Quote Originally Posted by Crayz View Post
1. this turns mapping into work. People will start to make maps and hope to be retributed with free VIP. Surf mapping is now less about enjoyment of surf, more about free VIP.
I really don't think it would make mapping into work, it's more of a honor to the mappers for providing something well made. Look at zombie, Hardex or Krazy, they're consistently providing us with solid projects already, I think they just deserve a high status for their work.
Mapping is work, but that's also what makes it fun. If you keep redoing that one part til you finally get it right, you just feel good. That's how it is.

Quote Originally Posted by Crayz View Post
2. monopoly. the best mappers/maps always get accepted even without polls. Shit mappers will be discouraged, people will be jealous.
People get jealous already? Good maps get accepted and put on ksf first already? If people get discouraged by not being as good as others who've been mapping for a long time, they're not putting their hearts into what they're making anyway, I'm speaking from experience here.
I've been "mapping" for quite some time now, and before I put out semesterbreak I kept on dropping what I made because it just wasn't good enough compared to what I saw on ksf. It sounds anime to say this, but pulling through that frustration and working on your project til you're satisfied enough to put it out there and compete with others is part of what makes you a real mapper.

Quote Originally Posted by Crayz View Post
3. mappers would hold a higher status in ksf than both donors and regulars, reducing the value of being a donor/regular and causing more community split/troll/hate/etc
Same as 2., part of the community already hates what others put out? And I really don't see mappers being rewarded with vip devalue it as a whole, it's made to give you an advantage by providing you with more servers to surf on, people will want that regardless.

I wouldn't go as far as Chillinx and give every good and well known mapper lifetime VIP, but to give the people who made 666, omnific, all the good maps that stay in the rotation because they're just good deserves respect and reward in my opinion. Like someone being a patreon donor for a youtuber, they're not asked to donate but they volunteer because it just shows their gratitude for all the effort the creator put into the content.