Yeah, you're just super ignorant. I'm done talking to a brick wall.
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Yeah, you're just super ignorant. I'm done talking to a brick wall.
hiii, mega +1
Yeah, you are hopepless, Skandy. Haha, can't believe you arent terminated from KSF yet, Synki. It really shows how low the standards are here.
Ive never seen Skandy abusing what the fuck are you talking about jabra
And gmmbear ban was justified unless ur blind and cant read skandy's post
can we reach 150 post?
Are you illiterate or can you just not speak english? You seem to ignore 90% of what is posted in this thread. You keep copy pasting that same shit in broken english that doesn't fucking make any sense because gmmbearz obviously did not stop fucking around with skandy when he was explicitly told to stop. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THIS?!!? DO I NEED TO GOOGLE TRANSLATE THIS INTO DANISH YOU FUCKTARD
You're not even arguing anything, you literally have nothing to defend yourself and you keep repeating yourself. You're a broken record of retardness
I encourage everyone else in this thread to start translating their replies to Autistics posts so he can also understand what's going on.
Members just vote and finish this
Spar retard
Now let me try to breake it down to pieces, kids.
Skandy told him to never comment him again, and afterwards he didn't, he commented his statement. Fucking get it, retards.