Hi, i guess?
Story of my life
>Joins 102 tick csgo ck surf server
>Think its pretty fun
>1.5 years pass
>See surf_trofle and get inspired
>Make surf_bocuma_h_v10
>Everyone hates me
>Cry inside while learning how to tas
>Make 1000 tick tases
>Everyone hates me more
>Cry on the outside
>Quit tas
>Quit Youtube
>Everyone still hates me
>Dont know what to do
>Sees that fucking ShadowSpyGaming posted on the ksf forums and noone told him to kys
>Decide to try and post something here
>Wish me luck
(Ignore this post Yakuzaa i know you are the best surfer)
When map easy enough for a 10 tick tas