Admin Application
First Name
Your real name.
CSGO Username
Please enter your CSGO Username.
Steam ID
Please enter your correct steamid.
Steam Account Name
Please enter your steam account name.
You must be 17 or older to apply.
16 (Forum post said 16 or above but this says 17)
Duration of time applicant has been surfing on KSF
How long have you been playing on our servers?
Ever since the OG servers went down i switched to this so since last year
Do you actively participate on the KSFClan forums
Participation on our forums will increase your chances of being accepted.
i rarely go on forums but i will increase in the future
Do you actively participate on the KSFClan Discord
Participation on our discord server will increase your chances of being accepted.
no im more of the silent type when i surf (no mic) unless i see in chat someone asking for help about something and when i see everyone telling someone to stop i listen and if hes screaming in the mic and wont stop when asked by other people i mute him and if the server timer goes down i reset the map or swift maps if that dosnt work
Are you currently in another clan
If so please post your current clan.
Reason for applying
Why have you decided to apply for our CSGO admin position.
i have probally seen about 3-4 admins on the servers i surf on. Most of the time i only see VIP which is what i am currently but today after getting home from school i get into the surf server to see a person obviously trolling by yelling/etc people in chat were asking her/him to stop so i waited until i could hear it for myself then muted this person. This is what made me think there needs to be more admins to take care of this.
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