Quote Originally Posted by Jdzl View Post
watch it in slowmo, ive surfed for 3 years you dont think id know what the fuck im talking about, i beat it back to back because i knew the route, i dont wanna redo it cause im using slightly lower syns, im rank 11 on go so i dont know what your talking about, ive gotten really close to css stage records on go so why is this one any fucking different, ive donated money to this shitty server regardless i should be treated with respect, why am i any different than any else who beats records, beetle destroys records all the time whats any different you need to suck admin cock to get any where in this server or what. im not gunna be respectful sorry i wasnt raised to be a pussy and bow down to the ones who dont respect you in the first place, if this doesnt get sorted out im not surfing on this server anymore, i thought speedruning was a end goal for surf now its not in the equation so no point in puting effort in it if you cant win cause there retarded fucking admins who dont care about anyone and will do whatever the fuck they want regardless of the facts
Nice meme