm did wrong map name
[Hotshot] waspeh : l0l
[SM] crashfort: Initiated a vote.
*SPEC* [PRO] SyStM : lmao
I'm pretty sure you have acess of chat logs and commands used, this happened whole day, i understand people are tired of tier 1's but there are people that still wanna do good times on them, that's exactly why there is a vote and that's exactly why there are private servers and servers for experts+, veterans+ etc.
I'm pretty sure you won't do nothing about this because they pay but i'm still throwing my opinion out about power abuse in YOUR servers.
rest of good day
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