I'll make a stage if you guys are still working on this... if you don't mind.
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I'll make a stage if you guys are still working on this... if you don't mind.
Payne, could you post some of your previous works like a screenshot please. Your help would be appreciated tho.
I wanna make a stage too :)
No-ones posted in here yet, so I'll help out and organise this but I am promising NOTHING, I have not talked to any-one about this.
Previous Maps -
Specialties -
Screenshots of current capability -
I'm pretty sure they are going to be picked by name, as they can instantly tell if they are talented.
There are some nice names also working on this project, so I'm guessing we are not picking randomers unless they show some skill.
This map is DEAD.
finished my stage
Lemme see
who wants to play my stage
I can't wait to get this map started :)