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  1. #71
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    Wtf I hate ksf now

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  3. #72
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    I really wish Xilanem and Jabra would stop sending me death threats

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  5. #73
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    Down with sam

    DEMOTE SAM 202010
    Last edited by Juxtapo; 02-18-2021 at 01:32 PM. Reason: ALL CAPS

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  7. #74
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    There is plenty of evidence agaisnt jabra.
    I don't think anyone has really spoken to jabra in ksf for over half a year, he is the one seeking the attention and the debate.
    If you would like, could we speak in private? You seem surprisingly invested in this, and seems to only have Jabras side of the story.
    My discord is emil#5868.

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  9. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simex View Post
    There is plenty of evidence agaisnt jabra.
    I don't think anyone has really spoken to jabra in ksf for over half a year, he is the one seeking the attention and the debate.
    If you would like, could we speak in private? You seem surprisingly invested in this, and seems to only have Jabras side of the story.
    My discord is emil#5868.
    can u stream please

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  11. #76
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    No can do. I can only stream every second week cause divorced parents = only 1 good pc :/

  12. #77
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    Hearing your stories? He has access to KSF Discord. Don't you think he had heard enough of your stories already? Did you even know why I was banned in the summer? How many were even introduced to my point I wanted to make?

    It all started with I heard about whoknows_ksf settings were changed, consequentially, all former times were outdated on a pretty competitive map. I typed many messages about this issue on the Danish Discord. I requested my old good friend Syfo to look at this. He replied, "fuck you". No one really took it seriously on the Danish Discord, so as last resort I went on KSF Discord and complaint about this, especially KSF lacking procedures to change settings on maps once they have already been released.

    One of the problems was that Simex who had WR interests in the map was the same guy who asked the top10 holders whether it would be fine to change the settings. This entails an obvious conflict of interest, group pressure, and so on. Top10 holders have to be able to approve/disapprove anonymously and the guy responsible for collecting their approvals/disapprovals should be impartial.

    You say you have evidence. I just had a long conversation with Stevo where he had a chance of presenting my hate. It came out as I was the one who presented KSF's hate, lmfao. He didn't present any proper examples. I don't want you to fucking PM my friends and once again try to exclude me and tell a biased version of stories. You can write here. You have never presented me with any evidence. Yes, I sent hate to you - hate initiated by Sam especially. So that's again pointing back to not just a KSF member - but a KSF manager. Even if you have, who the heck are you to put yourself in a position to judge my hate, lmfao.
    I have never done anything as disgusting as abusing my power for the sheer gratification of lust or bullied people or anything like that. I have said many stupid things in frustration probably.


    You haven't provided me any good examples of hate. I have for you now, the way I tackled my admin role back then But this hate was also initially encouraged by other KSF members by admin abusing people. I made many good points back then. I introduced the concept of following a procedure. The concept of legal basis. I introduced the concept of an admin that protects people from admin abuse. I wasn't just being abusive by any means. If some of these concepts were applied back then, we would never have stood in this situation. In fact, the two first concepts are so fundamental that it is impossible to not have admin abuse on KSF (since they are not applied). Instead, you have banned 5 letters and act like you are morally superior. It's a fucking joke.

    So I can't really see how I spread hate. What I did to Simex was hate, yeah. Sam abused his power which he still hasn't provided any argument for. Abusing one's power is hate. And no, I'm not to provide evidence for that, then you don't understand the concept of burden of proof. After that incident, I went insane. So that's again an example of KSF members initiating hate (which hit Simex). This is the conflict where you have totally excluded me from being heard which is utterly disgusting.
    Also, I guess Simex or Oliver spreading my list that was confidential on KSF Discord. Once again spreading hate - you got that one back, sorry bro.
    Sunday falsely reporting newcomers' records - ask Gmmbearz. I experienced it myself when I played under my alt account as "new player". That is hate.
    Sam trashtalks my autism - that is hate. Ask Otter, he has also criticized this which I think was cool. When even your manager participates in hate speech, how do you think that sets the example for the "non-toxic culture of KSF"? It is basic organization theory that managers set the example for an organization's culture. I have been banned at KSF at numerous occasions for defending myself - that's hate. And no, don't say I don't have evidence, don't goddamn reverse the burden of proof - especially when you brought it up. This is in 2019 less than 2 years ago where Masterbeta admin abuses, and then his victim acts in frustration and say something stupid, but it's only the victim's fault apparently, KSF members say nothing to Mastabeta who initiated the fight. You blatantly admin abused (or supported) a victim, apparent for everyone, for less than 2 years ago (just imagine all the shit that happens in the discrete) without the least fucking expression of empathy for the victim - and you guys are trying to convince me you changed? That's another one of your top managers being involved in abuse, Sacred. Again a good guy to set a great example for the non-toxic culture on KSF and who have shown a lot of remorse privately probably; maybe it is also about time to do so publicly?

    All this shit is recently so I still don't understand why you act like you have the moral high ground? You don't fucking. Get out.

    I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him like those fucking morally corrupt disgusting beings you are. Get out of my life now and put your disgusting hate aside for once and all

    I don't want you to ignore this, so I reposted it.
    Last edited by Michael.Viera; 02-18-2021 at 08:00 PM.

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  14. #78
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    I didnt ignore it, but you keep lying about me, and apperently to your friends aswell. I'd rather hear what they have heard from you. Your friend seem to think the best for you would be to contact the police. That actually scares me. If you spread false information to people, so they think its fine to call the fucking police on me, that scares me. Thats why I would like to talk to your friend there.

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  16. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simex View Post
    There is plenty of evidence agaisnt jabra.
    I don't think anyone has really spoken to jabra in ksf for over half a year, he is the one seeking the attention and the debate.
    If you would like, could we speak in private? You seem surprisingly invested in this, and seems to only have Jabras side of the story.
    My discord is emil#5868.
    So you don't expect a person who is used as a scapegoat and on weekly basis getting trashed on your discord, and prolly on the in-game chat / voice cheat as well. Not to defend himself? If you had common knownledge you would also know people with austism is overly sensitive. Making it even more troublesome for someone like him to just ignore it.

    I don't get the point of talking in private, just prooves my point, that you like to speak ill of someone who is unable to defend himself.
    I honestly don't care though, because I don't think he can have done anything which justifies he should be defamed for lifetime. Ye sure ban him, the ksf community is a private entity, which no one is entitled to, except for the owner. I just don't get what you get from continues defaming him. Other than an annoying guy coming back every once in a while to piss you all of on new.

    KSF honestly seems like a gang of bullies which serves whoever owns it. I get it. Like said I own a community aswell, and could use it to defame whoever I would with my high sheep following aswell, and also did that 5-8 years back when I was younger, whenever someone tried to d-dos or whatever. Which I'm not proud of today, because it's just uncivil.
    Last year I did fake cheat propaganda with my team to defame Valorant through twitter when it was released, which lots of media picked up on. Was a fun prank (2 of our team members is working at riot, so we had somewhat of a approval though) but well it prooves the power you have in a commnunity, when you are a bunch of high influencial people in a gang. Using such power to make life worse for a single person you don't like is an absolute waste and immature.

    Well idk if he lied to me. I asked him if he knew something about the surf games getting made, out of interrest. He then told me about his post on KSF, as it seemed like some kind of misunderstanding had happened, where people thought he directly had threathened to kill you. He then told me he didn't but had been really furoius at you and given you a load of crap, but that he never threathened to kill you. I then looked at discord and could see that people had an interpretation that you have told them he directly threathened to kill you.
    Which is a really serious accusation, honestly. To comfort him, I said oh calm down this Emil guy's surf look like bullshit anyway. Jabra than corrected me, and was like what video did you watch? Emil is really good. That pretty much sums up our conversation.

    If Jabra one day were to apply for a job, and the company searched him up, found his linked gaming alias, and figured people went around and said he was threathening to murder people here and there, that would put Jabra in a really bad situation. That's why you use the legal system for such matters, and we have criminal laws against defaming.

    I don't think it's so surprising I'm "invested". I have been lurking around for a lot, and heared Jabra's stories over the years and some of the KSF members stories provided on discord as well. Given that I was a surfer back in 2005-2008. Just good child memories to re-live, watching some of you guys surf vids and etc.
    I just got pretty mad, when I realized people ridiculed him for his genetic disability as an autism. Stuff like that hurts me right at the heart. When he then said people accused him as threathening to kill people, I could stop myself from answering this thread.
    Last edited by Xilanem; 02-18-2021 at 03:17 PM.

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  18. #80
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    Dude, this is exactly why I wanted to speak to you. Cause now you are the one spreading false information.
    Its not my server, I am just a member. I can't control what the other members or admins think, say or do. I can only act for my self in what I think is right.
    I dont like speaking ill of someone who can't defend themself.
    Jabra chose to permanently block me, and never speak to me again.
    I only spoke of Jabra if I was asked about him, or if he joined the discord with an alt account.
    Now, what defaming have I done exactly?
    Who is saying that I have said, that Jabra sent me death threats?
    And why do you instantly believe it without any proof?
    This all happend 7-8 months ago, and I dont remember ever saying he threatened to kill me.
    If you think I have ever said that, pls prove it so I can apoligize or smth.
    Look, if I ever said that, it wasnt what I meant.
    He didn't threaten to kill me. He just told me in detail how to kill my self along with 50+ other hate messages. All because I supported a map change.
    Jabra has lied about what I did and in that way spread false information which has now resulted in threats of contacting the police.
    I never had intentions of WR on surf_whoknows
    It was never my idea to remove the maxvel on the map, it was Orson and Oli's idea, which I supported and brought to ksf.
    I never lied about my part in bringing the idea to ksf, which Jabra said I did. I have also proved this, and can do it again if you would like.
    I really don't care what Jabra thinks of ksf, bcs I know how he is as a person.
    He likes making a big list of people he hate, and share it with his danish friends.
    He likes to trashtalk people directly, and have told people to kill themselves.
    He threatens people with lawsuits online without any proof, and without contacting the person in private first.
    He lies and spreads false information online to make me look bad, and then tells his friends about it.
    He calls it fraud when people don't agree with him.

    I just don't want anything to do with Jabra because of this, and I don't care what problems he has with other people.
    I just want him away from ksf, and thats about it.

    If I am not being mentioned in a bad way anymore in this thread, I will happily leave it so you can get on with your actual point, with the people you have the actual problems with.

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