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I thought this was well known? I dont even know why he got admin considering no one upvoted his admin application. A while back all he did was mic spam on servers.
I'm starting to doubt that he is admin, rather VIP and it got interpreted as being admin.
I will discuss the issue of whether or not he should have his admin revoked with Sacred and some CSGO admins.
seems as though fluffys has not taken kindly to the news of attention being brought to this.
him and his buddies happened to be online this evening when this happened.
pretty sure mama is a rand that bandwagoned.
the vote didnt go through so i am not banned. lol
LOL, yeah look fellas, all i said was hey giggles wanna buy a knife and then other people in the server started abusing giggles/camilk, not me. I've never abused admin I hardly ever use the god damn thing, I'm sure there is some LOGS for this. I mean you clearly see from the screenshots he's posted, it's literally just a little text flame, 0 admin abuse. He's also got people from other servers who don't even play here (Ando, officialjohn) to post on this thread. but u know you've gone rly low when u gotta beg ppl to post on a report for god damn flame rofl
thats almost true, apart from most of it.
i didnt ask anyone to post, i simply informed 1 or 2 people in the server i was in that i was posting. as i asked camilk how to go about it.
they posted of their own accord.
he might be omitting some information as well, like that he paid people to come into the server and voteban me ---> http://images.akamai.steamuserconten...16F66DCB8D692/
revoke admin and ban him
Well 1. I do play on KSF.
And 2. You're a known admin abuser.
If there were simple rules admins had to follow you'd fail at doing so, you're not the type of person who should take responsibilities if you cannot act like a god damn admin.
You also said giggles got me (and officialjohn) to post on this thread, which he did not. I've been singed up on these forums for a couple days / weeks and I tend to lurk forums a lot, I saw the post and commented because a known, populated server like KSF shouldn't have to deal with your rubbish.
If I didn't play the server then I'd be the starting rank, which I am not. Maybe if you spent less time watching your anime bullshit you'd notice.