FastDL server broken for Linux users
Hi there,
Your FastDL server for surf maps is broken for CS:GO users. Due to a bug in the linux version of steam (https://github.com/ValveSoftware/csg...nux/issues/177), the linux client/game does not send a valid referer when downloading maps from FastDL servers. Because your FastDL server has protection to prevent leaching and as a result of bug, linux users end up downloading broken maps and cannot play on your servers.
There is a workaround though. If you're using apache/htaccess files to secure your FastDL servers, someone has made an alternative one that will prevent leaching, but also allow linux CS:GO users to play on your servers: https://gist.github.com/schulzh/a81932c2c8d05d738f0c
Linux users are currently playing on other non-KSF CS:GO surf servers until this is fixed.
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