
View Entry Info: Gagged and insulted by "seb"

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4:30 pm
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none to my knowledge (possibly the offender)
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Insulted my name, gagged because my religious views, and was generally just being mean.
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    Gagged and insulted by "seb"

    Seb joined, said Sonic was for fags (obviously referring to my which contains Sonic in it.), and when I confronted him he told me to shut the fuck up. I then stated as the log says, that there's no reason for him to insult me, as I have never seen him before. Then he proceeds to ask my if I believe in jesus, when I answer he gags me due to my religious views, and tells me it's the "wrong answer".

    After that I logged off for a bit and came back on to get the screen caps and confront him (I was not tying to avoid the gag, I left and decided to come back and take screen caps for evidence, then I thought it would be appropriate to ask him why he did it). He continued to use slander and was generally just being mean to me. When asked for evidence I provided it, he said it was fake, and disregarded it.

    I don't want to make this an issue, I just feel it's not right for people to treat me badly because of my name and religious views, it's one thing to just insult me, that doesn't bother me, but gagging me over it? That's ludicrous.

    I have included a screenshot of the gag, although the .dem file cannot be uploaded through this posts attachments, I have uploaded it here:

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