2 years ago. Glad you're one of the few people who can't realise that people can change, either way, it's irrelevant considering i'm obviously not the only person who wants synki out of ksf, right? Some serious lack of sense in what you just wrote.
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Termination over just this is pretty retarded. Obviously if it continues then we can see. It should be pointed out that shena has gone absolutely nuts on the bans since joining the clan, just looking in !bans I wouldn't be surprised if he's banned more people in the past 2 weeks than I have in the past 5 years or w.e. I've been in KSF.
I have no idea if those bans are legit (I imagine they mostly are) but at the least it is pretty clear that of all the admins shena has the by far lightest trigger finger which I think kind of lessens the impact of this report. Just speaking honestly if it was someone like shifty, Blink, stevo, or most of the other admins who this happened to then it would be much clearer that synki was in the wrong because when they rarely do ban someone it is readily apparent that the person did something exceptional to justify it.
At any rate I think this has escalated way too far.
i agree with therapist.
I have never seen any thread about synki abusing admin or whatsoever, maybe you shouldve done this instead of making a termination thread right away. I actually wasn't planning to vote on this but after reading what therapist said, I think he has a point, so a -1 from me.
Concerning the amount of bans, since everyone thinks shena keeps banning anyone:
Number of UNIQUE bans synki: 21
Number of UNIQUE bans shena: 29
Just wanted to drop this here. (unique = multiple bans on same person don't add up)
this shouldn't have been a competition over who was the worse admin, visions vs synki. this should've been an investigation into synki's job as an admin. 1.5 months later he's still proving he's not fit for it. still doesn't understand he shouldn't be banning people just because he doesn't like them or thinks they're annoying, still being incredibly childish and not contributing anything to ksf besides making it look bad by being incredibly childish and maintaining a ridiculously childish attitude about all server matters.