Got the math for the ranks basically finalized.
There will be a point system and points will be awarded as follows:
You will get points for completing checkpoints and the map itself. The amount of points you get all together will be based on the difficulty of the map. For a linear map you will get 50 points for completing a map with the hardest difficulty (level 5). For a staged map with the same difficulty, those points will be distributed throughout the checkpoints and the actual completion of the map. However the total amount for a staged map of that difficulty will be slightly less because it is easier to accumulate points (you don't have to beat the whole map at once to get points, you get points per checkpoint as you go along). Note: The amount of points for a staged map of the same difficulty will be greater than points for a linear map past stage 9 due to the parabolic formula. This will not be a problem because most maps don't 9 stages anyway.
You will also get points for holding a record. It is based on the your rank (1 to 10), the difficulty of the map and the total amount of ranked players for that map. (The amount of points received for a record will be around the number of total points you can get from the map.)
I'm not going to post the formulas for the calculations but I think the way points are awarded is fair. Basically the most rewarding records will be on the hardest maps, with many ranked players and obviously rank 1 will give give the most points.
Easy maps (level 1) with many ranked players will not give as many points as lets say level 5 with the same amount of ranked players simply because the surf timer encourages SKILL as well as speed. if you are speedy on easy maps, you also have to be speedy on hard maps to be the top ranked surfer.
Bonuses will also award points based on difficulty, but you will not get extra points for being top10 in a bonus.
So hopefully this point system will work out well. I guess we'll just have to see once everything is up and running.