
Originally Posted by
Simex lied to me about something which he even admitted himself.
So I was extremely mad (not only because of that though) at him so I wrote some lines about how he should kill himself
What did I admit to lying about?
Why are you threatening to take legal action? We are talking about a disc server where people already hate you for much more than just this situation.
Why did you never try and talk to me? After I supported the idea of a map change, I got 50+ messages from you, ending with you telling me you wish the worst for all who hates you, and then telling med how I (and since you wish the worst for the others, prob 20+ people) should kill myself.
You then blocked all communication between us.
Youve even made a fucking LIST of people you hate.
It's way too late for you buddy. No one wants you back on KSF, except your alt accounts. And it will never happen, I hope you know that.
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Originally Posted by
What video of abuse are you referring to? You keep bringing up incidents that people have long forgotten to justify your actions. That kind of behavior hasn't been tolerated on the servers or in the community discord for years now. You speak of the emotional distress you've suffered over false allegations, yet here you are accusing Sam of being racist and hating people with autism. You're a hypocrite and you only ever cause drama because of your over the top reactions and inability to hold a discussion without getting heated. You should move on from ksf. It's clearly not good for your mental health.
Levi getting banned without reason after Caff getting WRB on surf_fast. That was only 2 years ago you abused a 13 y/o child. How much remorse have we seen from you? Don't act like you have moral ground. There are people who leave your servers because of the disgusting toxic culture. I know at least 2 old-school surfers who used to play on KSF, but moved to Heaven because of the culture on KSF. Of the few friends I have on my new steam, I know at least one who refrains from buying VIP because KSF is so morally corrupt. You delete WRCP's without informing people of anything. Why was my WRCP deleted on calamity even?
Okay. No, I'm not using these incidents to justify my actions. I'm using the example of Levi to pinpoint your hypocrisy since I have seen none of you with a public statement of remorse. Can we soon see a public statement from regretting to abuse 13 y/o kids? In contrast, I apologized for my actions actually. I apologized twice. The first time through Paragon, the second time on the Danish Discord.
You are trying to accuse me of what about-ism, but it is you that started that bullshit by neglecting the defamation against me. Not only is it defamation, but it is also even worse because I'm given no chance to reply to it. Can we talk about that? If you are going to take up events that happened a half year ago, I'm also going to take up events in the past from you to pinpoint your hypocrisy.
I don't want to be on KSF. I have not wanted that for pretty much a year. I only came in the summer because I needed saveloc. Why have I returned on KSF Discord once in a while? To dismiss your retarded lies. Blink, how can I go through them when I'm fucking banned?
E.g. Sony saying that most of the sc's in my video are not mine, that's the same as implying 52 sc's are not mine and we even have 36 video clips of them. That's one example.
Also, Therapist was wrong with a lot of what said - but right about a lot of other things and which I highly respect.
Tyler not giving a truthful picture of what happened on Momentum Discord when Tyler was banned.
You talking about when I got furious at Simex and Sam.
You accusing people for being me who are not me. Same happened in this thread. I think even someone was banned because you wrongly though it was me, lmfao (but it take with a grant of salt, I'm not exactly sure, but people called Sony to ban him as far I remember). Disgusting. I don't hide behind identities without a great purpose. My Rixy account was created for interviewing people from KSF. I could never have carried out these interviews if I was Jabra so it served its purpose (I stretched it too far when I tried to give myself support in a discussion
though, that was wrong).
There is more. If you gave me access to KSF Discord, I could go through all the bullshit. But you don't want to. You rather to attack someone who can't defend himself.
How fun is it to attack a man who impossibly can defend himself? Who the fuck trashtalks people, lie about people, and give them no chance to defend themself? How fun is that?
I'm getting heated sometimes? Sure I am. I am now. But I make my points yet and have always been capable of making my points. I even looked through my old posts where my English was worse and found myself putting forward some good arguments. Getting heated is not always appropriate. I did on Momentum Discord, I know it was wrong, I apologized for it sometimes too. They didn't ban me. Why? Because sometimes we had some fruitful discussions. Therefore I have deeply respect for Momentum and their Discord. It's not like KSF that tries to enforce a fake consensus.
Last edited by Michael.Viera; 02-16-2021 at 12:24 PM.
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Simex, you lied about not being involved in the decision. And you admitted you were involved which you were.
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Originally Posted by
Simex, you lied about not being involved in the decision. And you admitted you were involved which you were.
Can we for once see some of these references of things that happend over half a year ago?
And pls respond to the other things I told you.
What even is the point of all this?
You say you don't want anything to do with ksf, yet you still come to the discord, servers or even here.
Look, no one wants anything to do with you on ksf, move on, never come back. It's pretty simple.
I'm sure this thread is being closed pretty soon aswell. Cause you are only getting the attention I think you are here for, which is dumb of us to give you.
Last edited by Simex; 02-16-2021 at 12:35 PM.
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My message to Stevo was a reply to you as well, Blink as well etc. You did on the Danish Discord. I'm not there, so I can't take screenshots.
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Originally Posted by
My message to Stevo was a reply to you as well, Blink as well etc. You did on the Danish Discord. I'm not there, so I can't take screenshots.
Why never talk to me?
You would rather block all communication, and then attack people publicly?
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Originally Posted by
My message to Stevo was a reply to you as well, Blink as well etc. You did on the Danish Discord. I'm not there, so I can't take screenshots.
I found the only message I have about the maxvel on wk1 on the danish discord:
"Det var ikke min ide, jeg skrev kun besked for dem, men jeg synes også selv at mappet kunne være så meget bedre uden maxvel. Halvdelen af top10 er enige i at mappet kunne være bedre uden maxve, og den anden halvdel har vi ikke spurgt, da vi var næsten 100% sikre på at de ville have det på samme måde. Dette kan vi selvfølgelig ikke være sikre på dog."
I still stand by everything I said in that message. it wasnt a lie.
I wasnt the one who brought up the idea, Orson and Oli was. But I told I would bring it up in ksf for them, so I did.
I supported the idea of the change since it would most likely be much more popular.
And no, I didnt have intentions of wr on the map, but I did play it after the change, never getting wr on it.
Don't throw shit around with me lying, when I havent.
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First of all, I am the one who has been attacked publicly. I'm here to defend myself against that. I don't know if I blocked you, so I did? I don't use that Discord account any longer either. But yeah, sure I did not act maturely that day xd And what I told you was by no means proportional to that mini lie. I have said that before, and I can say it again.
Since I don't want my whole mission of this thread criticizing defamation to become lost in detail, I will repost my old post.
Levi getting banned without reason after Caff getting WRB on surf_fast. That was only 2 years ago you abused a 13 y/o child. How much remorse have we seen from you? Don't act like you have moral ground. There are people who leave your servers because of the disgusting toxic culture. I know at least 2 old-school surfers who used to play on KSF, but moved to Heaven because of the culture on KSF. Of the few friends I have on my new steam, I know at least one who refrains from buying VIP because KSF is so morally corrupt. You delete WRCP's without informing people of anything. Why was my WRCP deleted on calamity even?
Okay. No, I'm not using these incidents to justify my actions. I'm using the example of Levi to pinpoint your hypocrisy since I have seen none of you with a public statement of remorse. Can we soon see a public statement from regretting to abuse 13 y/o kids? In contrast, I apologized for my actions actually. I apologized twice. The first time through Paragon, the second time on the Danish Discord.
You are trying to accuse me of what about-ism, but it is you that started that bullshit by neglecting the defamation against me. Not only is it defamation, but it is also even worse because I'm given no chance to reply to it. Can we talk about that? If you are going to take up events that happened a half year ago, I'm also going to take up events in the past from you to pinpoint your hypocrisy.
I don't want to be on KSF. I have not wanted that for pretty much a year. I only came in the summer because I needed saveloc. Why have I returned on KSF Discord once in a while? To dismiss your retarded lies. Blink, how can I go through them when I'm fucking banned?
E.g. Sony saying that most of the sc's in my video are not mine, that's the same as implying 52 sc's are not mine and we even have 36 video clips of them. That's one example.
Also, Therapist was wrong with a lot of what said - but right about a lot of other things and which I highly respect.
Tyler not giving a truthful picture of what happened on Momentum Discord when Tyler was banned.
You talking about when I got furious at Simex and Sam.
You accusing people for being me who are not me. Same happened in this thread. I think even someone was banned because you wrongly though it was me, lmfao (but it take with a grant of salt, I'm not exactly sure, but people called Sony to ban him as far I remember). Disgusting. I don't hide behind identities without a great purpose. My Rixy account was created for interviewing people from KSF. I could never have carried out these interviews if I was Jabra so it served its purpose (I stretched it too far when I tried to give myself support in a discussion though, that was wrong).
There is more. If you gave me access to KSF Discord, I could go through all the bullshit. But you don't want to. You rather to attack someone who can't defend himself.
How fun is it to attack a man who impossibly can defend himself? Who the fuck trashtalks people, lie about people, and give them no chance to defend themself? How fun is that?
I'm getting heated sometimes? Sure I am. I am now. But I make my points yet and have always been capable of making my points. I even looked through my old posts where my English was worse and found myself putting forward some good arguments. Getting heated is not always appropriate. I did on Momentum Discord, I know it was wrong, I apologized for it sometimes too. They didn't ban me. Why? Because sometimes we had some fruitful discussions. Therefore I have deeply respect for Momentum and their Discord. It's not like KSF that tries to enforce a fake consensus.
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Jabra, you are in no position to talk about whats right or wrong before you clear yourself up.
I never lied to you, as you said. Thats spreading false information to make me look bad, which i believe is defamation in itself.
You told people to kill themselves and have sent hundreds of hateful messages to people "out of frustration".
You havent apologized. You said yourself you withdrew that one apology.
You cant justify your own actions, so don't fucking begin to pick on others actions before cleaning up your own.
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There you have it. Do you have any other examples of hypocrisy which somehow correlate with encouraging suicide? KSF has been trying to weed out the toxicity within the community for years. You're one of the only remnants of its former toxicity which occasionally returns to stir up drama instead of moving on with your life. This 'defamation' you keep mentioning, can you post some actual proof so we can move on from this?
On the note of hypocrisy from my last post, I meant it in terms of false allegations, which you tactfully left of out of your reply.
Last edited by Stevo_97; 02-16-2021 at 01:20 PM.
03:14 - MIKE: you should have fucking warned me
03:14 - MIKE: now you have to buy me a new desk
03:14 - MIKE: cause the boner i got smashed right through it
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