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Racist, targetted custom chatname; refuses to change
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Thread: Synki

  1. #1
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    Synki has had an extremely offensive, racist chatname for about 10 days now (with a little break in the middle) -- first N*****179, and now sandN*****179. Besides being targeted at me specifically, it is exceptionally childish behavior from a former KSF member, exclusionary/deterrent to newcomers to KSF, outright racist, and makes the surf community look very bad. It has made it harder for me personally to stream, as I have to hide my HUD and be careful navigating the menus of the server to avoid his name.

    I asked him politely to change his name twice -- once with the original name, and once with the new name -- putting aside our beef and asking him to just have some respect. Both times he responded less than appropriately.

    Sacred declined to comment, but mentioned before that "he'll be gone soon anyway" -- for his mandatory service in the Finnish whatever. Not only is this not an argument, as it's still letting Synki get away with his storied privilege at the expense of surf/KSF's reputation and growth, but it's a poor response to a high-profile user parading his racism around publically.

    I shouldn't have to explain why the most immediately recognizable name in surf right now toting a chatname like his is... bad. But it's long past the time where members of the community, especially prominent figureheads of the KSF name, be held to some simple behavioral standards like the rest of the community.

  2. #2
    KSF Member Blink's Avatar
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    Racism is not and has never been against the server rules. Having the word 'nigger' in your name might be in poor taste but it is permitted.
    Last edited by Blink; 06-11-2017 at 06:53 PM.

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  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blink View Post
    Racism is not and has never been against the server rules. Having the word 'nigger' in your name might be in poor taste but it is permitted.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm almost positive that I saw someone banned for racism once in !bans.

    Also, fuck synKKKi.

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  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blink View Post
    Racism is not and has never been against the server rules. Having the word 'nigger' in your name might be in poor taste but it is permitted.
    You're allowing unabashed racism on your server by your most notable player just because your extremely outdated, vague rules don't explicitly state "don't be racist". What kind of community are you trying to foster here? If you're going to go on the rule list, why are more people banned daily for memes than for actual reasons?

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  8. #5
    KSF Member Blink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetle179 View Post
    You're allowing unabashed racism on your server by your most notable player just because your extremely outdated, vague rules don't explicitly state "don't be racist". What kind of community are you trying to foster here? If you're going to go on the rule list, why are more people banned daily for memes than for actual reasons?
    The kind of community I try to foster is the one you've been surfing in for several years, one would think you know the rules by now. I can't really comment on people getting banned for memes since I'm not the one doing the banning, you can open up a complaint thread if you feel a ban was unjustified.

  9. #6
    Regular Poster The Joker's Avatar
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    sacred too busy banning me

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  11. #7
    Regular Poster The Joker's Avatar
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    opening a thread for every unjustified ban would make the forum crash

  12. Dislikes Sundayy disliked this post
  13. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blink View Post
    The kind of community I try to foster is the one you've been surfing in for several years, one would think you know the rules by now. I can't really comment on people getting banned for memes since I'm not the one doing the banning, you can open up a complaint thread if you feel a ban was unjustified.
    I've been on ksf long enough to know that the real rules list is whatever the admins are feeling at the time. Sacred bans people who exploit maps for records; the rest of the bans are questionable at best, but more often just blatantly not listed on KSF rules. In my eyes, I feel harassed by synki, who's associating his racism with my name and reputation. The fact that that's allowed, much less defended, by the administration is just astonishing. Take some fucking initiative and clean up your server.

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  15. #9
    Moderator Sacred's Avatar
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    Basically, what Blink said is true. I don't support any racism, but I don't ban for it either. Overall, there's no direct restriction of what you're allowed to say or name to have. I agree that synkis name is retarded, and the "he's gone soon anyway" wasn't really directed at me doing nothing about it, but a general statement.

    If you compare this to some other stuff people regularily post as binds (e.g. "Don't mind me, just taking my SacReds for a walk *insert swastikas here*") or what other people have as names, which YOU simply don't care about because they are not rank 1 and don't attack you personally, this is not worse or worthier to mention. I'll talk to evolv and untouch, maybe it's time for some more strict rules about this. I mean we live in 2017, and if there's nothing to be offended by, what are we gonna do with our lives?

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  17. #10
    KSF Member Blink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetle179 View Post
    I've been on ksf long enough to know that the real rules list is whatever the admins are feeling at the time. Sacred bans people who exploit maps for records; the rest of the bans are questionable at best, but more often just blatantly not listed on KSF rules. In my eyes, I feel harassed by synki, who's associating his racism with my name and reputation. The fact that that's allowed, much less defended, by the administration is just astonishing. Take some fucking initiative and clean up your server.
    If you think I'm going to start censoring the people on the server just because you feel harassed, you are out of your fucking mind. There are systems on the server to make sure you don't hear as much as a peep from synki, if those are not enough I suggest you disconnect from the server or simply step away from the computer. I don't defend racism, I defend players who abide by the rules. I personally feel that we've managed just fine all these years without banning racism since I'm not some SJW cuck, but if there's a rule change I'll be happy to throw in a 60 minute ban for each and every 'nigger' and 'jew' on sight.

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