So there's this 12 year old kid. Yes, he's actually 12. He probably purchased his VIP throughout his parent's money. He mutes people for no reason, he silences them, he himself doesn't even respect the KSF rules. He mic spams. if someone talks over him, he'll mute him. It's completely ridiculous. He also spams the laser things that make circles on the walls. He draws mature content. Dicks, just wanted to say it politely. Here, look for yourself: If it's not mature content, its just spams everywhere to a certain extent where you cant even see the ramps correctly:
I onced muted him for mic spamming, all he does to reply to that is type !unmute Andrew and after he unmutes himself, he just decides to mute me. What a joke. He's also one of the most racists person i've ever met. He's 12... I'm Arab and he accuses me as a terrosits and other racial slurs. Like it might not mean to much for someone who isn't Arab but still, i'm pretty sure racism is against the rules of the KSF servers. I can deal with the racist comments, he's 12, he can't really influence me it's just the fact that he is toxic to this community and someone has to do something to fix that. He thinks he fucking owns this server, and I am probably the 100th person complaining about him. Im just the only one who went through the work to type this complaint. If he could get his muting, silencing and laser pointing privileges, it would be just perfect. He could keep his colorful name, just that he stops all the stupid shit hes doing.
Thank you