Hi guys,

I'm new to surf and KSF servers, but I've noticed that there are different kind of world record leaderboards related to different surf styles:
1) forward,
2) sideway,
3) backward,
4) halfsideway.

The thing is, if one is trying to exhaust all the possibilities of this engine, one should introduce the new category of backward halfsideway surf style. This isn't something impossible to do at all, so why not making it a real thing?

Now, one could also think of an (almost impossible) surf-style I call "unidirectional surf": there would be 8 different subcategories there because there are 8 directions. You're only allowed to use one direction to complete a map. It is theoretically possible because you're allowed to make a 180 to switch directions with just 1 key (like, if you're only allowed to use right strafe, then you can perfectly turn left by going backward). You could therefore have "left strafe unidirectional surf" or, "forward unidirectional surf".

Now, surely forward and backward unidirectional surf are very similar, so one could perfectly regroup them together, as is already the case for sideway or halfsideway leaderboard (that regroups both right and left cases, depending on which ramp you face).

What do you guys think of this proposition?