Well, Hell has effectively frozen over, I can't believe I am actually taking Spar's side on this one as much as he annoys me. But I would have to more or less agree with everyone else. This ban stands no real grounds and everyone else knows it. I personally think this is another one of those "Sacred is secretly Hitler power trips" He has a history of these kinds of just retarded bans now, There was the Barabylka ban where he banned him perm just because he doesn't like him or he's racist against Russians. Not really sure which was the reasoning for that one. There was the Soap ban where he banned him for 3 days for spectating. Yea spectating is totally against the rules, So I can only figure that was another one of those "I just don't fucking like you bans", and I do believe this falls under that same category. Seriously Sacred, Take a look at yourself and look at how you're acting, banning spar just because he's an annoying little fucker. I seriously think you need therapy. because you are obviously taking some IRL problems and taking them out on people on a videogame just for the sake of "You can"