If a player keeps activating the surf_mesa secret music and everyone on the server agree's that they want them to stop, they dont, is it kick/temp-bannable?
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If a player keeps activating the surf_mesa secret music and everyone on the server agree's that they want them to stop, they dont, is it kick/temp-bannable?
Ok it was melco (banned by sacred for admin abuse a week ago) and he didnt stop so i gave him a 30 minute ban, if my actions weren't acceptable, I am extremely sorry.
Hi, I really don't like that fact that i just got removed from Surf_Mess, because i put the music on,
It is a bonus on the map if you don't want it on, Remove it from the map
I also don't like 16 year old abusing there admin powers ..
I also don't like the fact that i got banned for "admin abuse" without and sort of proof
Yet i see 12 year old screaming into mic's on a daily bases with ViP and nothing happens
Also his not sorry, His a salt 16 year old, Who has been kicking people from the Tier 1-3 for using voice changers without warning or with a proper reason,
Stratex if you would like me to keep going, I can go alot worse
So stop being a little bitch get off your high-horse and get the fuck over yourself
Sorry for my foul language, Im just sick of this kid thinking his better then everyone and abusing his power
Left, when all the higher ranked players are asking you to stop using the map secret music because you are distracting/lagging them and you act like you don't care because you're being self-centered like that, you deserve a little time out I feel. I can only request for you to be more considerate toward the members who are surfing because yes, some of the more casual players, including yourself, enjoy the music, a lot of other people do not, which people were clearly telling your. Also most of those 'kids' do get disciplinary action taken against them, no one is singling your out. Maybe yes, a 30 minute ban was too long, but please next time stop thinking about just yourself.
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Here is the proof of the banned, For "Annoying everyone on the server"
I'm pretty sure a map bonus is not a reasoning for a ban, and i sure as hell want something done about this
You taunted me saying, "What are you going to do? Kick me and get your admin stripped". This isn't acceptable behavior by your as you clearly knew that you were doing something annoying to everyone, but I 'couldn't' do anything about it. I'm not sure why you like to always make a fuss about things, because yes at times you can be a great person in the server, but times like these and when you were banned, you sure as hell were trying to aggravate many. If you want to listen to music, listen to it locally because no one wants to listen to you abusing a 'bonus'. Especially when you can't turn it off.
How about you stop acting like a twit, and if these "high ranking player" don't like it,
How about they go join the other server, Simple as that buddy now stop trying to act like you're a adult on the forums and how about you act like you do on the server buddy
Like i said before You're not sorry, You've been trying to do this ever since the first time you got me banned,
Grow the fuck up, remove the poll from your asshole and stop abusing admin powers, because everytime i go on mesa, I will put the music on whether you like it or not
I think this comment clearly shows how immature you can get. I do not abuse my admin, this was a case of you pushing me to take some action of my own discretion. If you don't respect the players then you will get handled by someone higher up. Also saying that high ranked players should go to another server is extremely rude. They are there to surf. It is a SURF SERVER. Not a 'sit in the bonus and spam the music so I can annoy everyone' server.