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Racist, targetted custom chatname; refuses to change
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Thread: Synki

  1. #61
    KSF Member THERAPIST's Avatar
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    Guys I'm pretty late to this thread and apparently it's all resolved now so whatever.

    I'd like to just quickly collate all of Ling_Ling's posts together for everyones enjoyment though. It was rather interesting to see how quickly the pillar of maturity looking out for the community got triggered and crumbled down into.. well... this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ling_Ling View Post
    The man cant even stream without having to worry about showing Synki's dumbass name on it. Trofle as well. But hey, being racist isn't against the rules so who cares right haha lmao nice meme name Synki haha good one!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Ling_Ling View Post
    Sure racism might as well be a meme on the server, and people shouldnt get offended at everything, but it's against twitch TOS, and everytime beetle, trofle, orson, or any other streamer looks at a map top, or shows the WR replay with that retards name in it, they run the risk of getting banned from twitch. Not doing anything about his name is basically saying a big fuck you to the hundreds of people, including myself, that enjoy watching their streams. I don't understand why it is so hard to comprehend this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ling_Ling View Post
    Thx for being 275lb retard finnish neckbeard
    Quote Originally Posted by Ling_Ling View Post
    No shit twitch tos has nothing to do with ksf you ape. So basically they have to ruin the look of their stream just to surf on ksf. Gotcha. And I'm not offended by the word nigger, just trying to be an educated person here but i forgot css surfers all have down syndrome and you gotta have the brain capacity of a 3 year old to communicate with them. good try though haha xd thanks for keeping me entertained at work
    Quote Originally Posted by Ling_Ling View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Ling_Ling View Post
    Haha lmao xd nigger funny word!!!! Epic meme dude LOL haha man that was funny he said nigger in his name oh man that's golden xDdd
    Quote Originally Posted by Ling_Ling View Post
    You ok bro? You got a little bit of drool dribbling off your lip.. Here let me re-write what he wrote it a more easy to understand way... 90% of the server isn't using retard names.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ling_Ling View Post
    This robe wearer thinks I'm serious LUL
    Last edited by THERAPIST; 06-12-2017 at 05:07 PM.

  2. Thanks Sundayy, Sacred thanked for this post
  3. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by THERAPIST View Post
    Guys I'm pretty late to this thread and apparently it's all resolved now so whatever.

    I'd like to just quickly collate all of Ling_Ling's posts together for everyones enjoyment though. It was rather interesting to see how quickly the pillar of maturity looking out for the community got triggered and crumbled down into.. well... this.
    Although you dont know me, I would like to introduce myself. Hello! I am ling ling, I dont get triggered by people on forums for a dying game. I actually was enjoying myself making arguments on this thread for my enjoyment whilst at work, now that work is long over for the day, I would just like to inform you that I most likely will not be using said forums unless another thread like this where I can make arguments presents itself. I applaud you for thinking I was trying to look out for the community. It seems my intended purpose of all those comments did their job. You can actually tell by the time of day each comment was posted, that the work day was slowly ending and I was slowly losing interest in leading people on. I was hoping the "xD's" being used kind of tipped people off, but I forgot CSS KSF surfers are not that intelligent. That is all
    Last edited by Ling_Ling; 06-12-2017 at 05:40 PM.

  4. Dislikes Sundayy disliked this post
  5. #63
    KSF Member Blink's Avatar
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    he was merely pretending to be retarded XD

    average beetle viewer

  6. #64
    New User relitto's Avatar
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  7. Dislikes Sundayy disliked this post
  8. #65
    New User Puppy's Avatar
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    it's not the worst but holy SHIT this is a retarded post, candidate for most retarded forum posts in the surf community. back when ricky/me/mel were making posts, the consensus was that no more half of the community would meme on us. beetle smashed that and showed that even more is possible. this is a NUTTY post and i'll eat my hat if anyone even makes a more retarded post than this

  9. Dislikes Sundayy, RedVenom disliked this post
  10. #66
    KSF Member Sam's Avatar
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    Good thing this forum doesn't notify me if someone mentions my name

  11. Thanks RedVenom thanked for this post
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  12. #67
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    haha i said the brown people word haha look how edgy i am

    Legit tho, since literally all synki does is antagonize people, why is he even still around?

  13. Likes synki, kEX, daniel3k, TooM3R, RedVenom, tretch liked this post
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  14. #68
    Recruit scotty's Avatar
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    i think the core issue is that this has how the cs:s community has been since the game came out. why should it change now? this isn't about racism, it's about the temporary choice of a name. just hide it and move along.

  15. Likes Sundayy, synki liked this post
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