Hey everyone, Daniel here.
I used to be in KSF but stopped surfing for a long time. I recently got CS:GO and have been playing quite a bit again. Hope to see you guys around.
Type: Posts; User: Daniel
Hey everyone, Daniel here.
I used to be in KSF but stopped surfing for a long time. I recently got CS:GO and have been playing quite a bit again. Hope to see you guys around.
Expert server exists for a reason, and although paying might end up getting you in, your friend should have to play with you in the normal one, not the other way around.
I missed you faggots.
I am gay.
Except t!ck, we love him.[/quote]
Tick isn't a faggot, hes a pedo.
i vote yes. British faggots gtfo.
My nigga quinn made that shit. I support.
fuck sake I thought Tilt was leaving.. got so excited I pee'd a little
Yes, obviously.
Based solely on the fact that you spammed me on steam to come vote for you(and I assume every other clan member as well), no. If you have to ask for votes, this clan isnt for you. Sorry.
420 is a fucking nigger. Take his shit away.
I know evolv already accepted, but I agree with Unt. Maybe none of you remember the whole him fucking us over on surf_ksf thing, but I do.
Side Note: Only non-faggot in this vent is evolv.
Don't be so fag.
Theoretical physicists today still use a core technology that was developed in the 18th century out of the calculus pioneered by Isaac Newton and Gottfried von Leibniz.
Isaac Newton derived his...
The only people that can ban for longer than an hour are evolv, untouchable, mustard, and me. So unless its one of us, at most it was an hour ban.
unbanned. it was only for an hour anyway.
Yet another member we won't hear a word out of. Yay.
I'd like to do
globalchaos(lawl easy)
Though that being said, I think it might be smart to limit everyone 2-4 bonuses or something so we can include...
Haha yeaaaaah 4 and bonus. I dont know why i didnt just redo it. Oh well.
Big shout out to Pandemic for making these for me. Here you go, Torque and Funhouse
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